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Everything posted by ganich

  1. Hello, I need help, it is related to mysql and php both. Ok i need to create a database in which somebody could enter his/her details using PHP Form. In the php form there will be more than 5 fields..like Name: Address: Telephone: Your Pay: Your Experience: Ok now i want it to connect to mysql server and all this info should be added in mysql tables when somebody clicks submit button and then i want all the info to be displayed on a page..like somebody enters his/her info using that form, it should be automatically appear in other page...obviously that page will be a PHP and will ues mySQL connect script. Please can anybody generate a code for me. help would be appreciated.
  2. umm i tried but couldn't find a perfect example..can u do a example for me..i have alot of knowledge abt html..but less about css...i'll be greatful if i will get any help
  3. Hello, i am looking for a Php script which could help me in organising my website. Ok the problem ... i use HTML and thats the main problem.. suppose i have created index.html and made full layout in it. I use iframe in a table to view the pages which are naviagated on the index.html..i hope u understand..its just like a index.html has all the links and those links open in that iframe page.. now i create a page name..contactus.html and only put the contact numbers in this page. now the link to this page is on index.html nagivation menu... obviously when somebody will click contactus link the page will open in the frame. (Target_mainframe)... i hope u get it till here.. the problem is that when somebody will open www.website.com/contactus.html only this page will open...we won't be able to see the layout which is in index.html... i cannot avoid frames because whenever i will have to update the layout i will have to update all the pages..and neither i can use css layouts because i don't know how to create a css layout... one many sites i have seen PHP Include type on command..the orignal page contains just small info but when u open like... www.website.com/contactus.php it will open with the layout which is on index.php.. the navigation links are like are like ..contactus.php=include..blah blah..there is something like that..i want to know step by step how can i do this in php.. i want a create seperate pages with proper titles and meta tags but it should open in a table with proper layout page..no matter from where you open it... Please let me know how can we do this in PHP..i hope u understand
  4. Thanks, All Hands Up! do you have any idea on how to use Css Layout!
  5. yes dude! can ya help?
  6. I have a website which is fully made in HTML. I have used frames. You can visit it www.gaming-nm.com, all the pages open in one frame. Try opening some links there. Now whenever somebody directlinks to my pages it only opens the content page but not with layout because the layout is only available in Index.html. Now in PHP i heard that you can remove frames and can us (include wtever.php type of code). i want such system in PHP by which i can create alot of pages with content but whenever somebody will open it ..it will open with the full layout..i hope you get me... my other questionis that can i have such links for my navigation. www.gaming-nm.Com/index.php?home ...
  7. Not much.. the links become like this after the code > index.php?affiliates/index ..if you want to help thts great if you dont want to its ok
  8. Hello,         I need some help from you guys! The problem is that when somebody hotLinks to my site pages it opens like this http://gaming-nm.com/games/playstation_2/index.html http://gaming-nm.com/index.html < the main layout things don't appear with the page, i want to use a PHP script which should attach index.html (.php wtever) with other pages.. like when i open http://gaming-nm.com/games/playstation_2/index.html it should open with full layout but orignally the page should only contain the current info but it should open with index.html page.. Please guide me step by step what should i do..which script should i use!
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