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Posts posted by bryan11

  1. For several scripts run by cron on a linux/mysql system, I'd like to log all stdout and stderr output to a file. I'm currently using this code to manually write to a log file:

    $scriptName = "checkStores"; # For checkStores.php
    $logPath = "/usr/local/company/bin/logs/";
    $logPathAndFile = $logPath . $scriptName . ".log";
    $logStart = "\n\n----" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "----\nLog entry for " . $scriptName . ".php\n";
    if (!$log = fopen($logPathAndFile,"a")) { echo "Cannot open log file [$logFile]\n"; }
    if (!fwrite($log, $logStart)) { echo "Cannot write to log file [$logFile]\n"; }

    This works, but all log entries are manual and stderr output goes to the system log. Is there a way to redirect all stdout and stderr to a log file?

    Here's perl code I've recently used to log everything (stdout and stderr) to a file. An equivalent function in php is what I'm trying to build.

    sub createLog
    my $logFile = shift;
    open ( STDERR, ">>$logFile" );
    open ( STDOUT, ">>$logFile" );
    open LOG, ">>$logFile" || die "$0: Can't open log file!";
    select( LOG );
    $| = 1; # Turn on buffer autoflush for log output
    print "$0: Starting script ...\n";
    select( STDOUT );

    I know that one can redirect I/O from the shell, but I'd prefer to so do this within each php script.
  2. I've been searching records using ranges of dates with this kind of select statement:

    select * from Orders where Orders.BillName="Village Pantry" and Orders.ShipDate >= '2006-07-25';

    Orders.ShipDate is a datetime field. Now I need to select rows from an exact date, but this doesn't yield any results though many rows exist with this date:

    select * from Orders where Orders.BillName="Fred's" and Orders.ShipDate = '2006-07-25';

    I tried several variations on this and the results got weird. For example, using the following query I get dates from 7/24/06 to 7/25/06:

    select * from Orders where Orders.BillName="Fred's" and Orders.ShipDate < '2006-07-26' and Orders.ShipDate > '2006-07-24' and Orders.QuickBooks != '' order by Orders.ShipDate;

    How may I select records only for '2006-07-25' ?
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