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Posts posted by benjonusa

  1. Hello - thanks for writing.  These forums are turning out to be a godsend.  I've searching for a couple of hours now - getting some good stuff.  As soon as I finish my coding I'd be glad to let you rip it apart and tell me what a mess I've made.  Cheers.
  2. Hey there - I have thought about it, I just have trust issues with regard to freelancers.  I can't learn PHP like you guys but my needs are pretty minimal for now so winging it has worked so far.  I've got my website set up, I have all of my forms working excluding the unsecure login form - I even have my ssl certificate.  I feel like I'm almost there - maybe not.  I'll keep trying, I'm not on a deadline - I may get lucky.  Appreciate your time.  I'll go that route if all else fails.  Thanks alot.
  3. Caesar - thanks for your reply.  I would learn how to hand code but I'm an accountant just starting a company and really don't have time to learn - wish I did!  So I'm stuck building the bulk of it in Dreamweaver then cleaning up what I can afterwards.  I've looked at around 20 examples so far and tested them on my server, modified them a bit, tried to tweak them.  They never seem that "great" once put into practice.  Get what you pay for right?  I appreciate you spending the time replying though.

    Redarrow - where's the cheek? and where are you from?  I'm from Hackney, London.  So you're a pro huh? Not sure how you could have taken offence to my question.  I've read through these boards and I was assuming that asking questions was what a forum is for. I wasn't asking for a free script but free advice such as Caesar provided.  I've had a couple of quotes from you "pros" and 2-3K is the average bid.  I've done half of the leg work already in just three days learning as I go.  SO, thanks for the advice on using a "freelancer", over the internet (great idea), so they can get the experience at my companies expense, which is on a strict budget, which is why I'm here - that could only be advice from a "pro" - but I think I'll stick to doing it myself and getting hints from people like caseer. By the way, if you're a pro and scouting work, clean up your language.  How can you write code that depends on cleanliness but not string a sentence together in English.  Watch YOUR bloody cheek, mate!
  4. Hi guys - well I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about this problem.  I've done a thousand searches on this topic and just can't find what I'm looking for.  First of all, I'm not a programmer so I was screwed from the beginning.  I know a bit about Mysql, html etc. What I need is a login script to authenticate users and a client area.  The login box is on the home page.  No problem, did that with the help of dreamweaver linked to a username database.  Haven't got a clue if it's secure so any advice there would be great.  Secondly, based on the username, upon login I want my clients (accounting clients) to be sent to their own area which has their company details and a list of accounting reports that i uploaded to the database.  They can then click on their reports for printing or downloading.  These are pdf files. They should also be able to upload scanned documents to this area also.  Icing on the cake would be if they could manage their username & passwords but that is not important right now. So to summarize:
    1. Secure Username/Password
    2. Secure Client area, displaying info and files related only to customer
    3. Box to securely upload scanned documents.

    Thats it.  Any takers?  I'm sure you guys find this stuff ridiculously simple but I'm done reading PHP & MySQL books and designing pet store shopping carts and too broke to hire a pro.  Appreciate any advice.  Take care.

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