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Posts posted by skypanther

  1. My script is made up of code I wrote, plus the standard PEAR Tar and Zip classes. My code builds a list of files to be backed up. That part is working fine. It filters out . and .. and really, all it does is pass an array of file names and directory names to the Tar/Zip class's add() method.

    The error I'm seeing happens within the call to add(). I'll check, but I have to believe that the folks over at the PEAR project are smart enough to filter out the . and .. entries when reading a directory. Also, this script works just fine everywhere except at this one host.

    My guess is that it's a permission problem, probably a file ownership not file attribute thing. All the docs I can find say that stat() will return an error code if it fails--like, there should be an "errno = ##" part of the error message to tell me why it failed. But, I don't get such an errno in my output.

    Thanks for all your suggestions so far.
  2. Can anyone tell me what the following warning message is telling me?

    [code]Warning: is_file(): Stat failed for
    in /home/username/public_html/scripts/core/Zip.php on line 1216

    The warning is being generated by a script I have that walks a directory tree and adds files to a tar archive. It's happening at the point where the PEAR Tar library is trying to read the files to add them to the tar/gz file. The script works fine on other hosts, leading me to suspect some permission error. But, there's no Stat error code to help me figure things out.

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