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Posts posted by Guardian2006

  1. If I'm not mistaken, you are using constants not strings for the connection data.
    If thats the case, it would be more like;
    define ('DB_HOST','db5.awardspace.com');
    define ('DB_NAME','samuelhale_free');
    define ('DB_USER','samuelhale_free');
    define ('DB_PASSWORD','whatever');

    //You can then declare a function to connect to the DB like this
    function db_connect()
    static $connected;
    if ($connected)
    $connected = true;
    mysql_connect(DB_HOST, USER, DB_PASSWORD) or error_msg ("User or password incorrect");
    mysql_select_db(DB_NAME)  or error_msg ("could not locate database");

    // To run a queryy just use
    //query here[/code]
  2. I really appreciate you taking the time out to respond. I have to apologise for my lateness in replying as I was obsrobed by the issue at hand.
    Thanks a bunch, that is exactly what I needed and I have used it to resolve my problem.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to reply - seems I have made a mistake in my assumption of the field type.
    The field NAME is 'list' whilst the field TYPE is actually 'longtext'.
    I'm not able to change this structure as it belongs to a third party script that is designed to detect hacking attempts in a content management system and would break it.
    The author is using this field to store a list of bannen domains (seperated by carriage returns) - the view for the field in phpmyadmin shows something like this [quote]121hr.com
    and I just cannot figure out how to add additional domains to this list with them all being contained within the one field.
    My own script is designed to detect bad referers and I thought I may as well incorporate the two by adding bad referer domains to this other table as an added way to block the domain from accessing the site.
  4. I have searched the forums but have not found anything specific which relates to my problem.
    I am fairly new to PHP/mySQL but have managed to get pretty far into the development of a script for stopping spam but now I'm stumped.

    Although my script has its own tables, I need to update another table which has a 'list' field already populated with data.
    My attempts so far have removed the existing data instead of appending the new data to the bottom of the list.

    Assuming the table is named 'blocked' and the field is name 'refer' could anyone help me out?
    I'm using a php form to set the post vars but I'm guessing I need to retrieve the data in the list field, put it into an array, append my data to the array and then do the field update but having an idea of what to do and actually doing it has me stumped.
    Oh, the data is a list of domains in the format 'domainname.com'
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