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  1. Hey! THAT WORKS! But one last question! And ill actually be done! Lets say i wanted to Only read maybe 30 LINES of that file and grab that info within 30 LINES. How can i do that ?
  2. Hey Okay That Works.. But my next question is after ttps:\/\/superman.com\/ their is 10 Characters such as ttps:\/\/superman.com\/1234567891 How can i also get those?
  3. The $search = 'https:\/\/superman.com\/'; Is Defining what its searching for. Im confused on how to capture the results..
  4. Hey! Need some help with my string search! I have been working on this script for a while but im STUCK! I have a FILE.txt Inside it has a bunch of random STUFF EXAMPLE: I made a script like this <?php $search = 'https:\/\/superman.com\/'; // Read from file $lines = file('file.txt'); echo"<html><head><title>SEARCH RESULTS FOR: $search</title></head><body>"; foreach($lines as $line) { // Check if the line contains the string we're looking for, and print if it does if(stristr($line,$search)) // case insensitive echo "<font face='Arial'> $line </font><hr>"; } ?> But it actually echos the whole LINE! PLUS i need it to actually grab 10 characters after the search string so i actually need it just to grab https:\/\/superman.com\/Jmd8KKtjIj - In THIS CASE it would of echoed it 3 TIMES since its 3 of them in their. Also any way i can FILTER out the extra slants it puts in ? https:\/\/superman.com\/Jmd8KKtjIj is suppose to be https://superman.com/Jmd8KKtjIj Thanks!
  5. Anyone?
  6. Hey! Need some help with my string search! I have been working on this script for a while but im STUCK! I have a FILE.txt Inside it has a bunch of random STUFF EXAMPLE: I made a script like this. <?php $search = 'https:\/\/superman.com\/'; // Read from file $lines = file('file.txt'); echo"<html><head><title>SEARCH RESULTS FOR: $search</title></head><body>"; foreach($lines as $line) { // Check if the line contains the string we're looking for, and print if it does if(stristr($line,$search)) // case insensitive echo "<font face='Arial'> $line </font><hr>"; } ?> But it actually echos the whole LINE! PLUS i need it to actually grab 10 characters after the search string so i actually need it just to grab https:\/\/superman.com\/Jmd8KKtjIj - In THIS CASE it would of echoed it 3 TIMES since its 3 of them in their. Also any way i can FILTER out the extra slants it puts in ? https:\/\/superman.com\/Jmd8KKtjIj is suppose to be https://superman.com/Jmd8KKtjIj Thanks!
  7. I tried it.. Im having the hardest time doing this What i need the script basicly to do is. Make a folder in ../banner/images/FOLDERPOSTNAME also it has to edit a php file and add $uploadpath='../banner/images/FOLDERPOSTNAME '; Whats the best way
  8. I need help! I cant get this to write the correct way! What i need is based on the value of what is posted to the script it has to write it in the config file and also make a folder! Please help <?php $start = '$uploadpath=\''; $structure = '../banner/images/'.$_POST['FOLDER'].'\';\n'; $myFile = "PHP/confup.php"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $stringData = "<?\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); $stringData = "$start $structure"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); $stringData = "?>\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); // Desired folder structure // To create the nested structure, the $recursive parameter // to mkdir() must be specified. if (!mkdir($structure, 0777, true)) { die('Failed to create folders...'); } // ... ?>
  9. Okay! Everything works good in firefox! this here #meta{ float:right; padding:31px 70px 0 0 } #meta a{ color:#000000; text-decoration:underline; display:block; float:left } #meta a:visited{text-decoration:underline} #meta a:hover{text-decoration:none} #meta span{ padding:0 25px 0 0; float:left } #meta img{ float:left; margin:0 6px 0 0; } Works good! floats the the right in FIREFOX in IE7 it just stays to the left! also in firefox the page is centered! good IE7 stays to the left! html{ width:100%; height:100%; background-image:url(images/top_bg.gif); background-position:top left; background-repeat:repeat-x; } body{ width:995px; height:100%; margin:0 auto; background-image:url(images/top.jpg); background-position:top left; background-repeat:no-repeat; font-family:Arial; font-size:11px; color:#333333; }
  10. How do i make it stay in the center of the page!?!@ #header{ margin:0 auto; left:-12.9%; position:relative; text-align:left; width:696px; background:#00000; margin-bottom:0em; }
  11. Okay the page is structed like this. lets says i have a http://site.com/sdsddsa And it shows the following And it repeated again! I need the ITEMID number from the LISTING and the Price for the item ID number. Can anyone help please!
  12. How do i get this javascript code to work without clicking a button? Im trying to use it so i can echo the error in php ?
  13. I need to echo <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> But! i need it to check the mysql database if the row pagestyle is empty it will echo <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> If not then it will echo <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.<? echo $pagestyle; ?>.css" />
  14. How come my$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] echos the filename.php I have a rewrite rule and i need it to echo http://site.com/file/321 instead of filename.php?id=321 Help! Godaddy wont tell me why its doing that
  15. Heres the full page. require_once 'includes/upload.class.php'; $upload = new uploads(); $details = $upload->getFileInformation($id); $id; preg_match("#/download/([\d]*)-#i", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $id); $id = $id[1]; $details = $upload->getFileInformation($id); $encid = md5(time().mt_rand(101,887)); //echo $offer['id']; //print_r($_GET); <?php echo $details['upload_desc']; ?> I think i know the problem. preg_match("#/download/([\d]*)-#i", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $id); My url looks like this. mysite.com/file/ID/title the other site looked like this othersite.com/download/ID-filename.txt So my question is how do i change preg_match("#/download/([\d]*)-#i", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $id); to match mysite.com/file/ID/filename
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