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Posts posted by TheVillain9

  1. i'm working on a php soap server. i'm not entirely sure if my problem is with the server or just if i need to do something else on the client side.

    basically i created a sample client at:

    the server is suppose to return back an array of an object called City, which has city code,name,country and country_code. on the client when i try to iterate through the array i am doing...

    [code]$client = new SoapClient("");
    $cities = $client->getCitiesByCountry("US");
    echo "<BR>".count($cities)." cities found";

    if(is_array($cities)) {
    foreach($cities as $city) {
    echo "\n<BR>".$city->City->city_code."cn:".$city->city_name;

    but that prints nothing!

    my server is:

    [code]ini = ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled","0");

    class City {
    var $city_code;
    var $city_name;
    var $country_code;
    var $country_name;
    function City($citycode,$cityname,$countryname,$countrycode  ) {

    class SoapService {
    function getCitiesByCountry($country_code)
    $cities = array();
    $db = mysql_connect('', '', ''); // left blank on purpose
    mysql_select_db('dev_db', $db);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM tblCity WHERE country_code='".$country_code."'";
    $city = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblCity WHERE country_code='".$country_code."'", $db);
    while($row = mysql_fetch_object($city))
    { $cities[] = new City($row->CityCode,$row->CityName,$row->country,$country_code);
    return $cities;

    $classmap = array('City' => 'City');
    $server = new SoapServer("",array('classmap'=> $classmap));

    the wsdl file is [url=][/url]

    thanks for the help. ???
  2. I'm a noob to PHP coding so please forgive my stupid questions.  I have two classes...

    class Hotel {
    var $name;
    var $tariffs; // array of Tariff
    var $availability;
    var $location;
    class Tariff {
    var $fromDate;
    var $toDate;
    var $price;
    var $currency;

    Is it legit to place the Tariff class within the Hotel class? Secondly would this be the correct way to access a tariff?

    $curhotel = // current hotel
    $attrs['...'] = // just an XML value

    $hotels[$curhotel]->tariffs[$attrs['FROMDATE']] = new Tariff();
    $hotels[$curhotel]->tariffs[$attrs['FROMDATE']]->fromDate = $attrs['FROMDATE'];
    $hotels[$curhotel]->tariffs[$attrs['FROMDATE']]->toDate = $attrs['TODATE'];

    Lastly what is the difference in declaring a variable using "var" and not using it. Thanks so much for the quick help as  I just ordered a book so I do plan on learning it properly  :D
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