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Posts posted by phpfan

  1. Hi All!!


    I have recently develop a website for a friend of me and he asks me to use Forte Fonts. The problem is that in some browsers the fonts appear as they should but in some others they appear like Arial Fonts.  ???


    Any ideas and help will be much appreciated.  ;)


  2. Hi


    I finally manage to solve the problem. As everybody guide me the unlink command actually can delete the picture i was just passing a wrong variable to the command and although that the system seems to work ok the picture was not removed.


    Thanks for the help ;)

  3. Hi php coders!!!


    I am developing a website that requires to upload, update and delete images. I have successfully managed to upload and update the required pictures but i have some problems when i try to delete the images. Actually i am using the unlink command in order to delete the images but the image is not deleted form the server. Because my client needs to upload images frequently, we cannot afford keeping the old images on the server. How i can actually delete the images and remove them from the server?


    Thanks for the help in advance  ;)


  4. I know that the transfer can be done by almost every domain resistant but i would like one that a member of phpFreaks has used for a long time and really believes that they are reliable... Anyway thank you very much for your suggestion tomfmason i will check your recommendation.. ;)

  5. Hi all


    I have a problem and i think the solution can be fount using JavaScript code.. Actually i want to create a website that will be able to resize automatically according to the visitor's screen resolution.. If any of you have try this before or can point me to any kind of tutorials i will appreciate it very much.. Thank You  ;)


  6. I would like first to try to transfer at least one of my register domains which is used from a company which has sponsor one of my projects for developing an e-commerce system based on some research that I have done… That domain name is very important to me and I don’t want to risk loosing it…. I currently don’t know any reliable domain and hosting provider, so if any of you who have experience in this area suggest me a provider i will appreciate it very much....


    I am from Cyprus, a small island in the Mediterranean sea, but we are members of the European union so they may have some regulations about it, but because i am currently leave in UK as i am student i don't know where i can refer to...

  8. Hi all


    I have a huge problem with my hosting provider (www.registerfly.com - NOT RECOMMENDED) as they refuse to answer any of my emails and there phones do not seem to work. I am very disappointment by them and i do not know what to do. They even do not answer my email when i ask them to transfer my domain name in other hosting company... i also have an amount of money in my online account which i cannot use. They totally ignore me... My domain expires in a mount and i had to take some action before is too late as i am afraid that i will lost my domain name (i have read that they are used to "steal" and re-seller domain names or deny access to there owners). Any ideas...

  9. Hi all


    I think it will be very helpful for a lot of users, if you create a new forum where people can discuss any hosting problems, make suggestions or give advice... I have a huge problem with my hosting provider as they refuse to answer any of my emails and there phones do not seem to work. I think lot of users may experience same or any other kind of problems and will be good to have a forum to discuss about it.


    I am very disappointment by them and i do not know what to do. They even do not answer my email when i ask them to transfer my domain name in other hosting company... i also have an amount of money in my online account which i cannot use...  :-\


  10. Because my system generates automatic email confirmations, i need to store the values without any symbols otherwise the symbols are presented to the confirmation email..


    For example if a variable is stored in the database as


    Yoshimura Full Exhaust System  <em> (Colour: Carbon)</em>


    then the email sent to the user will present the ordered item as

    Yoshimura Full Exhaust System  <em> (Colour: Carbon)</em>


    They cannot recognize the em or any other symbols so they present them as characters.....  ???


  11. Hi


    I recently experienced the following problem i would like your opinions or solutions about it....


    I want to output a combined string to my website a string that consists of regular and italic letters. To do that i use the followung code


    $NAME = $NAME.'<i>'.$detailsName.'</i>'


    The string is created correctly and the output look like the this: Yamaha YZF R1


    But when i try to store the variable $NAME in my database the value that is stored look like this: Yamaha<i>YZF R1</i>


    Is there any way that i can store the variable name without the italic symbols... ???


  12. Hi


    When you have a foreign key linking two tables there is no need to store the same value twice because you can retrieve it or use it by using JOIN in the sql query... so there is no need to store the email twice..


    I think you should see how normalization works... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization


    I am not sure if i was very helpful since i am new in php and Mysql so you should hear and some other opinions...  ;)


  13. Hi btherl


    I must do something wrong because the variable that supposes to have the decode value is empty...


     function utf8_replaceEntity($result){
           $value = (int)$result[1];
           $string = '';
           $len = round(pow($value,1/8));
               $part = ($value & (255>>2)) | pow(2,7);
               if ( $i == 1 ) $part |= 255<<(8-$len);
               $string = chr($part) . $string;
               $value >>= 6;
           return $string;
       function utf8_html_entity_decode($string){
           return preg_replace_callback('/&#38;#([0-9]+);/u', 'utf8_replaceEntity',$string);
    $myname = utf8_html_entity_decode($name);


    I pass the variable $name to the function which is a Greek string and then try to store the result of the decoding in the variable $myname but the variable $myname appears to be empty when i try to use it...


    Any ideas.....  ???

  14. Hi


    I have try this and i get a result look like this ÁíôñÝáò. The variable that i try to store was Αντρέας. So the encoding has changed but not to the required... The encoding of my data is UTF-8...


    Thank you btherl ,any further suggestions... 


  15. Hi all,


    I am trying to save Greek strings on my MySql database but although that the values appear correct when i retrieve them from the database when i do a "browse" in my tables the Greek values appear as strings on coded characters such as (&#923;&#945;&#963;&#964;&#953;&#967;&#945;). I have try to change the Collation of the Greek fields to greek_bin and greek_latin_ci but i still have the same problem. Is there any solution??


    I am using MySQL client version: 5.0.33 and PhpMyAdmin version 2.92


    Thank You in Advance  ;)


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