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Posts posted by SingingCrane

  1. Well I found a method that seems to work for me...simple as it is. I just use the 'float: left;' property for the img element inside the div and it worked great! What makes this different for me is that I am using the images as links, so that changed how the browser handled the images.

    If anyone has any other ideas that may work, I'm open to suggestion! ;D
  2. Ok...I think I understand what is going on with this....lemme see if I can 'splain and tell me if I am on the right track or not...

    The code is saying 'match' in the array of what the variable $arr specifies [(in_array(substr(start from the 3rd character at the end of * and give a length of 3 characters), variable] and print only that type.

    Yay? Nay? I'm really fresh with this stuff and still getting my head around a lot of basic principles...
  3. Hey that worked great! Thanks thorpe! I really appreciate it!!

    I will point out however that your code needs one more end parenthesis on the if statement (I got an error doing a copy and paste DOH!). Now I just need to break it down in my head as to how your addition works and I am all set! Thanks again!
  4. I am working on a page where I have a lot of thumbnails. I have specified the image sizes at 50px, 50px to make them square so that I could have them all sit in nice neat little rows. So my question is...

    How do I get the images to all sit right on the edge (left, right, top, bottom) of the images around them? Using CSS that is. ;)

    Thanks for any help!!
  5. I am pretty sure that you can do this with Ajax (I am learning about Ajax myself actually) but I think this type of activity requires a persistent connection which some hosts don't handle all that well...not to mention it takes up a bit more bandwidth in the long-term. There are some pretty good Ajax tutorials around (not to mention books). I'll be a little redundant in suggesting a search on Google for Ajax help. ;)

    Just my 2cents. :)
  6. Hi my name is S.C. and I am a n00b.

    There...now that [i]that[/i] is out of the way, I have a question (or two) about posting directory contents.  ;D

    I have my W.A.M.P. set up for which I am using to test my code before I post live content onto my site (which is Linux-based). So I have my page all set up to read the directory contents of a specified directory and post them on the page...I should add, specifically as images.

    My first question is how do I go about telling the parser to ignore sub-directories?

    My second question is how do I specify ONLY the types of files I want it to display, or is the way I am doing it correct? i.e. can I add more distinctions like ($file != ".txt") etc...?

    I suppose I should go ahead and post the code I have so far so that you can see where I am at...

    $pics = "<div id=\"info\"><p class=\"lbold\">This is a test page for images.</p>\n";
    $folder = "PICS/CraterLake";
    $dir = opendir($folder);
    while($file = readdir($dir)) {
    if (($file != "..") and ($file != ".")) {
    $pics .= "<a href='$folder/Images/$file'><img src='$folder/$file' /></a>\n";
    $pics .= "</div>";
    echo $pics;

    Relatively simple...like I said..I'm a n00b. hehe.
    As you can see I am calling out the files as link images. The problem is that the parser is including the sub-directories in the same path and showing 'blank' links in addition to the images, even though the "." and ".." files are to be ignored.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!! :)
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