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Posts posted by Kylo

  1. ahhh, its all good, I delete that db user and created a new one with new password.

    I got the code to work by tweaking the table to this..

    echo '
    <TD>', $myrow["demo1"], '</TD></TR>
    <TD>', $myrow["demo2"], '</TD></TR>
    <TD>', $myrow["demo3"], '</TD></TR>
    <TD>', $myrow["demo4"], '</TD></TR>
    <TD>', $myrow["demo5"], '</TD></TR>

    and now the it looks perfect on my site, thank you.
  2. alright... I am trying this but getting a parse error...
    $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "******", "********");
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `demos`",$db);
    or die("Query failed: $sql<br />".mysql_error());
      echo "No results returned by query $sql";
    while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))

    also... cant someone just view source and see the login/password?

    mod edit  : security data removed and code tags added
  3. Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/nwn2wor/public_html/Veneratio2/index.php on line 113

    this is what I got back, but if I am going to have to put in my user and password... cant someone steal that?
  4. well, I have created a database and a table within the db called demos.... trying to get this code to work in my .html page now... I tried this...

    $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `demos` WHERE 1`demo1``demo2``demo3``demo4``demo5`",$db);
    echo "<TABLE>";
    while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo "<TR><TD>";
    echo $myrow["demo1"];
    echo "<TR><TD>";
    echo $myrow["demo2"];
    echo "<TR><TD>";
    echo $myrow["demo3"];
    echo "<TR><TD>";
    echo $myrow["demo4"];
    echo "<TR><TD>";
    echo $myrow["demo5"];
    echo "</TABLE>";
  5. What I wana do is make it so if I changed the "Latest Demos" section on the index.html it will automatically change the other .html pages like roster.html, sponsors.html and so forth. This way I dont have to manually edit each page by itself.
  6. I have been doing a lot of google searching and such but still havent be able to come up with anything to help me with what I need, and I finally found this site and decided I will post to see if anybody can help. I am currently trying to code my clan site (best viewed in IE, Firefox hates me), and I am trying to find a way to make information update itself on multiple pages by only changing it on one. I know this can be done, cause I have seen it mentioned, but never seen any code. I dont know php or how to make or code a database. So all the more help, the better I can understand to help someone else if needed.

    Alright, my test site is www.nwn2world.com/Veneratio2

    The information I want to update on all pages is the "Latest Demos", "Latest Matches" and "Veneratio Misc." Boxes. (Again, please view in IE for best results atm) Thank you.
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