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About dymon

  • Birthday 06/06/1986

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  1. Hi all, I need to convert an image or pdf from RGB to CMYK in PHP, it's important for print. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Dymon
  2. The thing is that I can not really control this thing about the functions (this is natural that this can happen) as the user will add this content. I want to overpass this somehow, to include the files independently some how.
  3. This error as I remember appears when mysql server is not started (as it asks about the socket), check if it is really ON. Best regards.
  4. Hi, I want to include in the same php file, more php files (one by one), to cache the result, and the result to write in an other file, what I do: // For more files that I have, I do this $filename = <some file> ob_start(); include $filename; $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Write contents to another static (html) file The problem is that I include more files, but they can have a function that repeats, so I get an error duplicate function. Why ob_end_clean() does not clean the buffer, as it would never exist. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  5. You should use UPDATE statement if you want to change a record: $query = mysql_query ("UPDATE cv SET quiz='{$score}' WHERE id='{$lastId}') or die(mysql_error());
  6. Try this: /[(^0-9)]/ Best regards, Dymon
  7. You can just keep both IDs: edit_subject.php?subj=7&currentpage=2 So you will always know where you are.
  8. Are you sure it is included properly, I mean: {root}/profile.php {root}/diary/cat_show.php Maybe you should go one step back, or something like this.
  9. You should not use WHERE in an INSERT statement. Try: $query = mysql_query ("INSERT into cv(quiz) values('".$score."')") or die(mysql_error());
  10. In the function getFile () you should write: $nickname = $GLOBALS['nickname']; than print it to be sure it came there. and if in the content.php you call a specific function you do like this: <? function cong () { global $nickname; ?> Congratulazioni <? echo($nickname); ?>! <? } ?>
  11. Remove ';' because this means commented. Try like this: com.allow_dcom = true Never worked with them, but this could help.
  12. You can try to write like this: Congratulazioni <? echo($GLOBALS['nickname']); ?>!
  13. You would better print both values from the database and from _POST, so you will be able to make a visual comparison, and of course you can place them here for us to see too.
  14. To the form tag add: enctype="multipart/form-data", to be able to upload files. In PHP use $_FILES to get the files you uploaded.
  15. Maybe you should filter the result for the phone that comes from post, to use a regex to clear the wrong chars from it like space, quotes, etc, to make sure to the comparison it goes clear.
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