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Posts posted by arielmedel

  1. I'm using php includes in a page to update content dynamically, but I just want to update a part of it, it works, but a flash object I also have in the page reloads when the content is updated and the flash object isn't even inside the same php tags, it's in another cell.

    Anyone knows how to have only the content I want updated while the flash object plays without interruption?

    I'm on a deadline so help will be greatly appreciated, tomorrow someone might help you as you help me. Thanks.
  2. I have this page, it's still unfinished but almost done. I have a mp3 player that is working fine, the problem is whenever I click on a navigation button to load content into another layer using includes the mp3 player reloads as well, why is this if the mp3 player is in another cell? I want to player to play on as the user navigates through the site.

    Well, I did it with php. Is there any way I can fix this with AJAX?

    Links to tutorials appreciated thanks!!!!

    Here the URL:  http://www.ruffcreek.com/phpTEST/main.php  (only the first three buttons have links)
  3. I have this page, it's still unfinished but almost done. I have a mp3 that is working fine, the problem is whenever I click on a navigation button to load content into another layer using includes the mp3 player reloads as well, why is this if the mp3 player is in another cell?

    Anyone can let me know how to fix this? Links to tutorials appreciated thanks!!!!

    Here the URL:  http://www.ruffcreek.com/phpTEST/main.php
  4. How handle images in a way like CSS?

    For example with CSS you just specify on top the URL where the CSS file is, and now you only have to assign a class to the divs, tables, etc. without having to write the all the path.

    How can I put some kind of code that specifies the URL where the images are, so I just have to change that if I move the image sto another folder instead of having to change the link of each image?
  5. I have this code:


    <div class="menu"><?php @ include ("menu.php"); ?>
    <div class="body">your content goes here<?php @ include ("page.php"); ?>


    I want the buttons in the menu to load different content in "body" without changing the top part which is "menu"

    I was told I had to specify the target

    <a href="#" target"framename">your image here</a>

    What I don't know now is how to name the div?

    Should I do it like this?:
    <div class="body" name="body"><?php @ include ("page.php"); ?>

    Or how do I name that div so it become sthe target?
  6. ok, this is the div wher ethe content should appear

    <div class="body">your content goes here<?php @ include ("page.php"); ?>

    how can I give it a name? just name=body? like this?:

    <div class="body" name="body">your content goes here<?php @ include ("page.php"); ?>
  7. I saw a simple tutorial to use includes, I made this page http://wetmagazine.org/ruff/template.php

    but I want it that when a button is clicked only the body part, named page.php, changes, instead all the page loads another content page.

    Any help please?
  8. Well, what I want to do is this:

    I have a page for a band, on top there's a mp3 player, below it it's a header and the menu.

    If I leave it as common html, when the user clicks on a menu button, and the page for that link starts to load, the song in the mp3 player will stop playing, I want the user to be able to navigate through the site without the music stoping. So I think if the top part of the pages does not reload, then the music will continue to play no matter where on the site the user goes....
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