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Posts posted by nuglobe

  1. Alright so this is the entry that was stored in the database:


    Here is the function that serializes it. Note - $_SESSION['stateEmails'] is passed through as the request array.

    [code]function submit_request($uID, $requestArray){

    $players = serialize($requestArray);
    $status = 1;

    $query = "INSERT INTO requests (uID, playersID, status) VALUES ('$uID', '$players', '$status')";
    mysql_query ($query) or die ('Could not submit request!.');


    Here is the code that creates the array.

    [code]$_SESSION['stateEmails'][$rowprof['uFName']] = $rowprof['uEmail'];[/code]

    Its in a loop, so there cool be more to it then the one posted at the top.

    And finally here is the function I am trying to use to pull from the database, unserialize and display.

    function get_open_requests($uID)

    $status = 1;

    $query = "SELECT playersID FROM requests WHERE uID = $uID AND status = $status";
    $pull = mysql_query($query);

    $players = unserialize($pull);



    What am I doing wrong?
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