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Posts posted by dgiberson

  1. the way i did this was using an unixtimstamp and then adding to it...


    $today = time();

    // 1209600 = # of seconds in a two week period

    $twoweeks_date = $today + 1209600;


    this will give you the date range you need, there are other ways to do this.... and it all depends on how you want to display your calendar, but at least this way you have your start & ending points


    btw, you will see posts that this method doesn't totally account for daylight savings, blah blah blah... which is true. however most of the time this will be sufficient.

  2. [quote]my table is called krankdcontacts and by saying select * from krankd contacts it should search for all fields with anything in it right??[/quote]

    This statement will return all rows where the name field is like the $name variable provided. It will not search all of the columns in the table for this variable.
  3. try putting in an echo $query; then paste the line into phpMyAdmin or Query Browser, it will give you more information as to what is wrong vs. what php gives you.....

    PS did you misspell field on purpose or by accident? that could be your issue
  4. you might want to convert the two time vars into unix timestamps using mktime() function, then you can subtract the DOB from the current date, then use strftime() function to format the output.

    $unix_dob = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
    $today = time();

    $diff = $today - $unix_dob;
    $age = strftime('%y-%j', $diff);

    would output something like 10 years - 122 days
  5. is the password set in the database? if so did you just type it in i.e. password = phpfreaks, so you see phpfreaks next to the username? search the login page for md5 and see if it is trying to compare the password you type using  a md5 hash..... if that is the case update the table (in phpMyAdmin or Query Browser) with something like:

    UPDATE users SET password = md5(phpfreaks) WHERE username = 'admin'

    now the password will look like a big jumble of numbers and letters.....
  6. <?
    $computer = $_POST['cboPC'];

    $q = "SELECT id, desc FROM table";
    $result = mysql_query($q);

    $select = "<select name=cboPC>";
    for ($i=0;$i<mysql_num_rows($result);$i++) {
      if (mysql_result($result,$i,"id") == $computer) {
      $select .= "<option value=".mysql_result($result,$i,"id")."selected>".mysql_result($result,$i,"desc")."</option>";      } else {
    $select .= "<option value=".mysql_result($result,$i,"id").">".mysql_result($result,$i,"desc")."</option>";
    $select .= "</select>";

    echo $select;
  7. Im not really sure what you are trying to get at with a "data file"..... do you mean separate text files, separate tables in mysql.... this can be handled all in a couple tables in mysql

    sqid - unique primary key
    userid - relates to the student table (their unique identifier in the system)
    quesDesc - text for the questions

    said - unique identifier to allow multiple answers to the same question
    sqid - foreign key relating to the questions table
    quesAnswer - their answer to the question
    datetime - optional to see when they entered the answer.....

    You would have to expand this out to four tables if you wanted predefined questions and answers.....
  8. [code]<?php
    $recNum = $_GET['rec_No'];

    $select = "SELECT * FROM clients where id=$recNum";
    $export = mysql_query($select);
    $fields = mysql_num_fields($export);
    $header = "<table border=1><tr>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
    $header .= "<td>".mysql_field_name($export, $i) . "<\td>";
    $header .= "</tr>";
    while($row = mysql_fetch_row($export)) {
    $line = "<tr>";
    foreach($row as $value) {
    if ((!isset($value)) OR ($value == "")) {
    $value = "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
    } else {
    $value = str_replace('"', '""', $value);
    $value = '<td>"' . $value . '"' . "<\td>";
    $line .= $value;
    $data .= trim($line)."</tr>";

    if ($data == "") {
    $data = "<tr><td colspan=$fields>(0) Records Found!<\td></tr>";
    $data .= "</table>";
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=extraction.xls");
    header("Pragma: no-cache");
    header("Expires: 0");
    print "$header\n$data";
    header("Content-type: application/x-msdownload");
    mysql_close($conn); [/code]

    I think that should work.... if not its pretty close
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