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Posts posted by silverblue

  1. hi all...
    so i install on my server this pack
    but there is one problem i cant resolve...

    each time i add a torrent with mulitple tracker
    i show me nothing
    0 seed and 0 peers

    and i know that the file have many sources but still it show 0
    is there a way to make the script read mulitple tracker list???

    here is the script

    // ALL VARS (i THINK)
    $upfile = $_FILES['torrent']['tmp_name'];
    $torrent = torrent_info_file($upfile);
    $tracker  = strip_tags($torrent['announce']);
    $tracker  = strip_tags(str_replace('announce', 'scrape', $tracker));
    $infohash = strip_tags($torrent['hash']);
    $stats = torrent_scrape_url($tracker, $torrent['hash']);
    $seeds = strip_tags($stats['seeds']);
    $peers = strip_tags($stats['peers']);
    $size = strip_tags($torrent['size']);
    $torrentname = trim(strip_tags($_POST['filename']));
    $subcat = strip_tags($_POST['type']);
    $description = strip_tags(trim($_POST['info']));
    $registration = strip_tags($_POST['reg']);
    $date = date('YmdHis');
    $updated = date('YmdHis');
    $maincat = mysql_query("SELECT catid FROM categories WHERE subid = '$subcat' LIMIT 1");
    $maincat = mysql_fetch_row($maincat);
    $maincat = $maincat[0];


    thank all
  2. hi all...
    so i install on my server this pack
    but there is one problem i cant resolve...

    each time i add a torrent with mulitple tracker
    i show me nothing
    0 seed and 0 peers

    and i know that the file have many sources but still it show 0
    is there a way to make the script read mulitple tracker list???

    here is the script


    // ALL VARS (i THINK)
    $upfile = $_FILES['torrent']['tmp_name'];
    $torrent = torrent_info_file($upfile);
    $tracker  = strip_tags($torrent['announce']);
    $tracker  = strip_tags(str_replace('announce', 'scrape', $tracker));
    $infohash = strip_tags($torrent['hash']);
    $stats = torrent_scrape_url($tracker, $torrent['hash']);
    $seeds = strip_tags($stats['seeds']);
    $peers = strip_tags($stats['peers']);
    $size = strip_tags($torrent['size']);
    $torrentname = trim(strip_tags($_POST['filename']));
    $subcat = strip_tags($_POST['type']);
    $description = strip_tags(trim($_POST['info']));
    $registration = strip_tags($_POST['reg']);
    $date = date('YmdHis');
    $updated = date('YmdHis');
    $maincat = mysql_query("SELECT catid FROM categories WHERE subid = '$subcat' LIMIT 1");
    $maincat = mysql_fetch_row($maincat);
    $maincat = $maincat[0];


    thank all

    [attachment deleted by admin]
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