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  1. Hi to All, How to get Date/Time Conversion from YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS To Hour Am/Pm ? ???
  2. Hi To All Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client Another one Is it possible to UPGRADE php version 4.5.5 to php5 ? Here I stuck now? what should I do now? Pls Help anyone For this. Advance thanks for your help By Sivanath.N
  3. I am using MySQL database.
  4. Hi   I am newbie to SQL queries and aso database field. I need one help, how to assign to one variable as a Unique key? Pls anyone can help to this. Explain me more briefly Advance thanks for your concentration. By Sivanath.N
  5. Hi Fenway   Because I am doing one project. In my project I need to seperately display the particlar date and time., thats why i am asking. Why you asking this?   Is This not a normal (Good) question? send reply By Sivanath.N
  6. Thanks Tarun     now I clear in this concept ya. Thank you so much By Sivanath.N
  7. Pls can anyone help me how to assign Unique key to any field? advance thanks to your's help By Sivanath.N
  8. hI Wildteen     Thanks for your attention to this. It's really useful for me. Millions of thanks to you. By Sivanath.N
  9. Hi    I have enter username in one page in textbox. Then if I click submit the Username should be displayed in another page in another Textbox (input type="text")    Is this possible in HTML? Pls show me the code also. Im using PHP language, so better use PHP language for this. By Sivanath.N
  10. Still I couldn't find the solution pls can anyone help  me to this By Sivanath.N
  11. Thank you Thorpe it's working well now. Pls point me to right direct from now in Javascript, which website is better for learning Javascript. Pls suggest some site's Id for me By Sivanath.N
  12. Hi thorpe I had tried your program but still  it's not workinh? what will do now? pls help me? 
  13. Hi   I am newbie to MySQL. I had done one project in that project I stored IN&Out time into MySQL database field type is timestamp. That field like this 07-06-2006 14.25.29.     Now what I need, that is If is it possible for divide into two part  date and time from timestamp field  ? Is it possible? thanks for your help By Sivanath.N
  14.   I can't create  [b].htaccess[/b] in my login_screen located floder because if I put (Dot) [b][b].[/b][/b]htaccess it shows one messege box  " you must enter file name "!!!    My Apache root is D:/MyPHPWebPages with in this I create another folder named SRT, this folder inlude all my project programming files. Now How could I create that folder and is it enough for add only one line into that (htaccess) file " Indexes Login_screen.php "    ?   Pls tell me briefly still I could't understood your reply? Sorry pls help me for this. By Sivanath.N
  15. Hi     I had done one project. It contains more than 10 files. Now I planned to post all files into Production environment and then all the User's will be start to using that.  Now I need help for, I would like to show onle the Login_screen.php file in Localhost webpage screen(as a Front page for my Project). How to set this in Apache software?  ??? Is this possible? Thanks for your help. By Sivanath.N
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