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Posts posted by SoapLady

  1. I have a MySQL table with various email messages I want to send out.  (Want to do it that way so they can be edited in our Admin area).

    Table: Email 
    FieldName:  Email_content

    [color=red]<p>Dear $firstname,</p>
    <p>We received a request to send you your login information.  It is as follows:</p>
    <p>username: <b>$username</b></p>
    <p>password: <b>$password</b></p>[/color]

    Once I get the data (via SELECT query), I can access it fine, but can't get the variables replaced by the values (which come from $_SESSION array).

    This DOES NOT work; the text with  $username and $password unreplaced shows up in the email.
    [code]<snipped from inside class>

    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result)
    $this->mailText = $row[email_content];

    function __construct($firstname, $username, $password)
    $this->htmlContent = "$this->mailText";

    // $this->htmlContent is then passed to the email sending function
    <end snippet>[/code]

    However, if I do the exact same thing but put the TEXT in the function, the variables are replaced and the email is correct:

    [code]function __construct($firstname, $username, $password)
    $this->htmlContent = "<p>Dear $firstname,</p>
    <p>We received a request to send you your login information.  It is as follows:</p>
    <p>username: <b>$username</b></p>
    <p>password: <b>$password</b></p>";

    I'm sure there is something fairly simple I need to do, I just can't figure out what it is!

    Help would be appreciated.

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