I am an administrator on a site that has a lot of trouble with users breaking the rules. We've tried a lot of different things such as creating an "easy to read" version of the rules, putting the most important rules in large lettering at the top, and mass banning members who break the rules. So far, nothing has worked. I would like to know if there's a way to find out when someone's reached the bottom of the page. The preferred method would be for it to determine how much time they spend on each section and if they only spend a second or two on each section, bump them back up to the top and tell them to read it. The only other ways I can think of are to have them take a quiz at the end, making them indicate they've read a section by checking a box at the bottom or to have each section on a page of it's own and having them wait 10 seconds or so on each page before continuing. We have tried most other methods and, so far, they have had little or no effect.