hi, i dont know what i did wrong in this php script and its messing up my contact form. What happens is that when you enter information on the contact form and click send, the email is sent but all the info on the contact form does not appear. it worked fine until i changed hosting providers to mediatemple. please help!! this is the php script: <html> <base target="_self"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="3;URL=http://www.inds.com.mx/thankyou.html"> </head> <body bgcolor="151515" text="#ffffff"> [code=php:0] <? $MailTo = "
[email protected]"; //email to send the results to $MailSubject = "Contact Form"; //text in the Subject field of the mail $MailHeader = "From: Contact Form"; //text in the From field of the mail $MailSent = "<center><img border=0 src=thanks.jpg width=438 height=161></center>"; //confirm image /* You can edit the for fields below */ if ($nombre == ""){ //name of field 1 } else { $MailBody = "Name | Nombre: $nombre\n"; //This value is inserted inthe mailbody } if ($calle == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Calle | Street: $calle\n"; } if ($number == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Numero | Number: $number\n"; } if ($interior == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Dept. | Apt.: $interior\n"; } if ($colonia == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Colonia | Colony: $colonia\n"; } if ($ciudad == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Ciudad | City: $ciudad\n"; } if ($codigo == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Codigo Postal | Postal Code: $codigo\n"; } if ($estado == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Estado | State: $estado\n"; } if ($pais == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Pais | Country: $pais\n"; } if ($correo == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "E-mail | Correo-E: $correo\n"; } if ($telefono == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Telefono | Telephone: $telefono\n"; } if ($rfc == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "RFC | RFC: $rfc\n"; } if ($area == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Area | Department: $area\n"; } if ($comments == ""){ } else { $MailBody .= "Comentarios | Comments: $comments\n"; } //Routine to send message { mail($MailTo, $MailSubject, $MailBody, $MailHeader); //message send echo("$MailSent"); //Confirmation message. } ?> [/code] <p> <p> <p> <br> <p> </body> </html> and my website is www.inds.com.mx i already re-did the contact form and php script and im still getting the same problem could the hosting provider be the problem? thanks for your time