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  1. hi, i have installed xampp on Ubuntu janunty but php version is 5.2.9. how can i upgrade it to php 5.3 without altering other components?
  2. Thanks, But the problem was stem from an additional whitespace that was fixed after using trim().
  3. thanks, but my arrays contain unicode characters and it doesn't work. What should i do then?
  4. I have two one-dimensional arrays starting from index 0. The first array stores the complete list of students' names and has (for example) 500 elements and the second array consists of a part of the larger array. How can i extract the elements that exist in the first array and not in the second array. Thanks in advance,
  5. if i have understood your problem, you wanna generate the second select dynamically. you should use javascript heavily to implement ajax on client side.
  6. i think using seconds since epoch and using date() may be a good idea.
  7. you can use this regex pattern : /a*?/ $regex="/a*?/"; if(preg_match($regex,$result)){ //do something }
  8. How to install a template on Oscommerces?
  9. it was buyer_details in the query. but i have found the problem: order is a reserved word
  10. Why doesn't this work? Please? [code]<?php                $serializeditems=addslashes($_SESSION['items']); //this field is serialized $buyername=addslashes($_POST['name']); $telephone=addslashes($_POST['telephone']); $paymentmethod=addslashes($_POST['paymentmethod']); $address=addslashes($_POST['address']); $deliverytime=addslashes($_POST['deliverytime']); $email=addslashes($_POST['email']);                 $extrainfo=addslashes($_POST['extrainfo']); $query="INSERT INTO buyer_details". "(order,buyer_name,buyer_phone,payment_method,address,delivery_time,email,comments) VALUES" . "('$serializeditems','$buyername','$telephone','$paymentmethod','$address','$deliverytime','$email','$extrainfo')"; ?>[/code] an SQL syntax error is produced: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order,buyer_name,buyer_phone,payment_method,address,delivery_time,email,comments'
  11. how to move uploaded files directly to a blob field to the database? how can i retrieve the file through $_FILES directly ?
  12. I upload my files correctly( error code is 0 ) but when i want to move uploaded files using move_uploaded_file : $uploaded=move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'],"pics"); the following error occurs: failed to open stream: Permission denied i am using windows so i checked the folder and unsetted read-only but the problem still persists. what should i do?
  13. i want to use that as a part of my application not using header() function. i.g: echo "hello"; echo $row['image']; is this possible?
  14. I have a BLOB field in MySQL, InnoDB which  stores jpeg images. when i want to retrieve data from my code using: echo $row['image'] I can see only the binary codes. what should i do? (Images are inserted properly. when i retrieve them with mysql query browser the images are not corrupted)
  15. There is a method in ReflectionClass called getDocComment in Zend Studio, it said: string getDocComment returns the Doc Comment for this Class. does it mean every thin in /* */ ,// or  # ? Sufficient? ;)
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