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Everything posted by shirvo

  1. shirvo


    now i know this is stupid but is there a way to unencrypt the MD5 encryption
  2. yes it was and i feel so stupid with how simple that was. i didnt really think about it as im working so hard on other parts of the site.
  3. first i will show example, table messages containes user id, message, read. now i want to get all the messages from user id 1 and see how many of them have read as true. How can i do this, i'm using MYSQL so really i need a count thing
  4. DB but if you know both of them then you can give me both
  5. $sql = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $password=  mysql_fetch_array($result) That is how i would normally do it with MYSQL but how do i do it with pear i have this so far but what do i add to fetch $get_pass = $db_object->query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."'"); if (DB::isError($get_pass)) {       die($get_pass->getMessage()); }
  6. i couldn't find anything to do with pm systems??? help please
  7. yeah it did thank you. i know about php and sql i am getting good at forms and sending information via _post so yeah. Thanks
  8. I dont know how to set it up but all .php websites must use it somewhere. And forums use it all the time. I want to have data pulled from a database eg name, email, phone and a link button to send them a message and then to have a user go into there messages and all there messages come up. So how do i do this.
  9. I have this same forum site and i want to make it so i can use my own form to register a user
  10. nope that still doesn't help. $headers = "FROM: activation@ausfamily.com\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: multipart/alternative;\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"; $headers .= "\r\n"; $to = $email; $subject = "Registered"; $body = "<html><body>hi <a href=\"www.ausfamily.com/authentication.php"\>Activation</a></body></html>"; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); This is my code and the page wont even work. Please help. i really need to have this work
  11. Well could you tell me what headers i would have to use because i tried that and it only came up as text
  12. $to = "tom@hotmail.com"; $subject = "Registered"; $body = "hello"; mail($to, $subject, $body) In the "$body" i want to have a link in there so when people get the email they can click it and go to an activation page. What code do i use to add that link??? Please help
  13. well this didnt really help me at all. i want to at a link to the body of the email
  14. $to = $email; $subject = "Registered"; $body = "Hi $fname $lname,\n\n Thank you for registering with AusFamily.com. \n\n <a href="www.ausfamily.com/authentication.php" title="Activate">Activate</a>"; if (mail($to, $subject, $body)) This is the code i want to work. It doesn't work because of the html in it. So what do i replace it with so it will work. i need to get links in the emailso they can activate there login
  15. the better one would be good please. or if you want you can show me both
  16. ok let me say it better. i want to get the shirvo out of the combo box. the way shirvo is in the box is because it was filled with all the usernames from the database. then once i get shirvo out of the combo box i can do the rest.
  17. i want to make a form that lets me (ADMIN) login and pull up someones data from selecting there username from a combo box and then filling the text boxes with there data eg. first name, lastname, email, and userlevel. I want to be able to change the user level and update it in the my sql database
  18. i am so confused what is the ehref
  19. but i want to add hyperlinks to each of the usernames because it is going to be a message service
  20. I want to have a page that will list in tables users that are in a database and when i new username is added a new line is automaticly added with that data in it.
  21. I have a database called family and in that i have a table that is called users, within that table there is ID, username, password,fname,lname,email. Now for example i want to get the data password from the username name shirvo. $name_check = $db_object->query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = 'shirvo'"); echo $name_check; Now i thought this would do it but all it returns is "object" not the password that should be something like this "54f3e4882509eb50e344e3fc41e11924" but it doesn't so what can i do.
  22. shirvo


    Ok well how do i get it and how do i install it.
  23. shirvo


    This is the file that calls it. So i need the DB.php file to work around this <?php require_once 'DB.php'; $db_engine = 'mysql'; $db_user = 'root'; $db_pass = 'temp'; $db_host = 'localhost'; $db_name = 'logindata'; $datasource = $db_engine.'://'.   $db_user.':'.   $db_pass.'@'.   $db_host.'/'.     $db_name; $db_object = DB::connect($datasource, TRUE); if(DB::isError($db_object)) { die($db_object->getMessage()); } $db_object->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); include('check_login.php'); ?>
  24. shirvo


    This didn't really help me with writing the DB.php file. it showed me how to send data to it. bbut not make the DB.php file. PLEASE help someone.
  25. shirvo


    Where do i get a DB.php fiel from. Or what the hell goes into a DB.php file. can someone please help. I have PERL i just need to know how to make a DB.php file.
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