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Everything posted by Twysted

  1. This is JS not PHP
  2. actually with WAMP you don't have all those issues. To OP right click the wamp icon in taskbar and set to run all services then try again. thuis is a common problem with many new users of wamp
  3. Son Of A ...... Long pause.... i fixed it. it wasn't a foreach i needed it was a section....geesh. all i wanted was poited in the right diraction.
  4. after examining it for some time i have noticed that it is splitting the results between all the tables. I am lost as to how this is happening. some help would be appreciated.
  5. I will try your suggestion i have tried naming them but it still doesn't work. that didn't work very well did grab data but here is a screenshot
  6. http://www.smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.variables.tpl#language.variables.assoc.arrays http://www.smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.variables.tpl#language.variables.array.indexes
  7. I have fixed the php and it is showing there should be a row but it's not showing the data. i have not changed the tpl file anymore so what you see above is how it still is but here is the update i made to the php and also an image showing what i see. php <?php if($Auth->isLogged()) { $aid = $Auth->loggedAid(); $limit = 10; $row = array(); $db->query('SELECT * FROM ptc WHERE active = 1'); if($db->returned_rows >= 1) { $username = $Auth->loggedUsername(); $time = time(); $row = $db->fetch_assoc_all(); $smarty->assign('row', $row); $smarty->assign('username', $username); $smarty->assign('time', $time); } else { //set var not to display ptc ads $smarty->assign("row", "No PTC are available"); } } $smarty->display('ptc_view.tpl'); ?>
  8. Ok so i have made the page to load the data and i have my tpl file loading i just can't figure out for the life of me why it is not displaying correctly. what it is displaying php for the page <?php if($Auth->isLogged()) { $aid = $Auth->loggedAid(); $limit = 10; //grab available PTC links from db output in json $db->select('*', 'ptc', 'active = 1'); if($db->returned_rows >= 1) { $username = $Auth->loggedUsername(); $time = time(); //$row = $db->fetch_assoc_all(); $smarty->assign('row', $db->fetch_assoc()); $smarty->assign('username', $username); $smarty->assign('time', $time); } else { //set var not to display ptc ads $smarty->assign("row", "No PTC are available"); } } $smarty->display('ptc_view.tpl'); ?> tpl file <!-- START content-container --> <section id="content-container" class="clearfix"> <div id="main-wrap" class="clearfix"> <div class="page_content"> <table class="table table-hover"> <tr> <th>Ad Link</th> <th>Earnings | Points</th> <th>Times Completed</th> <th>Total Visits</th> <th>Date Added</th> </tr> {foreach key=pid item=ri from=$row} <tr> <td><a href="Pages/ptcview/{$ri[0]}">{$ri[1]}</a><br/>{$ri[3]}</td> <td>{$ri[5]} | {$ri[6]} pts</td> <td>{$ri[8]}</td> <td>{$ri[7]}</td> <td>{$ri[13]}</td> </tr> {foreachelse} <tr> <td colspan="5">Sorry there are no PTC ads available right now</td> </tr> {/foreach} can someone please show me where i have gone wrong? BTW the db table does exist and there is 1 record in it.
  9. compare.php <?php /** * * Class \webdof\Text\diff\Compare * * Compares two texts, finds the diffrences and patches back to * the original version using a minimal ammount of data. * * Version: 4.0.0 * * @Author: Till Wehowski, http://www.webfan.de * @Author: php Community, http://php.net * @License: Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License * * */ namespace webdof\Text\diff; /** * Example: $text_1 = 'Dies ist ein Test uber Hackfleisch.<br />Dies ist ein Text uber Hackfleisch.'; $text_2 = "Dies ist Text uber Kackfleisch.<br />Dies ist Test uber Kackfleisch."; $newversion = $text_2; $comp = new \webdof\Text\diff\Compare(); $diff = $comp->calcdiffer($text_1, $text_2); echo $text_1.'<br />'; echo $text_2.'<br />'; echo '<pre>'.print_r($diff, true).'</pre>'; $back = ''; foreach( $diff as $step => $d) { if($d[0] === '=' || $d[0] === '-')$back.= $d[1]; } echo 'Patching:<br />'; echo $back.'<br />'; echo '<br />'; echo 'Patching Rüwärts nur mit Änderungen und strlen(equals):<br />'; $diff = $comp->minimize( $diff ); $oldversion = $comp->patch( $text_2, $diff ); echo '<pre>'.print_r($diff, true).'</pre>'; echo $oldversion.'<br />'; echo '<br /><br />Test 2<br />'; $text_1 = 'An einem Sommertag fuhr ich mit dem Fahrrad über die Straße nach Hause.'; $text_2 = 'An einem schönen Sommertag ging ich mit dem Auto über die Straße spazieren.'; echo $text_1.'<br />'; echo $text_2.'<br />'; $comp = new \webdof\Text\diff\Compare(); $diff = $comp->calcdiffer($text_1, $text_2); $diff = $comp->minimize( $diff ); $oldversion = $comp->patch( $text_2, $diff ); echo $oldversion.'<br />'; * */ class Compare { const ADD = 0; // = '+'; const DEL = 1; // = '-'; const EQUAL = 2; // = '='; protected $data = array( 'old' => NULL, 'version' => array( 'new' => NULL, 'diff' => NULL, ), ); function __construct($old = NULL, $new = NULL) { if(is_string($old) && is_string($new))return $this->diff($old, $new); } public function data($data = NULL) { if(is_array($data) && (isset($data['old']) || isset($data['version'])))$this->data = $data; return $this->data; } public function diff($old, $new, $returns = 'version'){ $this->data = array( 'old' => $old, 'version' => array( 'new' => $new, 'diff' => $this->minimize( $this->calcdiffer($old, $new) ), ), ); switch($returns){ case 'version' : $result = $this->data['version']; break; case 'minimized' : case 'diff' : $result = $this->data['version']['diff']; break; case 'all' : case 'max' : $this->data['sha1'] = array( 'old' => sha1($old), 'new' => sha1($new), ); $this->data['strlen'] = array( 'old' => strlen($old), 'new' => strlen($new), ); $result = $this->data; break; case 'data' : default : $result = $this->data; break; } return $result; } /* * Alias for patch * */ public function rollback($newversion, $diff) { return $this->patch($newversion, $diff); } public function patch($newversion, $diff) { $back = array_reverse($diff); $str = ''; $r = strrev($newversion); $offset = 0; foreach($back as $step => $d) { if($d[0] === self::DEL)$d[1] = strrev($d[1]); if($d[0] === self::EQUAL)$str.= substr($r, $offset, $d[2] ); if($d[0] === self::DEL)$str.= $d[1]; if($d[0] === self::ADD || $d[0] === self::EQUAL)$offset += $d[2]; } $oldversion = strrev($str); return $oldversion; } /* * * minimize * compress the diff data, we only need the the added and equal strings position and length * and the value of the deleted strings * */ public function minimize($diff) { foreach($diff as $step => $d) { if($diff[$step][0] !== self::DEL)$diff[$step][1] = NULL; } return $diff; } /* * Returns the differences of $a and $b */ public function calcdiffer($a, $b) { $alen = strlen($a); $blen = strlen($b); $aptr = 0; $bptr = 0; $ops = array(); while($aptr < $alen && $bptr < $blen) { $matchlen = $this->matchlen(substr($a, $aptr), substr($b, $bptr)); if($matchlen) { $str = substr($a, $aptr, $matchlen); $ops[] = array(self::EQUAL, $str, strlen($str) ); $aptr += $matchlen; $bptr += $matchlen; continue; } /* Difference found */ $bestlen=0; $bestpos=array(0,0); for($atmp = $aptr; $atmp < $alen; $atmp++) { for($btmp = $bptr; $btmp < $blen; $btmp++) { $matchlen = $this->matchlen(substr($a, $atmp), substr($b, $btmp)); if($matchlen>$bestlen) { $bestlen=$matchlen; $bestpos=array($atmp,$btmp); } if($matchlen >= $blen-$btmp)break; } } if(!$bestlen)break; $adifflen = $bestpos[0] - $aptr; $bdifflen = $bestpos[1] - $bptr; if($adifflen) { $str = substr($a, $aptr, $adifflen); $ops[] = array(self::DEL, $str, strlen($str) ); $aptr += $adifflen; } if($bdifflen) { $str = substr($b, $bptr, $bdifflen); $ops[] = array(self::ADD, $str, strlen($str) ); $bptr += $bdifflen; } $str = substr($a, $aptr, $bestlen); $ops[] = array(self::EQUAL, $str, strlen($str) ); $aptr += $bestlen; $bptr += $bestlen; } if($aptr < $alen) { /* b has too much stuff */ $str = substr($a, $aptr); $ops[] = array(self::DEL, $str, strlen($str) ); } if($bptr < $blen) { /* a has too little stuff */ $str = substr($b, $bptr); $ops[] = array(self::ADD, $str, strlen($str) ); } return $ops; } protected function matchlen(&$a, &$b) { $c=0; $alen = strlen($a); $blen = strlen($b); $d = min($alen, $blen); while($a[$c] == $b[$c] && $c < $d) $c++; return $c; } } //eof example.php <?php $text_1 = 'Dies ist ein Test uber Hackfleisch.<br />Dies ist ein Text uber Hackfleisch.'; $text_2 = "Dies ist Text uber Kackfleisch.<br />Dies ist Test uber Kackfleisch."; $newversion = $text_2; $comp = new \webdof\Text\diff\Compare(); $diff = $comp->calcdiffer($text_1, $text_2); $html.= $text_1.'<br />'; $html.= '<hr noshade>'; $html.= $text_2.'<br />'; $html.= '<pre>'.print_r($diff, true).'</pre>'; $back = ''; foreach( $diff as $step => $d) { if($d[0] === '=' || $d[0] === '-')$back.= $d[1]; } $html.= 'Patching:<br />'; $html.= $back.'<br />'; $html.= '<br />'; $html.= 'Patching Rüwärts nur mit Änderungen und strlen(equals):<br />'; $diff = $comp->minimize( $diff ); $oldversion = $comp->patch( $text_2, $diff ); $html.= '<pre>'.print_r($diff, true).'</pre>'; $html.= $oldversion.'<br />'; $html.= '<br /><br />Test 2<br />'; $text_1 = 'An einem Sommertag fuhr ich mit dem Fahrrad über die Straße nach Hause.'; $text_2 = 'An einem schönen Sommertag ging ich mit dem Auto über die Straße spazieren.'; $html.= $text_1.'<br />'; $html.= $text_2.'<br />'; $comp = new \webdof\Text\diff\Compare(); $diff = $comp->calcdiffer($text_1, $text_2); $diff = $comp->minimize( $diff ); $oldversion = $comp->patch( $text_2, $diff ); $html.= $oldversion .'<br />'; echo $html; ?> include compare.php in example.php and this solution should fix it for you.
  10. try using a num_rows method in your sql and then using an if statement to check if the query was successful. if the if statement you can add the while loop.
  11. after this $count=mysql_num_rows($result); add this $row=mysql_fetch_array($result);
  12. nevermind i fixed it
  13. ok that didn't help
  14. even on php 5?
  15. ok i have tried all i can think of MySQL Version: 5.0.27-standard PHP Version: 4.4.4 PHPMyAdmin Version: phpMyAdmin - my register script: <?php include( "includes/inc-header.php" ); echo "<br>"; if ( !$_GET['stp'] ) { ?> <form action="register.php?stp=2" method="post"> <table width="60%" border="0" align="center"> <tr><td colspan="4" class="bodycell3">Register</td></tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>Username:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"><input name="username" type="text" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" colspan="2" align="right">Your username may be between 5 - 16 Characters.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>Password:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"><input name="password1" type="password" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>Re-type Password:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"><input name="password2" type="password" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" colspan="2" align="right">Your password may be between 5 - 10 Characters.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>Email:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"><input name="email1" type="text" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>Re-type Email:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"><input name="email2" type="text" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" colspan="2" align="right">Email must be correct as you need to validate your account.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>First Name:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"><input name="firstname" type="text" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>Last Name:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"><input name="lastname" type="text" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>Gender:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"> <select name="gender"> <option value="Male">Male</option> <option value="Female">Female</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="right"><b>Race:</b></td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"> <select name="race"> <option value="1"><?=$SETTINGS['prace_1']?></option> <option value="2"><?=$SETTINGS['prace_2']?></option> <option value="3"><?=$SETTINGS['prace_3']?></option> <option value="4"><?=$SETTINGS['prace_4']?></option> <option value="5"><?=$SETTINGS['prace_5']?></option> <option value="6"><?=$SETTINGS['prace_6']?></option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bodycell4" colspan="2"> Races start with:<br> -><?=$SETTINGS['prace_1']?>: +2500 Defense, +2500 Offense, +15000 Gold<br> -><?=$SETTINGS['prace_2']?>: +5 Army, +40000 Gold<br> -><?=$SETTINGS['prace_3']?>: +5000 Offense, +2500 Defense<br> -><?=$SETTINGS['prace_4']?>: +7500 Defense<br> -><?=$SETTINGS['prace_5']?>: +7500 Offense<br> -><?=$SETTINGS['prace_6']?>: +5000 Offense, +25000 Gold<br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="bodycell4"> <center> <input name="register" type="submit" value="Register"> </center> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } elseif ( $_GET['stp'] == 2 ) { $username = htmlentities( stripslashes( $_POST['username'] ) ); $password1 = stripslashes( $_POST['password1'] ); $password2 = stripslashes( $_POST['password2'] ); $email1 = strip_tags( stripslashes( $_POST['email1'] ) ); $email2 = strip_tags( stripslashes( $_POST['email2'] ) ); $firstname = htmlentities( stripslashes( $_POST['firstname'] ) ); $lastname = htmlentities( stripslashes( $_POST['lastname'] ) ); $gender = htmlentities( stripslashes( $_POST['gender'] ) ); $race = htmlentities( stripslashes( $_POST['race'] ) ); $utaken = $db->fetch( $db->query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uLogin=\"$username\"" ) ); $etaken = $db->fetch( $db->query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uEmail=\"$email1\"" ) ); echo "<center>"; if ( strlen( $username ) < 5 ) { echo "$username is too long."; } elseif ( strlen( $username ) > 16 ) { echo "Your username is too long."; } elseif ( $utaken ) { echo "The username you entered is already in use."; } elseif ( $password1 != $password2 ) { echo "The passwords entered do not match."; } elseif ( strlen( $password1 ) < 5 ) { echo "Your password is too short."; } elseif ( strlen( $password1 ) > 10 ) { echo "Your password is too long."; } elseif ( $email1 != $email2 ) { echo "The emails entered do not match."; } elseif ( $etaken ) { echo "The email you entered is already in use."; } else { if ( !$firstname ) { $firstname = "n/a"; } if ( !$lastname ) { $lastname = "n/a"; } if ( $race == 1 ) { $citizens = "3"; $gold = "40000"; $offense = "7500"; $defense = "7500"; } elseif ( $race == 2 ) { $citizens = "8"; $gold = "65000"; $offense = "5000"; $defense = "5000"; } elseif ( $race == 3 ) { $citizens = "3"; $gold = "25000"; $offense = "10000"; $defense = "7500"; } elseif ( $race == 4 ) { $citizens = "3"; $gold = "25000"; $offense = "5000"; $defense = "12500"; } elseif ( $race == 5 ) { $citizens = "3"; $gold = "25000"; $offense = "12500"; $defense = "5000"; } elseif ( $race == 6 ) { $citizens = "3"; $gold = "50000"; $offense = "10000"; $defense = "5000"; } $randcode = rand( 1000, 9999 ) . "-" . rand( 1000, 9999 ) . "-" . rand( 100, 999 ); $querydb = "INSERT INTO `users` "; $querydb .= "( `uEmail` , `uLogin` , `uPassword` , `uFirstName` , `uLastName` , `uGender` , `uCode` , `uRace` , `uGold` , `uCitizens` , `uOffensiveMen` , `uDefensiveMen` , `uMiners` , `uOffense` , `uDefense` ) "; $querydb .= "VALUES ('NULL, '$email1', '$username', '$password1', '$firstname', '$lastname', '$gender', '$randcode', '$race', '$gold', '$citizens', '5', '5', '1', '$offense', '$defense')"; $db->query( $querydb ); $linsrt = mysql_insert_id(); $db->query( "INSERT INTO `users_online` (`uID`,`uIPAddress`,`uCode`) VALUES (\"LOL - $linsrt\",\"" . $REMOTE_ADDR . "\",\"logged_out\")" ); $x = 1; $YourRegLink = $SETTINGS['game_url'] . "validate2.php?email=" . $email1 . "&code=" . $randcode; $TheSender = $SETTINGS['game_email']; $TheRecipient = $email1; $TheSubject = $SETTINGS['gamename'] . ": Validation Code"; $TheText = "<font face='Tahoma' size='1'>Dear " . $username . ",<br>Welcome to " . $SETTINGS['gamename'] . ". <BR> You will need to type in the following confirmation code on the website, before you can play " . $SETTINGS['gamename'] . ".<br> <br> REG-CODE: " . $randcode . "<br> <br> Or you can click the following link:<br> <a href='" . $YourRegLink . "'>" . $YourRegLink . "</a><BR><BR>"; $TheText = $TheText . "Or, you could copy and paste the following url into your browser:<BR>" . $YourRegLink . "</font>"; $TheText = $TheText . "<BR><BR>"; $TheText = $TheText . "Any replies to this email will be automatically deleted."; $TheText2 = "Dear " . $username . ",\r\nWelcome to " . $SETTINGS['gamename'] . ". \r\n You will need to type in the following confirmation code on the website, before you can play " . $SETTINGS['gamename'] . ".\r\n\r\n REG-CODE: " . $randcode . "\r\n \r\n"; $TheText2 = $TheText . "Or, you could copy and paste the following url into your browser:\r\n" . $YourRegLink; $TheText2 = $TheText . "\r\n\r\n"; $TheText2 = $TheText . "Any replies to this email will be automatically deleted."; $headers = "From: $TheSender\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $boundary = uniqid( "hbsignup" ); $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative" . "; boundary = $boundary\r\n\r\n"; $headers .= "$TheText2\r\n\r\n"; $headers .= "--$boundary\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n"; $headers .= chunk_split( base64_encode( $TheText2 ) ); $headers .= "--$boundary\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n"; $headers .= chunk_split( base64_encode( $TheText ) ); if ( mail( $email1, $TheSubject, "", $headers ) ) { ?> Your confirmation code has been sent.<BR> Once you have received your code, <A HREF='validate.php'>click here</A> to activate your account. <?php } else { ?> You have to <h5><A HREF="validate2.php?email=<?php echo $email1; ?>&code=<?php echo $randcode; ?>"><B>ACTIVATE</B></A></h5> your account, before you can play.<BR> Please activate your account, by <A HREF="validate2.php?email=<?php echo $email1; ?>&code=<?php echo $randcode; ?>"><B>CLICKING HERE</B></A>.<BR> From there, you can login. <BR> <?php } } if ( !$x ) { echo "<br><br>"; echo "<a href=\"javascript:history.back();\">BACK</a>"; } echo "</center>"; } include( "includes/inc-footer.php" ); ?> it send email and goes to step 2 but doesn't insert into database
  16. ok i have this set so you convert x ore into x silver but i don't know how to make it where you convert xy ore into x silver. anybobody can help me with this? [code]<?php $isadmin = "*"; include( "../includes/inc-header.php" ); if ( !$_POST['ore1_convert'] && !$_POST['silver_convert'] ) { ?> <form action="silver_bank.php" method="post"> <table width="100%"  border="0">   <tr> <td colspan="2" class="bodycell3">Conversion Labratory</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td colspan="2" class="bodycell4"> <center> Conversions: <?=$user['uConvert']?> / <?=$user['uConvertMax']?> </center> </td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"> <b>Convert Ore to Silver:</b><br><br> <input name="ore1" type="text" value="0" size="5" maxlength="10"> / <?=$user['uOre']?><br><br> <input name="ore1_convert" type="submit" value="Convert"> </td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"> <b>DeConvert Silver to Ore:</b><br><br> <input name="ore2" type="text" value="0" size="5" maxlength="10"> / <?=$user['uSilver']?><br><br> <input name="silver_convert" type="submit" value="DeConvert"> </td>   </tr> </table> </form> <?php } elseif ( $_POST['silver_convert'] ) {     ?> <table width="100%"  border="0">   <tr> <td class="bodycell3">Conversion Labratory</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4" align="center"> <?php     $ores = round( str_replace( "-", "", $_POST['ore1'] ) );     if ( $ores > $user['uOre'] ) {         echo "You don't have enough Ore.";     } elseif ( $ores < 5 ) {         echo "You must enter a proper amount.";     } elseif ( $user['uConvert'] == 0 ) {         echo "You can't deposit any more for today.";     } else {         echo "You sucessfully coverted $ores Ore, Into $ores Silver.";         $db->query( "UPDATE users SET uOre=uOre-$ores,uSilver=uSilver+$ores,uConvert=uConvert-1 WHERE uID='" . $user['uID'] . "'" );     }     ?> <br><br> <a href="javascript:history.back();">BACK</a> </td>   </tr> </table> <?php } elseif ( $_POST['silver_convert'] ) {     ?> <table width="100%"  border="0">   <tr> <td class="bodycell3">Conversion Labratory</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4" align="center"> <?php     $ores = round( str_replace( "-", "", $_POST['ore2'] ) );     if ( $ores > $user['uSilver'] ) {         echo "You don't have enough silver on hand.";     } elseif ( $ores < 10 ) {         echo "You must enter a proper amount.";     } else {         echo "You sucessfully deconverted $ores silver back into Ore.";         $db->query( "UPDATE users SET uOre=uOre+$ores,uSilver=uSilver-$ores WHERE uID='" . $user['uID'] . "'" );     }     ?> <br><br> <a href="javascript:history.back();">BACK</a> </td>   </tr> </table> <?php } include( "../includes/inc-footer.php" ); ?>[/code]
  17. any help or ideas?
  18. i will do it for ya, for $15
  19. try phpautomembersarea
  20. insert news into a database, and make a varible table in database telling it marquee then apply that to the news and bring it all out at one time.
  21. try phpautomembersarea
  22. ok i am not sure what i am doing that is wrong but i can't get my refer links to work. any ideas that would help? i included the files having to do with it. [attachment deleted by admin]
  23. any help at all?
  24. ok what i want to do on this is make it where if attacker is success, loser loses defenive men. can someone show me how i would go about making it that way? [code]<?php $isadmin = "*"; include( "../includes/inc-header.php" ); if ( !$_GET['id'] && !$_POST['turns'] && !$_POST['id'] ) {     $users_total = $db->fetch( $db->query( "SELECT count(*) FROM users" ) );     $pages = ceil( $users_total[0] / 25 );     if ( $_GET['p'] ) {         $currentpage = round( $_GET['p'] );     } else {         $currentpage = round( $_POST['page'] )-1;     }     if ( $currentpage < 1 ) {         $currentpage = 0;     }     if ( $currentpage + 1 > $pages ) {         $currentpage = $pages-1;     }     $lmin = $currentpage * 25;     $lmax = $lmin + 25;     if ( $_POST['find_username'] ) {         $theuser = htmlentities( stripslashes( $_POST['username'] ) );         $whereclause = " WHERE uLogin LIKE \"%$theuser%\"";     }     ?> <form action="attack.php" method="post"> <table width="100%"  border="0">   <tr> <td class="bodycell3" width="50%">Find By Page</td> <td class="bodycell3" width="50%">Find By Username</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"> <br> <input name="page" size="5" maxlength="10" type="number"> / <?=$pages?><br><br> <input name="find_page" value="Submit" type="submit"><br><br> </td> <td class="bodycell4" width="50%" align="center"> <br> <input name="username" size="10" maxlength="30" type="text"><br><br> <input name="find_username" value="Submit" type="submit"><br><br> </td>   </tr> </table> </form> <?php     $x = $currentpage * 25;     if ( $x < 0 ) {         $x = 0;     }     $column1 .= "<b>Rank</b><br>";     $column2 .= "<b>Username</b><br>";     $column3 .= "<b>Gold</b><br>";     $column4 .= "<b>Army Size</b><br>";     $column5 .= "<b>Level</b><br>";     $thequery = "SELECT uID,uLogin,(uOffensiveMen+uDefensiveMen) AS uArmySize,uGold,uLevel FROM users$whereclause ORDER BY uEXP DESC LIMIT $lmin, 25";     $result = $db->query( $thequery );     while ( $themost = $db->fetch( $result ) ) {         $x++;         $column1 .= "<hr>$x<br>";         $column2 .= "<hr><a href=\"profile.php?id=" . $themost['uID'] . "\">" . $themost['uLogin'] . "</a> ";         $isonline = $db->fetch( $db->query( "SELECT uID FROM users_online WHERE uTime>'$mintime15' AND uID='" . $themost['uID'] . "'" ) );         if ( $isonline ) {             $column2 .= " [Online]<br>";         } else {             $column2 .= "<br>";         }         $column3 .= "<hr>" . $themost['uGold'] . "<br>";         $column4 .= "<hr>" . $themost['uArmySize'] . "<br>";         $column5 .= "<hr>" . $themost['uLevel'] . "<br>";     }     ?> <table width="100%"  border="0">   <tr> <td class="bodycell3">Attack</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4"> <table width="90%" border="0" align="center">   <tr> <td align="left"> <?php     if ( $currentpage > 0 ) {         ?> <a href="attack.php?p=<?=$currentpage-1?>">Previous</a> <?php     } else {         echo "Previous";     }     ?> </td> <td align="right"> <?php     if ( $currentpage + 1 < $pages ) {         ?> <a href="attack.php?p=<?=$currentpage + 1?>">Next</a> <?php     } else {         echo "Next";     }     ?> </td>   </tr> </table> </td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4"> <table width="100%" border="0">   <tr> <td width="10%" align="center"> <?=$column1?> </td> <td width="35%"> <?=$column2?> </td> <td width="25%" align="center"> <?=$column3?> </td> <td width="20%" align="center"> <?=$column4?> </td> <td width="10%" align="center"> <?=$column5?> </td>   </tr> </table> </td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4"> <table width="90%" border="0" align="center">   <tr> <td align="left"> <?php     if ( $currentpage > 0 ) {         ?> <a href="attack.php?p=<?=$currentpage-1?>">Previous</a> <?php     } else {         echo "Previous";     }     ?> </td> <td align="right"> <?php     if ( $currentpage + 1 < $pages ) {         ?> <a href="attack.php?p=<?=$currentpage + 1?>">Next</a> <?php     } else {         echo "Next";     }     ?> </td>   </tr> </table> </td>   </tr> </table> <?php } elseif ( $_GET['id'] ) {     $theid = round( $_GET['id'] );     $result = $db->query( "SELECT uID,uLogin FROM users WHERE uID=\"$theid\"" );     $enemy = $db->fetch( $result );     ?> <table width="100%"  border="0">   <tr> <td class="bodycell3">Attack</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4" align="center"> <?php     if ( !$enemy ) {         echo "This player does not exist.";     } elseif ( $enemy['uID'] == $user['uID'] ) {         echo "You can not attack yourself.";     } else {         echo "<form action=\"attack.php\" method=\"post\">";         echo "<br>You have " . $user['uAttackTurns'] . " attack turns available to use against " . $enemy['uLogin'] . ".<br><br>";         echo "<input name=\"id\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $enemy['uID'] . "\">";         echo "<input name=\"turns\" type=\"text\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"$theid\"> / " . $SETTINGS['max_atk_turns'] . "<br><br>";         echo "<input name=\"attack\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Attack\"><br>";         echo "</form>";     }     ?> </td>   </tr> </table> <?php } elseif ( $_POST['turns'] && $_POST['id'] ) {     $turns = round( str_replace( "-", "", $_POST['turns'] ) );     $theid = round( $_POST['id'] );     $result = $db->query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uID=\"$theid\"" );     $enemy = $db->fetch( $result );     ?> <table width="100%"  border="0">   <tr> <td class="bodycell3">Attack</td>   </tr>   <tr> <td class="bodycell4" align="center"> <?php     $timeminus24 = time() - ( 60 * 60 * 24 );     $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM logs WHERE lOther='" . $enemy['uID'] . "' AND lYou='" . $user['uID'] . "' AND lType='2' AND lTime2>'$timeminus24'";     $timesbattled = $db->fetch( $db->query( $query ) );     if ( !$enemy ) {         echo "This player does not exist.";     } elseif ( $enemy['uID'] == $user['uID'] ) {         echo "You can not attack yourself.";     } elseif ( $turns < 1 || $turns > $SETTINGS['max_atk_turns'] ) {         echo "You must enter a valid amount of attack turns to use.";     } elseif ( $turns > $user['uAttackTurns'] ) {         echo "You don't have enough turns.";     } elseif ( $enemy['uLevel'] < $user['uLevel'] - $SETTINGS['lvls_below'] ) {         echo "You can't battle someone more than " . $SETTINGS['lvls_below'] . " levels below you.";     } elseif ( $enemy['uLevel'] > $user['uLevel'] + $SETTINGS['lvls_above'] ) {         echo "You can't battle someone more than " . $SETTINGS['lvls_above'] . " levels above you.";     } elseif ( $timesbattled[0] >= $SETTINGS['attacks_24'] ) {         echo "You can't battle someone more than " . $SETTINGS['attacks_24'] . " times in 24 hours.";     } else {         $weaponz1 = explode( ";", $user['uWeapon1'] . ";" . $user['uWeapon2'] . ";" . $user['uWeapon3'] . ";" . $user['uWeapon4'] . ";" . $user['uWeapon5'] );         $weaponz2 = explode( ";", $SETTINGS['wp_1_dmg'] . ";" . $SETTINGS['wp_2_dmg'] . ";" . $SETTINGS['wp_3_dmg'] . ";" . $SETTINGS['wp_4_dmg'] . ";" . $SETTINGS['wp_5_dmg'] );         $menleft = $user['uOffensiveMen'];         $offense = $user['uOffense'] + ( $menleft * 250 );         $x = 0;         while ( $x < 5 && $menleft != 0 ) {             if ( $weaponz1[$x] >= $menleft ) {                 $offense = $offense + ( $menleft * $weaponz2[$x] );                 $menleft = 0;             } else {                 $offense = $offense + ( $weaponz1[$x] * $weaponz2[$x] );                 $menleft = $menleft - $weaponz1[$x];             }             $x++;         }         $armourz1 = explode( ";", $enemy['uArmour1'] . ";" . $enemy['uArmour2'] . ";" . $enemy['uArmour3'] . ";" . $enemy['uArmour4'] . ";" . $enemy['uArmour5'] );         $armourz2 = explode( ";", $SETTINGS['ar_1_dmg'] . ";" . $SETTINGS['ar_2_dmg'] . ";" . $SETTINGS['ar_3_dmg'] . ";" . $SETTINGS['ar_4_dmg'] . ";" . $SETTINGS['ar_5_dmg'] );         $menleft = $enemy['uDefensiveMen'];         $defense = $enemy['uDefense'] + ( $menleft * 250 );         $x = 0;         while ( $x < 5 && $menleft != 0 ) {             if ( $armourz1[$x] >= $menleft ) {                 $defense = $defense + ( $menleft * $armourz2[$x] );                 $menleft = 0;             } else {                 $defense = $defense + ( $armourz1[$x] * $armourz2[$x] );                 $menleft = $menleft - $armourz1[$x];             }             $x++;         }         if ( $offense == $defense ) {             if ( rand( 1, 2 ) == 1 ) {                 $offense += 50 * rand( 1, 6 );             } else {                 $offense += 50 * rand( 1, 6 );             }         }         echo "<br>Your " . $user['uOffensiveMen'] . " offensive men attack for $offense offense.<br><br>";         echo $enemy['uLogin'] . " defends your attack with $defense defense.<br><br>";         $time = time();         if ( $offense > $defense ) {             $gold_gained_work = $enemy['uGold'] / 20;             $gold_gained = $gold_gained_work * $turns;             $exp_gained_work = rand( 1000, 3500 );             $exp_gained_work2 = $exp_gained_work / 10;             $exp_gained = $exp_gained_work2 * $turns;             echo "You defeated " . $enemy['uLogin'] . ", you have gained $gold_gained gold and also $exp_gained exp.<br>";             $user['uEXP'] = $user['uEXP'] + $exp_gained;             $db->query( "UPDATE users SET uGold=uGold+'$gold_gained',uEXP=uEXP+'$exp_gained',uWon=uWon+'1',uAttackTurns=uAttackTurns-'$turns' WHERE uID='" . $user['uID'] . "'" );             $db->query( "UPDATE users SET uGold=uGold-'$gold_gained',uLost=uLost+'1' WHERE uID='" . $enemy['uID'] . "'" );             $db->query( "INSERT INTO logs (`lType`,`lWinLose`,`lYou`,`lOther`,`lOtherLogin`,`lTurns`,`lGold`,`lEXP`,`lTime`,`lTime2`) VALUES ('2', '1', '" . $user['uID'] . "', '" . $enemy['uID'] . "', '" . $enemy['uLogin'] . "', '$turns', '$gold_gained', '$exp_gained', \"$gamedate\", '$time')" );             $db->query( "INSERT INTO logs (`lType`,`lWinLose`,`lYou`,`lOther`,`lOtherLogin`,`lTurns`,`lGold`,`lEXP`,`lTime`,`lTime2`) VALUES ('1', '2', '" . $enemy['uID'] . "', '" . $user['uID'] . "', '" . $user['uLogin'] . "', '$turns', '-$gold_gained', '0', \"$gamedate\", '$time')" );             if ( $user['uEXP'] > $user['uNextLevel'] ) {                 $at = $user['uNextLevel'] / 2;                 $add = $user['uNextLevel'] + $at;                 echo "<br>You have gained a level.<br>";                 $db->query( "UPDATE users SET uLevel=uLevel+'1',uNextLevel=uNextLevel+'$add' WHERE uID='" . $user['uID'] . "'" );             }         } elseif ( $offense < $defense ) {             $gold_lost_work = $user['uGold'] / 40;             $gold_lost = $gold_lost_work * $turns;             $exp_gained_work = rand( 1000, 3500 );             $exp_gained_work2 = $exp_gained_work / 20;             $exp_gained = $exp_gained_work2 * $turns;             echo $enemy['uLogin'] . " defeated you, you have lost $gold_lost gold.<br>";             $enemy['uEXP'] = $enemy['uEXP'] + $exp_gained;             $db->query( "UPDATE users SET uGold=uGold-'$gold_lost',uLost=uLost+'1',uAttackTurns=uAttackTurns-'$turns' WHERE uID='" . $user['uID'] . "'" );             $db->query( "UPDATE users SET uGold=uGold+'$gold_lost',uWon=uWon+'1',uEXP=uEXP+'$exp_gained' WHERE uID='" . $enemy['uID'] . "'" );             $db->query( "INSERT INTO logs (`lType`,`lWinLose`,`lYou`,`lOther`,`lOtherLogin`,`lTurns`,`lGold`,`lEXP`,`lTime`,`lTime2`) VALUES ('2', '2', '" . $user['uID'] . "', '" . $enemy['uID'] . "', '" . $enemy['uLogin'] . "', '$turns', '-$gold_lost', '0', \"$gamedate\", '$time')" );             $db->query( "INSERT INTO logs (`lType`,`lWinLose`,`lYou`,`lOther`,`lOtherLogin`,`lTurns`,`lGold`,`lEXP`,`lTime`,`lTime2`) VALUES ('1', '1', '" . $enemy['uID'] . "', '" . $user['uID'] . "', '" . $user['uLogin'] . "', '$turns', '$gold_lost', '$exp_gained', \"$gamedate\", '$time')" );             if ( $enemy['uEXP'] > $enemy['uNextLevel'] ) {                 $at = $enemy['uNextLevel'] / 2;                 $add = $enemy['uNextLevel'] + $at;                 echo "<br>" . $enemy['uLogin'] . " has gained a level.<br>";                 $db->query( "UPDATE users SET uLevel=uLevel+'1',uNextLevel=uNextLevel+'$add' WHERE uID='" . $enemy['uID'] . "'" );             }         }         echo "<br>";     }     ?> </td>   </tr> </table> <?php } include( "../includes/inc-footer.php" ); ?>[/code]
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