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Posts posted by point86

  1. Hi,


    Is there any way to access a Microsoft Access Database through a HTML browser? I.E. I have a database and want to search and edit records through Internet Explorer without PHP/Javascript etc. Is this possible with HTML?





  2. Ok thanks, this works fine: I've split the string successfully.


    Now if the string was made up of ASCII characters (eg 66 67 68 69), how do I get the system to convert these into normal character values (eg B C D E)?





  3. Hi,


    I have a string, "$string1" the contents of which is, say, "ARTWISKXJAMAKFPXIO"


    Now I need a loop that reads through the string, and after every two characters, makes a space.


    Thus, the resultant output will be $string1afterwards = "AR TW IS KX JA MA KF PX IO"


    Any ideas?





  4. Hi,


    I have a string:


    $query = $_GET['words'];


    Where words are terms inputted by the user.


    IE $query will be something like 'hello how are you'.


    How do I get the system to search the string 'hello how are you' for SPACES (" ") and assign the number of spaces to a variable? EG in the string 'hello how are you', the number of spaces would be 3, and this would be assigned to eg $spaces.





  5. Hi.


    I have a system where the user types things into a few form boxes, and then the system does things accordingly.


    My problem is as follows.


    I have a checkbox, defined in index.php as:


    <input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="" id="check1" onchange="checkcheck(this);">

    var ischecked = false;

              function checkcheck(cbObj)


              ischecked = cbObj.checked;



    Now in my search.php file (the back-end of index.php), I want the system to do the following:


    1. look to see if the index.php checkbox has been ticked by the user

    2. if it isn't, just run the system as normal

    3. if it is checked, do X instead.


    How do I do this?


    I am quite new to PHP so if you could explain things as clearly as possible it would be appreciated!! :D





  6. Hello,


    Basically I have a HTML checkbox:


    <input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="" id="check1">


    How do I make it so that when the user checks the checkbox, a predefined variable (eg "var ischecked" is changed?





  7. The user won't ever enter a "." or a "*".

    I have the string bit sorted. I basically need a glorified "if" function in PHP that takes the string, reads through it and says;

    "Read through the string and do something (X). when you come to ".", do something different (Y) and when you come to "*", do something different (Z).


    Do (X)
    if (you see a ".")
      { do Y }
    if (you see a "*")
      { do Z }



  8. Hi,

    Sorry I should have been more specific.

    What I mean to say is that I want the code to do the following:

    The string is made up of words which are then highlighted in different colours (I've got the colour bit working). So, with the following string:

    terms = "string.string2*string3"

    It could be (for example)

    terms ="hello.there*great"

    I want the code to say to the system:

    For the first substring ("hello"), do X for that bit. When you get to the ".", this is the second bit, ("there"), so do Y for that bit, until you get to the "*" ("great"), this is the third part, so do Z for that bit.

    Hope that cleared things up!

    Many thanks,

  9. Hi,

    I have a large string which is made up of three concatanated smaller strings seperated by a full stop "." and a "*".

    $query = $_GET['string'];
    $query2 = $query.'.'.$_GET['string2'];
    $query3 = $query2.'*'.$_GET['string3'];
    $terms = split(" ", $query3);

    Thus, I have the string terms = "string.string2*string3."

    Now how do I write an "if" function that says;

    Read through the string and do X. When/if you get to a full stop, do Y. When /if you get to a *, do Z.


  10. Hi,

    Im fairly new to javascript etc so please be patient! :D

    Im have a text file which I need to split into strings, and then enter these strings into an arrray.

    Thus, I have something like this:

    1 hello
    2 how are you
    3 goodbye

    I want to split this into strings (with each line being a new string) and turn this into the following:

    a[0] = 'hello'
    a[1] = 'how are you'
    a[2] = 'goodbye'

    Once in the array, the numbers in the original text become unimportant.

    Now I know that this can be achieved with an arraylist and possibly a scanner(?). But I dont know the syntax to implement these constructs.

    Any help would be much appreciated! :D



  11. Well I have two form boxes, in each of which a user can enter a keyword. My program then searches a text file for the search term and highlights it. Box 1 I have got working fine, using:

    var highlight = document.getElementById('highlightWords').value;

    But I dont know how to code the other box so it does the same thing as box 1, but using a different keyword; i.e. the user can select two keywords to use in the search.

    Hope this clears things up,


  12. Hi,

    I am pretty new to javascript and would like some help please!

    Basically I have a form which searches through text for a keyword using:

    var highlight = document.getElementById('highlightWords').value;

    And then new Ajax.Updater ... '&highlight=' + highlight etc.

    I need to add another form box that does exactly the same thing, ie searches for a keyword, but for a different keyword than box one.

    I know this is pretty simple but like I said, Im new! Anyone any ideas?

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