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  1. It's like going to a hot chick's myspace and Mariah Carey BLASTS at you out of nowhere, leaving you fumbling for the fastest way to shut it off. It's just obnoxious.
  2. This form is basicly 3 scripts in an attempted "splice" It is supposed to use the basic $stage variable and display accordingly (ie simple cheese form) I also have attempted to splice in an email addr. validation which echoes an error msg if empty or invalid. PROBLEM: There are still many but as of now, my concerns are the following; Why does it open in a new window when submit is clicked? Why does the page show up on step 2 instead of 1? /* if (empty($stage)) { display_contact(); } elseif ($stage == 'equip') { display_equip(); } else { mail(); } */ this is my speculation -- The following is for email address validation: /*   $stage=true; <<<<<<<< I think this is setting the stage and making the previous if skip display_contact (is this correct?)   if ($_POST){     $from=stripslashes($_POST['from']);     // validate e-mail address     $valid=eregi('^([0-9a-z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-z]+@([-0-9a-z]+[.])+[a-z]{2,6}$',$from);     $crack=eregi("(\r|\n)(to:|from:|cc:|bcc:)",$message);     if ($from && $message && $valid && !$crack){       if (mail($to,"BBI Website Hole Opener Inquiry",$message,'From: '.$from."\r\n",$headers)           && mail($from,$confirmationSubject,$confirmationBody.$message,'From: '.$to."\r\n")){         $stage=false; */ Here is the link so you can see what it does. http://www.bitbrokers.com/custom_built_hole_openers.php (Also, I'm not afraid to say that I am a noob with PHP.) The current reason the error message comes up when submit is clicked: contact page not filled out, vars not carried to step 2, validation fails due to missing email address. (I think)
  3. Can anyone shed some light on this? I have several walk throughs, but none really explain where to start if you are integrating all of it. I also didn't see a way to make the WoWRoster db work as a "user db", possibly just as a group with special permissions. (Then again, I may be wasting air on this) Just starting a useful thread hopefully.
  4. Joomla! has a phpbb2 bridge i believe. It takes out the Joomla! auth and uses phpBB2 auth and registration instead. google this  Joomla! phpBB2 integration, or Joomla! phpBB2 bridge Good Luck!
  5. Yes, I do like the "overnight site" approach sometimes, and it's VERY easy to integrate it with other web apps. Joomla!, phpBB2, and WoWRoster is what I am using for my WoW Guild's site. Quick and easily managed by most ppl not just programmers.
  6. Also, the reason the font is so small on the nav: When viewed on 800x600 and 1024x768 the font shows up nicely and it was HUGE without the font-variant:smallcaps and yes I changed it to shrink it some also.
  7. (MODIFIED: I didn't take the time to see page 2, sorry :( you can delete if need be) I agree with the guy about wannabe hackers. I am not a hAck3r, I do not give my self a title to sound cool. Hackers by the way are just people who modify programs to do their bidding (in a nutshell, short, sweet and to the point.) I AM a novice/intermediate freelance programmer/network administrator and I do test my networks with brute force. Ever since these three cinematics came out 1. Hackers, 2. The Matrix, and 3. Swordfish, people have been surfing around the net with a headphone cable duck taped to the back of their neck claiming to be a hacker. Give it up, it's like parachute pants buddy. My 2 cents complete. Shockstomp
  8. Also, about the leftward lean of the site. As of now the menu and search module are positioned absolute, as is the header image. This is what i need to do i think, then just use includes or requires. (Your comments'?) _________________________________ |                                                  | |          Header Img                        | |--- ----- -------- -------- ---------| |  Search |                                    | |--- -----|                                    | |            |                                    | |            |    Content/Wrapper          | | Menu    |                                    | |            |                                    | |            |                                    | |            |                                    | |-- ----- |_______________________| Thanks!
  9. I know the empty referral is a problem, i just hadn't changed it yet, its a simple 1=on 0=off. lol Yeah, the color isn't my call, the client wanted grayscale and a quasi-metal look. The menu was smaller, but client asked for link to each product. (Target audience is not very computer savvy from what I understand, so I simplified it.) My css is VERY messy, but it works for what i needed (A lot of it is horribly messy) This is my first php site also. Feel free to bash this thing to death! I won't know what to fix until the issues have been addressed. Thanks loads! :) :)
  10. Will do! Thank you!
  11. this is something similar i think, and i wasn't sure what to do with it. /*<?php /* ---------------------     Declare Variable(s)   --------------------- */ $name; // Represents the name of the elements in $HTTP_POST_VARS $value; // Represents the value of the elements in $HTTP_POST_VARS // --------------------- // Do while there is an element in $HTTP_POST_VARS... while (list($name, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))   /* ...get the name and value of the element and use it to construct a hidden input field.        Then go back to the beginning of the loop and do the same thing with the next element. */   {   echo "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$value\" name=\"$name\">\n";   } ?>*/ Also, this is the mail function that i am going to manipulate. /* <?php   $to = $_REQUEST['to'] ;   $confirmationSubject='Bitbrokers.com Hole Opener Inquiry Confirmation';   $confirmationBody="Your hole opener inquiry has been received, thank you. If your inquiry is urgent please call (618)435-5811 or fax (618)435-2388. Your inquiry is shown below. ********************************************************************************** ";   $from = $_REQUEST['from'] ;   $message= $_REQUEST['message'] ; <<<<< My email template will be defined here.   $displayForm=true;   if ($_POST){     $from=stripslashes($_POST['from']);     $message=stripslashes($_POST['message']);     // validate e-mail address     $valid=eregi('^([0-9a-z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-z]+@([-0-9a-z]+[.])+[a-z]{2,6}$',$from);     $crack=eregi("(\r|\n)(to:|from:|cc:|bcc:)",$message);     if ($from && $message && $valid && !$crack){       if (mail('[email protected]',"BBI Hole Opener Web Inquiry",$message,'From: '.$from."\r\n")           && mail($from,$confirmationSubject,$confirmationBody.$message,'From: '.$to."\r\n")){         $displayForm=false; ?> */ I will have error messages for incomplete or invalid fields also.
  12. I need to know about the following: -If global $PHP_SELF and <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="contact" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($contact); ?>"> can carry ALL variables from the first page , or if I must do this with all of the inputs -Does the mail() function allow for a message with dynamic content? ie. A table in the email with values inserted accordingly Like I said, I am no guru by any means. Thanks
  13. http://www.bitbrokers.com Tell me what you think and don't be forgiving. I do know there is a display issue i have to work out with ie. It shows up perfect in firefox (imagine that!) Thanks
  14. Hello everyone, First and foremost I am a novice with php. I understand it and everything, but I have made a mess of this script. I was wondering if I should just start from scratch on the php end. GOAL- I am trying to make a multi-page form that emails the results to me when it's finished. I also plan on making this an openly available template for anyone who needs it. (mail() is not yet complete) ( SCRIPT- 3 pages, first page: Enter Contact info, second page: enter equipment details, final page: text box for additional requirements. This is what i have thus far, I actually include it into another page. (you WILL find it strikingly similar to the "cheese" script :P, i am still working on writing scripts from scratch). Once again, I warn you of the mess below.(if this is too much i can just link the file, let me know mods, tks) ********************************************************************************* /*<style type="text/css"> <!-- .style2 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style3 {font-size: 10px} .style7 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-variant: small-caps; } .style8 { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } --> </style> <?php */?>  <div align="right"><span class="style2">     <span class="style3">     <?php     function display_contact() {     global $PHP_SELF;     ?>     </span></span></div>     <FORM METHOD=GET TARGET="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" class="style7">             <div align="right"><span class="style8">Step 1 - Contact Information        </span>       </div>       <p align="right">Contact Name         <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="name">       </p>       <p align="right">Company         <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="comp">       </p>       <p align="right">Address         <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="addr">       </p>       <p align="right">City         <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="city">       </p>       <p align="right">State/Province         <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="st-pr">       </p>       <p align="right">Country         <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="country">       </p>       <p align="right">Zip/Postal Code         <INPUT NAME="zip-pc" TYPE=TEXT size="15">       </p>       <p align="right">Telephone         <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="tel">       </p>       <p align="right">Fax         <INPUT NAME="fax" TYPE=TEXT size="20">       </p>       <p align="right">Email         <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="from">       </p>       <p align="right"><BR>         <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="stage" VALUE="contact">         <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Next">                           </p>     </FORM>       <div align="right"><span class="style7">         <?php     }     ?>                 <?php function display_equip() {   global $PHP_SELF;   global $contact; ?>         </span>       </div>     <FORM METHOD=GET TARGET="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" class="style7">       <div align="right"><span class="style8">Step 2 - Tool Specifications</span>     </div>     <p align="right">Hole Opener Type:       <input type=TEXT name="hotype" />     </p>     <p align="right">      Hole Diameter / OD:       <INPUT NAME="od" TYPE=TEXT size="8">     </p>     <p align="right">Pilot Bit OD:       <INPUT NAME="pbod" TYPE=TEXT size="8">     </p>     <p align="right">Number of Cutters:       <INPUT NAME="ncw" TYPE=TEXT size="8">     </p>     <p align="right">Cutter Type:       <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="cuttertype" VALUE="tci">   TCI / Button / Insert           <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="cuttertype" VALUE="tooth">           Steel Tooth / Mill Tooth    </p>     <p align="right">IADC Code / Formation Type / Hardness Information:        <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="iadc-formation">       <br />       <a href="http://www.bitbrokers.com/iadc.php" target="_blank">NEED HELP? CLICK HERE</a></p>     <p align="right">Top Connection:       <INPUT NAME="tc" TYPE=TEXT size="8">     </p>     <p align="right">      Bottom Connection:       <INPUT NAME="bc" TYPE=TEXT size="8">     </p>     <p align="right">Circulation Type:       <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="circ" VALUE="air">       Air       <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="circ" VALUE="fluid">     Fluid</p>     <p align="right">      Circulation Pump Type:       <INPUT NAME="cpt" TYPE=TEXT size="15">       <br />       <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="contact" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($contact); ?>">       <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="stage" VALUE="equip">       <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Next">     </p>     </div> </FORM>       <div align="right"><span class="style7">         <?php } ?>                 <?php function display_notes() {   global $PHP_SELF;   global $contact;   global $equip; ?>         </span>       </div>     <FORM METHOD=GET TARGET="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" class="style7">         <div align="right"><span class="style8">Step 3: Additional Notes / Special Requirements</span><br />                     <textarea name="req" cols="35" rows="10"></textarea>           <br />           <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="contact" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($contact); ?>">           <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="equip" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($equip); ?>">           <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="stage" VALUE="notes">           <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Submit">         </div>     </FORM>       <div align="right"><span class="style7">         <?php } ?>         <?php if (empty($stage)) { display_contact(); } elseif ($stage == 'equip') { display_equip(); } elseif ($stage == 'notes') { display_notes(); } else { mail(); } ?>         </span>               </div>     </div>*/ Thanks for any help! Also, to show that I am not COMPLETELY dense to programming here is a link to another form I installed/modified. http://www.bitbrokers.com/contact.php The problem form will be at: http://www.bitbrokers.com/custom_built_hole_openers.php
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