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Everything posted by lilman

  1. Also I should add that when I do send an email the from is this: Nobody <[email protected]>
  2. I am sending emails using mail() function but I cannot get the reply to or from to work. Below is the code $headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: [email protected]' . "\r\n" . mail($emailAddress, $subject, $mailcontent, $headers);
  3. Try document.backgroundColor
  4. I have a button, and when you click it, ideally, I'd like it to show the HTML. I have an iFrame with the id attribute valued as viewLook. So I am trying to view the HTML using a button which calls a function that has this code: var obj=document.getElementById("viewLook").contentWindow.document.innerText; document.write(obj); However, it always comes back undefined. Any help would be great.
  5. That got part of the toggle function to work as it should. It now looks like it should when you change your mode from viewing the code to viewing what it will look like. The only problem is, it doesn't display the HTML in FireFox still. It just displays what the code will look like when it's ran. Any suggestions, or thoughts as to why this would be?
  6. I am working on this WYSIWYG Editor, now it works perfectly in Internet Explorer, but not FireFox. I have been working at getting it be compatible with both browsers. So far it has been a cake walk, but the toggle function (which displays either the WYSIWYG box or the HTML) isn't working at all. This is the entire code from a to z. <html> <head> <title> Browser Based HTML Editor </title> <script language="JavaScript"> var viewMode = 1; // WYSIWYG var broswer; browser = navigator.appName; function Init() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.designMode = "on"; } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.designMode = 'On'; } } function selOn(ctrl) { ctrl.style.borderColor = '#000000'; ctrl.style.backgroundColor = '#B5BED6'; ctrl.style.cursor = 'hand'; } function selOff(ctrl) { ctrl.style.borderColor = '#D6D3CE'; ctrl.style.backgroundColor = '#D6D3CE'; } function selDown(ctrl) { ctrl.style.backgroundColor = '#8492B5'; } function selUp(ctrl) { ctrl.style.backgroundColor = '#B5BED6'; } function doBold() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('bold', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('bold', false, null); } } function doItalic() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('italic', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('italic', false, null); } } function doUnderline() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('underline', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('underline', false, null); } } function doLeft() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('justifyleft', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('justifyleft', false, null); } } function doCenter() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('justifycenter', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('justifycenter', false, null); } } function doRight() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('justifyright', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('justifyright', false, null); } } function doOrdList() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('insertorderedlist', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('insertorderedlist', false, null); } } function doBulList() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('insertunorderedlist', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('insertunorderedlist', false, null); } } function doForeCol() { var fCol = prompt('Enter foreground color', ''); if(browser == "Netscape") { if(fCol != null) document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('forecolor', false, fCol); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { if(fCol != null) iView.document.execCommand('forecolor', false, fCol); } } function doBackCol() { var bCol = prompt('Enter background color', ''); if(browser == "Netscape") { if(bCol != null) document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('backcolor', false, bCol); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { if(bCol != null) iView.document.execCommand('backcolor', false, bCol); } } function doLink() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('createlink'); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('createlink'); } } function doImage() { var imgSrc = prompt('Enter image location', ''); if(browser == "Netscape") { if(imgSrc != null) document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('insertimage', false, imgSrc); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { if(imgSrc != null) iView.document.execCommand('insertimage', false, imgSrc); } } function doRule() { if(browser == "Netscape") { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('inserthorizontalrule', false, null); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iView.document.execCommand('inserthorizontalrule', false, null); } } function doFont(fName) { if(browser == "Netscape") { if(fName != '') document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('fontname', false, fName); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { if(fName != '') iView.document.execCommand('fontname', false, fName); } } function doSize(fSize) { if(browser == "Netscape") { if(fSize != '') document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('fontsize', false, fSize); } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { if(fSize != '') iView.document.execCommand('fontsize', false, fSize); } } function doHead(hType) { if(browser == "Netscape") { if(hType != '') { document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument.execCommand('formatblock', false, hType); doFont(selFont.options[selFont.selectedIndex].value); } } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { if(hType != '') { iView.document.execCommand('formatblock', false, hType); doFont(selFont.options[selFont.selectedIndex].value); } } } function doToggleView() { if(viewMode == 1) { if(browser == "Netscape") { iHTML = document.getElementById('iView').innerHTML; document.getElementById('iView').innerText = iHTML; // Hide all controls document.getElementById('iView').tblCtrls.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('iView').selFont.style.display = 'none'; selSize.style.display = 'none'; selHeading.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('iView').focus(); viewMode = 2; // Code } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iHTML = iView.document.body.innerHTML; iView.document.body.innerText = iHTML; // Hide all controls tblCtrls.style.display = 'none'; selFont.style.display = 'none'; selSize.style.display = 'none'; selHeading.style.display = 'none'; iView.focus(); viewMode = 2; // Code } } else { if(browser == "Netscape") { iText = document.getElementById('iView').innerText; document.getElementById('iView').innerText = iText; // Show all controls tblCtrls.style.display = 'inline'; selFont.style.display = 'inline'; selSize.style.display = 'inline'; selHeading.style.display = 'inline'; iView.focus(); viewMode = 1; // WYSIWYG } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iText = iView.document.body.innerText; iView.document.body.innerHTML = iText; // Show all controls tblCtrls.style.display = 'inline'; selFont.style.display = 'inline'; selSize.style.display = 'inline'; selHeading.style.display = 'inline'; iView.focus(); viewMode = 1; // WYSIWYG } } } </script> <style> .butClass { border: 1px solid; border-color: #D6D3CE; } .tdClass { padding-left: 3px; padding-top:3px; } </style> <body onLoad="Init()"> <table id="tblCtrls" width="415px" height="30px" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#D6D3CE"> <tr> <td class="tdClass"> <img alt="Bold" class="butClass" src="bold.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doBold()"> <img alt="Italic" class="butClass" src="italic.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doItalic()"> <img alt="Underline" class="butClass" src="underline.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doUnderline()"> <img alt="Left" class="butClass" src="left.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doLeft()"> <img alt="Center" class="butClass" src="center.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doCenter()"> <img alt="Right" class="butClass" src="right.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doRight()"> <img alt="Ordered List" class="butClass" src="ordlist.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doOrdList()"> <img alt="Bulleted List" class="butClass" src="bullist.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doBulList()"> <img alt="Text Color" class="butClass" src="forecol.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doForeCol()"> <img alt="Background Color" class="butClass" src="bgcol.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doBackCol()"> <img alt="Hyperlink" class="butClass" src="link.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doLink()"> <img alt="Image" class="butClass" src="image.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doImage()"> <img alt="Horizontal Rule" class="butClass" src="rule.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doRule()"> </td> </tr> </table> <iframe id="iView" style="width: 415px; height:205px; display: block;"> <table> <tr> <td>dsds</td> </tr> </table> </iframe> <table width="415px" height="30px" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#D6D3CE"> <tr> <td class="tdClass" colspan="1" width="80%"> <select name="selFont" onChange="doFont(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="">-- Font --</option> <option value="Arial">Arial</option> <option value="Courier">Courier</option> <option value="Sans Serif">Sans Serif</option> <option value="Tahoma">Tahoma</option> <option value="Verdana">Verdana</option> <option value="Wingdings">Wingdings</option> </select> <select name="selSize" onChange="doSize(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="">-- Size --</option> <option value="1">Very Small</option> <option value="2">Small</option> <option value="3">Medium</option> <option value="4">Large</option> <option value="5">Larger</option> <option value="6">Very Large</option> </select> <select name="selHeading" onChange="doHead(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="">-- Heading --</option> <option value="Heading 1">H1</option> <option value="Heading 2">H2</option> <option value="Heading 3">H3</option> <option value="Heading 4">H4</option> <option value="Heading 5">H5</option> <option value="Heading 6">H6</option> </select> </td> <td class="tdClass" colspan="1" width="20%" align="right"> <img alt="Toggle Mode" class="butClass" src="mode.gif" onMouseOver="selOn(this)" onMouseOut="selOff(this)" onMouseDown="selDown(this)" onMouseUp="selUp(this)" onClick="doToggleView()"> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> The function that is giving me problems is: function doToggleView() { if(viewMode == 1) { if(browser == "Netscape") { iHTML = document.getElementById('iView').innerHTML; document.getElementById('iView').innerText = iHTML; // Hide all controls document.getElementById('iView').tblCtrls.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('iView').selFont.style.display = 'none'; selSize.style.display = 'none'; selHeading.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('iView').focus(); viewMode = 2; // Code } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iHTML = iView.document.body.innerHTML; iView.document.body.innerText = iHTML; // Hide all controls tblCtrls.style.display = 'none'; selFont.style.display = 'none'; selSize.style.display = 'none'; selHeading.style.display = 'none'; iView.focus(); viewMode = 2; // Code } } else { if(browser == "Netscape") { iText = document.getElementById('iView').innerText; document.getElementById('iView').innerText = iText; // Show all controls tblCtrls.style.display = 'inline'; selFont.style.display = 'inline'; selSize.style.display = 'inline'; selHeading.style.display = 'inline'; iView.focus(); viewMode = 1; // WYSIWYG } else if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { iText = iView.document.body.innerText; iView.document.body.innerHTML = iText; // Show all controls tblCtrls.style.display = 'inline'; selFont.style.display = 'inline'; selSize.style.display = 'inline'; selHeading.style.display = 'inline'; iView.focus(); viewMode = 1; // WYSIWYG } } } FireFox is saying: Error: document.getElementById("iView").tblCtrls has no properties Source File: file:///C:/Users/ltsf/Documents/WYSIWYG/editor.html Line: 274 If anyone has any ideas I would be appreciate hearing them. Thank you.
  7. I cannot integrate their software into my site. I want like a vBulletin type script. I purchase it, and it's on my site. It's not connected to anybody or any other site.
  8. I am looking for a company like camfrog.com, just a little less expensive. I basically need a platform in which people can add their webcam and chat with one another. Does anyone know any good companies that offer this sort of application?
  9. How would you set up a system which streams live video of one's web cam. I know PHP, though I am sure you need to know more than PHP in order to complete such a complex task. I am just looking for a little direction in how to work with streaming video on websites, specifically for web cams. Any direction/guidance would be appreciated.
  10. Is it possible/acceptable to store both JavaScript, DHTML, and PHP in a MySQL DB.
  11. I found this tutorial online, and although the code works perfectly, they didn't explain hardly anything. The most puzzling thing out of this code is that it doesn't use semicolons. Below is the code, if someone wouldn't mind, please explain why it is able to run without them. <head> <style> <!-- .drag{position:relative;cursor:hand} --> </style> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- /*Credit JavaScript Kit www.javascriptkit.com*/ var dragapproved=false var z,x,y function move() { if (event.button==1&&dragapproved){ z.style.pixelLeft=temp1+event.clientX-x z.style.pixelTop=temp2+event.clientY-y return false } } function drags() { if (!document.all) return if (event.srcElement.className=="drag"){ dragapproved=true z=event.srcElement temp1=z.style.pixelLeft temp2=z.style.pixelTop x=event.clientX y=event.clientY document.onmousemove=move } } document.onmousedown=drags document.onmouseup=new Function("dragapproved=false") //--> </script> </head> <body> <img src="http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif" class="drag"><br> <img src="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/images/flash_rune.gif" class="drag"><br> <b>"Hi there</b> </body>
  12. I have it set up so you click, and it will then load a page via ajax, then shoot that page out in a div. Then with the page just loaded I have another link that when clicked will load another page in a div. Well, that's how I'd like it to work, and it does in FireFox but not Internet Explorer. Now here is the strangest part. If I click and load the second page, it works, even in Internet Explorer. Though it won't run if you try to load it in a previously loaded page. I should also mention the pages load using the same script. Has anyone experienced anything like that?
  13. I am completely stumped at this point. I am using IE 7 to test out my code which is below: <script> function statusEnableDisable(page,usediv, form) { // Set up request varible try { xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest(): new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { alert("Error: Could not load page."); } if(form == "photoalbum"){ var object = document.getElementById('photoalbum').selectedIndex; if(object == "1"){ status = "Enabled"; } else if(object == "2"){ status = "Disabled"; } } else if(form == "file"){ var object = document.getElementById('filestorage').selectedIndex; if(object == "1"){ status = "Enabled"; } else if(object == "2"){ status = "Disabled"; } } page = page + "status=" + status; page = page + "&form=" + form; alert(page); //Show page is loading document.getElementById(usediv).innerHTML = 'Loading Page...'; //scroll to top scroll(0,0); //send data xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){ //Check page is completed and there were no problems. if ((xmlhttp.readyState == 4) && (xmlhttp.status == 200)) { //Write data returned to page document.getElementById(usediv).innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; } } xmlhttp.open("GET", page); xmlhttp.send(null); //Stop any link loading normaly return false; } </script> The variable page alerts me of the correct URL which is: php/updateEnableDisable.php?status=Disabled&form=file or form equals photoalbum Can anyone spot out why this will not work, it doesn't load the page (updateEnableDisable.php)
  14. Anyone have any ideas?
  15. http://www.pandoris.com/ijmeals/mystorage/php/updateEnableDisable.php?stauts=Enabled&form=photoalbum
  16. I am trying to request a file that will load in a div tag. Assume the div tag is there, can anyone point out what could be causing the problem. It works fine in Firefox, but not I.E.. Here is the Ajax code:
  17. I know PHP, but found it difficult when first learning it to understand OO. I am giving OO another swing, and I am looking for better explanation than the book is giving me. I have seen '$this->' before, but I have no idea how to read it, what it means, or what it does. If someone could explain it, I'd appreciate it. Here is an example out of my book: class classname { var $attribute; function get_attribute() { return $this->attribute; } function set_attribute($new_value) { $this->attribute = $new_value; } }
  18. I want to learn how to develop bots. I am familiar with PHP, but I have heard to build a bot, you should use Perl. I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me a little more. Which do you think is better, does PHP limit the type of things your bot can do?
  19. lilman

    Form Data Size

    The server administrator may have a maximum file size for uploading files, though I have never encountered that with just text. Ask your web host provider.
  20. The squares indicate the curves I'm referring too (see image). What doesn't work for you? [attachment deleted by admin]
  21. If I understand correctly, you want to display different HTML pages in different <td> </td> tags. This can be done using some PHP, look at the example below: <table width="100%"> <tr> <td> <?php include('folder/fileName.html'); ?> </td> <td> <?php include('folder/fileName2.html'); ?> </td> </tr> </table>
  22. I am having a tough time. I have tinkered and tinkered with no prevail. It looks perfect in Fire Fox, just not Internet Explorer. The page is: http://www.pandoris.com/professor/, and if you scroll to the bottom, you'll see the bottom curves don't exactly touch the edge of the table (leaving a gap). Could anyone help me fix this? Thank you
  23. To be specific it is an iframe.
  24. I have this code, though I would like it to load in the frame "main", can someone tell me how I can tell this php/js code to load index.php in the frame "main", instead of "nav"? echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href = "index.php?pge=Options&Go=BookStatus";</script>';
  25. <script type="text/javascript">window.location.href = "index.php";</script> How would I tell it what frame to load index.php in?
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