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Posts posted by blackrose59

  1. Hi everyone. I'm new here and would like to ask that you bear with me. I'm not a coder and have just a very basic understanding of how to do code. I have a website that is based on tufat's matchmaking script. The original files called for the genders to be simply Man/Woman/Couple I changed that in the language file and the tpl files to be completely different. Now I'm having an issue with the search function now working properly. I really could use some help fixing this so that the search function performs properly and brings back the genders that the members are seeking which turn out to be BDSM roles rather than their sex. Here is the coding I have redone so far.

    Language File Changes:

    $lang['signup_gender_values'] = array(
    'M' => 'Dominant',
    'F' => 'Female sub',
    'C' => 'Couple',
    'S' => 'Male Sub',
    'D => 'Dominatrix',
    'V' => 'Male slave',
    'Y' => 'Female slave',
    'X' => 'TS/TV/TG',
    'U' => 'Not Into BDSM',
    'L' => 'Other'
    $lang['signup_gender_look'] = array(
    'N' => 'Dominant',
    'F' => 'Female sub',
    'C' => 'Couple',
    'B' => 'Female sub/Male sub',
    'M' => 'Male Sub',
    'D' => 'Dominatrix',
    'S' => 'Male slave',
    'T' => 'Female slave',
    'X' => 'TS/TV/TG',
    'U' => 'Not Into BDSM',
    'L' => 'Other',
    'A' => 'All'

    The code change in the advsearch.php is:

    $txtgender_search = "and (user.lookgender = 'A' or (user.lookgender = 'B' and '".$usergender."' in ('M','F','C','N','B','D','S','T','X','U','L') ) or user.lookgender = '".$usergender."') ";

    Code I changed in the extmatch.php file is this:

    $txtgender_search = '';
    if ($_REQUEST['txtgender']) {
    $txtgender_search = ' user.lookgender in ( ';
    foreach ($_REQUEST['txtgender'] as $key => $val) {
    if ($txtgender_search != ' user.lookgender in ( ') {
    $txtgender_search .= ', ';
    if ($val == 'A') {
    $txtgender_search = " ( user.lookgender <> 'A'";
    } elseif ($val == 'B') {
    $txtgender_search .= "'M','F','C','N','B','D','S','T','X','U','L'";
    } else {
    $txtgender_search .= "'".$val."'";

    and this:

    if ($txtgender_search != '') {
    $sqlwhere .= ' AND '. $txtgender_search;
    if (strlen($_REQUEST['txtlookgender']) > 0 ) {
    $lookgender_search = ' user.gender in ( ';
    foreach ($_REQUEST['txtlookgender'] as $key => $val) {
    if ($lookgender_search != ' user.gender in ( ') {
    $lookgender_search .= ', ';
    if ($val == 'A' ) {
    $lookgender_search = "( user.gender <> 'A' ";
    } elseif ($val == 'B' ) {
    $lookgender_search .= "'M','F','C','N','B','D','S','T','X','U','L'";
    } else {
    $lookgender_search .= "'".$val."'";

    In the getsnap.php the code now looks like this:

    } else {
    if ($gender == 'M') {
    $nopic = './images/male.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'F') {
    $nopic = './images/female.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'C') {
    $nopic = './images/couple.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'S') {
    $nopic = './images/male.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'D') {
    $nopic = './images/female.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'V') {
    $nopic = './images/male.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'Y') {
    $nopic = './images/female.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'X') {
    $nopic = './images/female.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'U') {
    $nopic = './images/female.jpg';
    } elseif ($gender == 'L') {
    $nopic = './images/male.jpg';
    $img2 = imagecreatefromjpeg($nopic);

    change to index.php is:

    /* Get list of latest 10 userid */
    $sqlNew = "SELECT id, username, floor(period_diff(extract(year_month from NOW()),extract(year_month from birth_date))/12) as age, (case gender when 'M' then 'Dominant' when 'F' then 'Female sub' when 'S' then 'Male Sub when 'D' then 'Dominatrix'when 'V' then 'Male slave' when 'Y' then 'Female slave' when 'X' then 'TS/TV/TG' when 'U' then "Not Into BDSM' when 'L' then 'Other' else 'Couple' end ) as gender, allow_viewonline, city, country, state_province FROM ! WHERE status in (?, ?) ".$bannedlist." ORDER BY regdate DESC LIMIT 0,".$config['list_newmembers'];
    $newUsersList = $db->getAll( $sqlNew, array( USER_TABLE, get_lang('status_enum','active'), 'active' ));
    $list = array();
    foreach ($newUsersList as $row) {

    The change I made to the init.php was this:

    /* Collect site statistics */
    $sql = 'select count(*) from ! where active = ? and regdate > ? and status in ( ?, ?) ';
    $weekcnt = $db->getOne( $sql, array( USER_TABLE, '1', strtotime("-7 day"), 'active', get_lang('status_enum','active') ) );
    $t->assign( 'weekcnt', $weekcnt );
    $sql = 'select sum(if(gender=\'M\',1,0)) as Dominants, sum(if(gender=\'F\',1,0)) as female subs, sum(if(gender=\'C\',1,0)) as couples, sum(if(gender=\'S\',1,0)) as male subs, sum(if(gender=\'D\',1,0))as Dominatrixs, sum(if(gender=\'V\',1,0))as male slaves, sum(if(gender=\'Y\',1,0))as female slaves, sum(if(gender=\'X\',1,0))as TS TV TG, sum(if(gender=\'U\',1,0))as Not Into BDSM, sum(if(gender=\'L\',1,0))as other from ! where active = ? and status in (?, ?)';
    $row = $db->getRow( $sql, array( USER_TABLE, '1', 'active', get_lang('status_enum','active') ) );
    $t->assign( 'Dominants', $row['Dominants'] );
    $t->assign( 'female subs', $row['female subs'] );
    $t->assign( 'couples', $row['couples'] );
    $t->assign( 'male subs', $row['male subs'] );
    $t->assign( 'Dominatrixs', $row['Dominatrixs'] );
    $t->assign( 'male slaves', $row['male slaves'] );
    $t->assign( 'female slaves', $row['female slaves'] );
    $t->assign( 'TS TV TG', $row['TS TV TG'] );
    $t->assign( 'Not Into BDSM', $row['Not Into BDSM'] );
    $t->assign( 'Other', $row['Other'] );
    $sql = 'select count(*) from ! where ins_time > ? ';
    $weeksnaps = $db->getOne( $sql, array( USER_SNAP_TABLE, strtotime("-7 day") ) );
    $t->assign( 'weeksnaps', $weeksnaps );

    In the mymatches.php I am unsure what to change here and need some help on this one. Currently it says:

    $txtgender_search = " AND user.lookgender in ( 'A', ";
    if ($user['gender'] == 'M' or $user['gender'] == 'F') {
    $txtgender_search .= "'B',";
    $txtgender_search .= "'".$user['gender']."' )";
    $txtlookgender_search = '';
    if ($user['lookgender'] == 'B') {
    $txtlookender_search = " AND user.gender in ('M','F') ";
    } elseif ($user['lookgender'] != 'A') {
    $txtlookgender_search = " AND user.gender = '".$user['lookgender']."' ";

    What do I change in this file?

    In the searchmatch.php I have made these changes although I think I might be wrong on this one as well:

    $lookgender_search = " AND usr.lookgender in ('A' ";
    if ($_REQUEST['txtgender'] == 'M' || $_REQUEST['txtgender'] == 'F') {
    $lookgender_search .= ",'B'";
    $lookgender_search .= ",'".$_REQUEST['txtgender']."') ";
    $gender_search = " AND usr.gender in ( ";
    if ($_REQUEST['txtlookgender'] == 'A') {
    $gender_search .= "'M','F','C','S','T','N','D','V','Y','X','U','L'";
    } elseif ( $_REQUEST['txtlookgender'] == 'B') {
    $gender_search .= "'N','F','D','S','T','D','Y','X','U','L'";
    } else {
    $gender_search .= "'".$_REQUEST['txtlookgender']."'";

    The userstats.php file is also one I am unsure of what changes to make. Help on this one would be appreciated. Currently it says:

    $txtgender_search = " AND user.lookgender in ( 'A', ";
    if ($user['gender'] == 'M' or $user['gender'] == 'F') {
    $txtgender_search .= "'B',";
    $txtgender_search .= "'".$user['gender']."' )";
    $txtlookgender_search = '';
    if ($user['lookgender'] == 'B') {
    $txtlookender_search = " AND user.gender in ('M','F') ";
    } elseif ($user['lookgender'] != 'A') {
    $txtlookgender_search = " AND user.gender = '".$user['lookgender']."' ";

    One more spot where changes need to be made and I'm unsure of in this same file:

    //$same_lookgendersql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ! WHERE lookgender = ?';
    $same_lookgendersql = ' FROM ! WHERE username <> ? AND status in (\'Active\',\'' .get_lang('status_enum','active'). '\')' ;
    if ($user['lookgender'] == 'B') {
    $same_lookgendersql .= " and gender in ('M','F') ";
    } elseif ($user['lookgender'] == 'A') {
    } else {
    $same_lookgendersql .= " and gender = '".$user['lookgender']."'";

    That's all of them I believe. Help for the two that I am stuck with plus a check of the changes I've already made to make sure they're right would be greatly appreciated.

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