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Everything posted by swiss73

  1. I honestly don't know how to thank you wildteen88 I rarely was helped so well even when I paid for the support. (Y)
  2. [quote author=wildteen88 link=topic=117160.msg478566#msg478566 date=1165255502] If you are using SMF,. then the following should do: [code]<div style="margin-left: 20px;float:right">Google Ads javasript here</div>[/code] You place that code directly after the <div class="post"> tag and it should display the adds to the right of the text. ALso the text should warp it self around the ad too, however code/quote blocks do tend to flow over the top the ads. This is a z-index issue i think. [/quote] I apologize to disturb you with this, but I am really lost. here is the code in the display.template.php [code] // Show the post itself, finally! echo ' </td> </tr></table> <hr width="100%" size="1" class="hrcolor" />'; echo ' <div class="post"', $message['can_modify'] ? ' id="msg_' . $message['id'] . '"' : '', '>', $message['body'], '</div>', $message['can_modify'] ? ' <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/icons/modify_inline.gif" alt="" align="right" id="modify_button_' . $message['id'] . '" style="cursor: pointer; display: none;" onclick="modify_msg(\'' . $message['id'] . '\', \'' . $context['session_id'] . '\')" />' : '', ' </td> </tr>'; // Now for the attachments, signature, ip logged, etc... [/code] what I want to insert is in a pure html file, as such include("html.inc.php"); please let me know how to modify the code without breaking the template.
  3. [quote author=txmedic03 link=topic=116309.msg478254#msg478254 date=1165208914] I like the color scheme and the random images in the header.  The contact page should actually have some way of contacting you and not just a page that says sorry we aren't done yet. [/quote] :) you are right, but I only placed that because an unexpected error was discovered in our contact form. now it is fixed. merci merci
  4. [quote author=ToonMariner link=topic=117160.msg477864#msg477864 date=1165155803] try giving your div a width. [/quote] no dear. did not work.
  5. hello there. The FIRST post in topics on the php freaks forums shows a google ad. I tried to do something similar to this on my forums using the following div.... [code]<div class="titlebg2" style="padding: 20px; margin-left: 20px; float:right">[/code] the content of the div still pushed the whole post below its level ...... what am I missing ? I would like to float this div content to the right...... as the google ad on php freaks first post....
  6. thank you Steve . I will try.
  7. sorry ToonMariner for the banging banner. you are right. I fixed that to a much softer one. that was my first trial with koolmoves and it was not a successful one. as to the styles..... ouffffff. the author only provided his file as a Word file.. and I had to live with this. saving as a webpage, even with word-specific tags filtered, gives terribly complicated code where every single element has a whole unique set of styles....  this makes life very difficult for a coder. I have cleaned the code partially now and found out how to fix it...... thanks to you. I just added a align="left" to the content table cell....
  8. [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=116309.msg475462#msg475462 date=1164769651] http://dict.die.net/finicky/ Anyways - inside the red brackets - if you look very closely at the backgrounds of the header image and the webpage - there is a small misalignment. Its more noticeable against the grey bar at the top. Tis grand tho. -steve [/quote] thank you mate, I tried to get rid of that misalignement but could not. can you ? show me da way.
  9. [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=116309.msg475061#msg475061 date=1164722893] Here are the appropriate screen grabs (after a ctrl F5) -> http://kartbuilding.net/misc/femmes/ I could just be finicky -) -steve [/quote] thank you Steve.... I did not find out what you meant by the red curves in the pics you took..... and I felt sorry for myself that 10 years after graduating from an american university I still do not know what finicky means. Then I felt OK when I found out wikipedia does not even know what this means. ;)
  10. [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=116309.msg475018#msg475018 date=1164711777] different sized text on your main page and other pages. [/quote] thank you. will fix that. [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=116309.msg475018#msg475018 date=1164711777] There is a blemish in the background where the top banner meets the background. Its only slightly noticeable. [/quote] really ?  I wroked on that and thought I got it fixed. can you please show me a screen capture after you refresh? [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=116309.msg475018#msg475018 date=1164711777] There does seem to be a lot of empty whitespace on your pages - with text in the center and thats it. [/quote] yes, I will fix that too. [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=116309.msg475018#msg475018 date=1164711777] OH - it just seems to be my IE6. Your paragraph alignment is different on IE6 compared to opera and firefox. [/quote] yup, microsoft keeps everyone re-learning how to code every day. I thank God a thousand times microsoft does not also make cars... if microsoft were a car maker, the brakes and sterring would trade positions alternatively on every second version. what a wonderful gaty world it would be! [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=116309.msg475018#msg475018 date=1164711777] Also - just an idea: because there is a slow connection to Ireland here (you may not be worried) but on every page - the 2 header images have to load, and in firefox - this shows up an image loading box. If you put these two images as css (perhaps an inline css piece) - firefox wont show a grey image area waiting to load. [/quote] you are perfectly right... I did notice this but could not describe it in better words.
  11. [quote author=corbin link=topic=116532.msg474820#msg474820 date=1164677068] Havent looked through any code or anything... but i suggest opening every .php file in the folder in a decent text editor and replacing phpform with what ever you want the folder to be named then rename the folder and test it... [/quote] exactly what I did and the text strings are not pulled from the translation file.
  12. hello. I am pledging here a $20 help for phpfreaks if I get a solution from anyone here for a little problem with phpform. http://product.cybergl.co.id/dev/download.php?cmd=download&version_id=54 the problem is that I have a customized version of phpform which includes DB logging and accepts attachments, with powerful image verification..... but I want to use a folder name other than phpform. I have not been able to do that alone.
  13. hello all. for some reason I was not able to find out, all non-aligned left on this site is automatically aligning to "Center", at least so in IE http://land-development-software.com/016-set-the-transition-in-and-out-of-the-curve.php does anyone have an idea as to what is wrong? thanks loads.
  14. [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=116309.msg474407#msg474407 date=1164618044] The website was down for me. -steve [/quote] thanks Steve. am afraid this is quite surely due to your connection. please provide a traceroute paste and I will study it. I have an automatic online presence check every 30 minutes from 3 different servers and even when the site goes down for a few minutes, I immediately receive an email alert about it
  15. [quote author=SharkBait link=topic=116309.msg474188#msg474188 date=1164576507] I like it, seems nice and simple. I'd move the top navigational links below the header. But that's just me :) [/quote] you are truly a shark Bait. can you imagine how much work it will take me to readjust everything if I want to move the links ? thank you my friend for your very kind opinion.
  16. [quote author=alpine link=topic=116309.msg474078#msg474078 date=1164561441] I liked it. I don't understand french though and needless to say it needs more content - but the mix of layout, images and colors attached to the sites feminine approach is attractive to me. [/quote] thank you very much that is exactly what I needed to know :  if the theme and colors used go well with the idea of the site
  17. Thank you 10X all your remarks are great.
  18. I would suggest you pay attention to the lighting when taking pictures.. (if you are the one who took those) your students are majaorily black and their heads lie in the dark gloomy shadowed part of the picture. we can barely distinguish some faces
  19. [quote author=mb81 link=topic=115846.msg472175#msg472175 date=1164219887] --I'm not going to tell you to get rid of the iframes, I personally dislike them, but at least put the most active one (the bottom one) at the top of the page for better navigation [/quote] who does not hate iframes?
  20. [quote author=448191 link=topic=115846.msg471831#msg471831 date=1164171418] How about a link?  :P [/quote] LOOL exactly what I was about to write, letter to letter.
  21. http://www.femmes-musulmanes.com/ please be fair, mentioning all you find + and -
  22. [quote author=mansuang link=topic=116171.msg473170#msg473170 date=1164390648] [code=php:0]$i = sprintf("%02d",rand(1,29));[/code] here is another choice. [/quote] thank you very much I will try that too.
  23. thank you. that is an intelligent answer indeed. :)
  24. Hi. I want to echo a random number 01 to 29. I can't rename the files as left-1.jpg to left-29.jpg. they have to stay as left-01.jpg to left-29.jpg who can help with this? I searched but did not find how to format numbers in php
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