Hi all, Wonder if anyone could help with the following problem i'm having. Ok I have a script and am trying to modify the bit that updates the database with the number of times the page has been viewed. In the script at present every time the page is reloaded then the count increments by one. Obviously that brings up the problem of the page just getting reloaded to increase the number of hits so I want it to check the session so that it would update only once even if the same person refreshed the page several times. At the top of the script it calls in a function to start a session as this is required for other aspects of the site then towards the end it has the following that updates the database: $UP = "UPDATE $ads_tbl SET sitehits = sitehits + 1 where siteid = '{$_GET['sid']}'"; mysql_query ($UP) or die(mysql_error()); } else { echo "<td>$error</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>"; } How would i change the above to prevent reloads adding to the count?? Any help appreciated ??? Cheers Steve