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Everything posted by spikeon

  1. and, you can download a free picture of one of your sites, for FREE!!!! did i mention FREE!!!
  2. go on, sign up and try it, perhaps you'll find a bug. noones done this for me yet... i have the awesome ability to not see bugs
  3. it takes the site url, sends it to a php file on my computer, where i have a program set up to automaticly take a snapshot of the site, and then it uploads it to the server. try clicking on said image. if i had any server issues, i wouldn't allow that. also, for those 3 people still left using dial up, if u want to see the full thumb you can wait, or you can click on the url, and see it in much smaller html form.
  4. ya, i can't read stuff, and the links could all say "sell your soul by clicking here" so i won't click anything. however, it looks really nice, at least in a html and flash sense. also, people arround here use the validator waaaaaaaay too often. i had a site where i always failed the validator because i used an <applet> tag, and because i decided i wanted to use a <h1> tag outside of a <obj>...which really wouldn't work...
  5. heres some for free, although specific user customisation is required by the customer http://www.free-css.com/free-css-templates/page1.php
  6. wow... something is wrong with my computer i must've accidentally drag-dropped a index.html into the server... its all working now
  7. i just fixed it if you'd care to look again
  8. ...is this too hard for people to do, or am i just ugly?
  9. about 6-7 years ago, i was in middle school.  i went to a Computer Camp over the summer, and met 2 great so far life long friends. one of them was named Spencer. one of them was named Jason. My name is Mike. Sp from Spencer Ike from Mike On From Jason created Spikeon
  10. true, but its running your marquee, the one you put in website. also, i really really really like the design and the way you have everything work. i need some help prettyfying a site. u need something for your portfolio, give me a holler.
  11. i don't know, but when you run the query, add a "or die(mysql_error());" to the end, and it'll tell you
  12. since this is different from the origional pos't question. why does POST just blank out the variable, while GET redefines it?
  13. please don't test right now, errors i'm working on
  14. now, the question is: why does GET work and POST not work? foreach($_GET as $key => $stuff){ $_GET['$key'] = clean($stuff); } foreach($_POST as $key => $stuff){ $_POST['$key'] = clean($stuff); }
  15. hmmm, perhaps u see, i have this damn code spread over 20 files... perhaps i have something that will find-replace in all of them
  16. well, i DO have an active connection... i think ' i open it at the beginning of the page
  17. it fixed itself when i used correct syntax: $_GET['$key']
  18. what surprises me is that you can assign a NEW $_GET but is it possible that you can't edit an EXISTING get?
  19. except it dosen't work.... it cleared everything from the get... what'd i do wrong?
  20. well, using that heres what i'm doing, to clean EVERYTHING foreach($_GET as $key => $stuff){ $_GET[$key] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($stuff)))); } foreach($_POST as $key => $stuff){ $_POST[$key] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($stuff)))); }
  21. ok guys, i have a site that has alot of text inputs. what do i need to to to make sure that noone posts anything that can hurt the site or steal information? for instance $stuff = what_other_functions_do_i_put_here(strip_tags($stuff));
  22. is there a reason noones doing anything??? or do yall just hate me?
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