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Posts posted by logarkh

  1. Regarding the fake accounts, if it is a bot that is creating them you could try changing your signup page for example by changing the field name and id. Changing the location of the signup page can also be useful. Having some form of CAPTCHA is great too however most bots send the image to a person in India who provides it with the answer for a tenth of a cent or less. If it's real people... just keep doing what you're doing.


    Regarding the login page, there's probably an issue with your code that has caused it to break. Did it used to work and have you changed anything? If not then I suggest you contact the scripts developer or support forum for further help.


    It's likely that your site has not being hacked.



  2. I can hardly believe that it has been 9 years since I registered here, where has the time gone? The last time I was around there was no PHP installer, it all had to be done manually. How things have changed. Unfortunately I haven't been using the time since I left to develop my web development skills, as I went into a different type of business and have not had the time to do so. I'm back with a vengeance though and I'm looking forward to getting to know many of you again and meeting the new comers.



  3. Okay I'm trying the make a script that creates a 15 random but unique numbers between 11 and 99 and puts them in an array, once the script has created a random number it will get the korean words for those numbers and put them in another array so I'd end up with something like


    num[1] = 36

    ans[1]  = sorunyosot

    num[2] = 12

    ans[2]  = yoldool


    hana and yoldool being the korean for 36 and 12 respectfully.


    What the script actually does is create 15 random numbers and their korean, but they're not always unique. I'm currently getting this error:

    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/vhosts/quizsamples.atbhost.com/public_html/num_array.php on line 21

    which refers to the while statement. So what I'm thinking is that I'm incorrectly pointing to the variables or something like that. Here's the code that I have

    $arr = array("units" => array(1 => "hana", "dool", "set", "net", "tasot", "yosot", "ilgop", 
    "yodol", "ahop"), "tens" => array(10 => "yol", 20 => "samul", 30 => "sorun", 40 => "mahun", 50 => 
    "chiun", 60 => "yesun", 70 => "irrun", 80 => "yodun", 90 => "ahun"), "hundreds" => array(100 => 
    $ans = array(0 => 0);
    for($a = 1; $a < 16; $a = $a + 1) {
    $var1 = rand(1,9)*10;
    $var2 = rand(1,9);
    $num = array($a => $var1 + $var2);
    $ans = array($a => $arr["tens"][$var1].$arr["units"][$var2]);
    for($b = 0; $b < $a - 1; $b = $b + 1) {
    	while($num[$a] == $num[$b]) {
    		$var1 = rand(1,9)*10;
    		$var2 = rand(1,9);
    		$num = array($a => $var1 + $var2);
    echo $num[$a].'<br />'.$ans[$a].'<br />';


    Any ideas on how to correct it? :)

  4. What the heck is going on? Preconfigured packages? easyPHP? A couple of years back when I used to hang round these forums there was none of this crap, you'd get told to go into httpd.conf and put php in there yourself.

    Trust me, it's not hard, it barely takes any time, and it will do you the world of good learning the ins and outs of how everything works together
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