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Posts posted by y2kbug

  1. Ok here we go!

    I want to have a text box in which the user can input a url for a .jpg, .gif, or .png. I want it to download it to a certain folder and rename usbr0001, then usbar0002 ect. Then check it to be a valid image, and make sure it is in a certain size range.

    then i want a script on  a certain page that will look up how many file (??how should i store this number??) pictures are save and display them, next to a checkbox, say, 100 per page.

    I want to somehow save which pics the user select(this will be helped out be another forum, one that is specific to the system of user profile that I am using just  to let you know know that this will be done)

    Finally I need to create a function(in php?) to display a random 5 out of the the pictures selected by the users in a looping animation.

    Sorry that was kinda lengthy. So for the question, would some be able to give me an idea of what language to use for each section of that code, and a basic idea of how to do each(or one any that you know)

    thank you.
  2. Well I have gotten my star rater working. It is a simple ajax system that highlights the stars on roll over and votes without refreshing.

    see it slowed down here: http://zfiles.110mb.com/?Page=rate

    When I add many of the to one page (about 50) it is slows way down, as in the rollover effects are delayed almost 2 seconds. This happens gradually as more are added. Why would have multiple ajax pieces on one page slow down each one it only 1 is being actively used.

    Is there anyway to fixed this, and even if there isnt could someone give me a good explanation of why this is happening?

    I am a noob to ajax but i want to learn so I wont be a noob anymore ;D.
  3. I am using this code http://www.masugadesign.com/the-lab/scripts/unobtrusive-ajax-star-rating-bar/

    When I open the spply index.php in the same directory as the scripts it works like it should, but If i move the index.php down one(closer to root) and adjust all of the refereces according to the readme it trys just does nothing.

    also I can get the pictures to display anywhere yet but I will work on that later.

    in with scripts http://zfiles.110mb.com/files/ratebar/
    one folder up http://zfiles.110mb.com/files/

    why doesnt' it work in both spots, and how can i make it work?
  4. wow ok i been working on this all day. I found some source code for an ajax script including js, php and more. If i try it on my site in the oridginal for i get a parse error. I didnt try that until i hav taken ot alot of html stuff and i got a notice.

    this code shows up right but i get this notice: "Notice: Undefined variable: url in /www/110mb.com/z/f/i/l/e/s/_/_/zfiles/htdocs/extensions/PageMng/default.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 89"

    it doesnt work either.

    here is the original site: http://video.qooqle.jp/dl/ it offers the source code.

    thanks guys for all the replys so far ;D
  5. I posted this exact same post I the javascript forum and someone told me to post it in the php forum, so thats why I posted here.
    They said to leave the old thread there so people know that you need php to do this. I looed for it now but that thread seemed to have been deleted.

    I want it to use that code, or something to the same affect, to find the absolute download link to a google video as they do on www.videodl.org I think they use ajax, but I dont have a clue how to impliment that on my site or for that matter how to use ajax at all, I have been reading the basics about in the last few days tho.
  6. [CODE]<a href="#" onclick="this.href=unescape(document.getElementById(\'VideoPlayback\').src.match(/videoUrl=([^$)]*)/)[1]);this.firstChild=\'Download Flash Video\';return false;" style="color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; font-size:10px;">Find Flash Video</a>[/CODE]

    That code is part of a plugin for firefox that makes a link to the actual download path(to download the .flv).

    I will do anthing it takes to make this code work from a remote website and return the download address without having to refresh.

    I want it to then download the movie to a sever, whitch i do have authorazation for, but i could figure that out on my own as long i can get this part to work.

    This is my first time posting at this forum and I am new to web design i hope you guys will be able to help me along with this

    I know it can be done, maybe not with this code but something similar check out
    i want it to do that but instead of giving a link, have it download the file to my server.

    ps i have been trying for 4 days now but i still dont know where to start other that i need to use a server side script

    thank you
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