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Posts posted by Masca

  1. Hi.  Sorry, I've been away from the PC for the last week.


    No, the 8 other domains are registered elsewhere.  I don't currently have any hosting with them, and only pay for the domain registration renewals.  I might move my main domain and hosting later this summer (so all of them could then be together), but I would like a solution in the meantime if possible.


    Thanks again for your continue help ignace.

  2. Hi.


    I have 9 domains, but only 1 hosting account/website (sadly I really can't justify the expense of a hosting account for each domain, unless someone can recommend a REALLY cheap place where I can simply host 8 additional .htaccess files!).  I would like all of the extra domains to be redirected to my main domain (just to give them a reason for existing really!) with 301 redirects for SEO reasons.  However, sadly my domain host only offers 302 redirects.


    What effect would it have on search engines if I redirect all of my extra domains to a file such as www.mymaindomain.com/redirect.php which simply contains a 301 php header redirect and nothing else?  Would I still risk being penalised for duplicate content due to the fact the the redirect from my domain host initially results in an HTTP status code of 'HTTP/1.1 302 Found' before going to a status code of 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently', or would search engines treat this as a valid 301 redirect?


    Thank you!  Any advice is much appreciated.

  3. Hi!  I have searched and searched, and I cannot find a solution to what I think should be a very simple redirect.  I need to permanently redirect:






    However, all my attempts result in a 404.  I feel so stupid :-(  Please help! TIA!

  4. Hi.  I would be extremely grateful for some help with an array.  I have searched for the answer, but I can't find an example where the array looks quite like mine.  Sadly, I think I'm just being a bit think...!!!


    Anyway, my array, which has been created as a result of a MySQL query, when printed (print_r) looks like this:


    Array ( [type] => type1 [count] => 10 ) Array ( [type] => type2 [count] => 20 )


    I need to create two variables: $type1=10 and $type2=20.  How can I do this?


    Thank you very much!

  5. Hi!  Please help!  I apologise if I am posting this question in the wrong place.


    I recently fell for a 'Someone is trying to register some domains which are very similar to yours...' scam - stupid I know :-(.  However, I didn't register the threatened domains with the scammer, but with 123-Reg, so at least the scammer made no money out of me!


    I now wish to redirect the new domains (there are 8 of them, all very similar to my main domain) to my main domain but it would seem that this is not as simple as I hoped it might be.  I have done a lot of research, and from a SEO point of view, it would seem that a 301 redirect is the only way to go (anyone disagree?).  The problem is that 123-Reg do not support 301 redirects (their redirects are 302's).  123-Reg have suggested that I change the nameservers to point to someone who does support 301 redirects.  I am a newbie when it comes to domain configuration and I am not at all sure whether this is the right solution to the problem, how to go about doing it, or which new nameservers to use - can anyone offer any advice, please?  My main domain is hosted with Webfusion (linux, php, mysql), if this makes any difference.


    The other options, as far as I see it, are:


    1 - To ignore the new domains completely, which seems a shame since I have now paid for them!  If I do this, is there any way this could affect the search engine ranking of my main domain?


    2 - To move the domains to someone who supports 301 redirect within their control panel.  Can anyone recommend a domain host that allows this?


    Or, perhaps there is another solution that I am not seeing?


    Thank you!  Any advice will be very gratefully received.

  6. I have what is quite probably a stupid question, but I would like some reassurance please!


    I have a MySQL database.  My website retrieves data from a couple of tables in this database, but nothing is ever written back to the database via the website (I have no online forms).  My question is, is the data that I place in other tables within the database safe from being viewed by hackers?  The information in these 'private' tables is only for my own use - I simply wish to use the database as a storage mechanism.  However, the data is client sensitive, and I need to be sure that a hacker could not access it.  Is the data safe from hackers purely by the fact that the website code makes no reference to these tables?  If not, is there something else I can do to ensure that the data cannot be viewed by anyone other than me (via Phpmyadmin)?



  7. Hi!  Please help!


    I have two odd problems with my RewriteRules which I just do not seem to be able to resolve:


    PROBLEM 1:


    I want to add a trailing slash to a url such as test/1234 (therefore rewriting it to test/1234/).  My RewriteRule rule is:


    RewriteRule ^(.*)([0-9]{4})$ $1$2/ [R]


    but, the last slash in the rule is currently being ignored.  However, the following:


    RewriteRule ^(.*)([0-9]{4})$ $1$2// [R]


    results in test/1234// using the above exmaple.  Why is this?


    PROBLEM 2:


    Why does (a) below work, but (b) below not work?  I would like to use (b).


    (a) RewriteRule ^foo-bar/([A-Za-z]+)/$ foobar.php?type=$1 [L] - working

    (b) RewriteRule ^foobar/([A-Za-z]+)/$ foobar.php?type=$1 [L] - not working


    The only difference is the hyphen in (a).



  8. Hi!  Please help!


    I am sure there must be a simple way of doing what I want to do, but I can't find it!


    I would like to hold a url in a variable.  The url contains another variable - e.g.:


    $url = '/a_page_name/' . $ref . '/';


    My problem is that $ref is declared (via a MySQL query) after $url is declared.  Is there a way of 'refreshing' $url once $ref has been declared, so that I only need to declare $url once in my header include file which is included at the beginning of all my pages?  I know that I could place it in a separate file which could be included after the MySQL query, but I would rather avoid that if possible.


    I hope the above makes sense!  TIA.

  9. Hi!  Please help!

    I am going round in circles trying to ensure that my web form is safe from spammers.  I have been researching the subject for some time, and am desperately searching for a simple solution which I suspect does not exist.  Currently I am using the following:

    mail ("my_email_address", "Hardcoded subject", "$msg");

    Therefore, I think that the only place where headers can be injected by spammers is within the $msg variable, which consists of the entries from several text fields within the form.  I am therefore considering stripping all colons ( : ) from $msg.  Will SMTP headers (e.g.: bcc:) work without the colon?  I have read about solutions using CATPCHAs and stripping line returns, but I would like to avoid using either of these solutions if possible (for accessibility and retaining email formatting respectively).

    Any help will be gratefully accepted.  TIA.
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