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Cameron Taljard

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  1. Thanks. It is .css in a php based site. So .css it is. I'll try there too.
  2. Hello, a php n00b needs your help. After changing a .css sytle sheet to suit my a needed color shceme the links become underlined when the color is changed. Anyone willing to to tell why. Any help appreciated. A sample of the link code: /*- Links */ #primary a:hover, #primary a:visited:hover, .secondary a:hover, .secondary a:visited:hover { text-decoration: none; } h2 a:hover, h2 span a:hover { color: #3E281C !important; <!---27d to 3E281C -->         text-decoration: none; }       a{ color: #3E281C; <!---27d to 3E281C --> text-decoration: none; } .itemtext a:visited { color: #b41; } Thanks.
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