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  1. Anyone?
  2. Well assuming you fixed the errors you were asking about in the first place it shouldn't really matter.
  3. If you want the image script try that, otherwise all you need to do is call the function. So where you want "I love my affiliates to display" use this code. <?php affiliates();?>
  4. Looks pretty good, nice techy/gamer style layout, however it is far too busy and difficult to navigate. Reading text on top of busy images isn't very appealing. Nice job otherwise.
  5. Not sure if this is proper placement for this thread, anyways, you have the basic idea right with the include and external file, however you should create a function inside of the external file. Then on your pages you can call this function and it will display the info you want it to. in external file... function affiliates(){echo "I love all my affiliates.";} on each page include "file.php"; and when you call it... affiliates();
  6. Hello, I am releasing my site http://www.tutorcnx.com. Please let me know what you think. Any suggestions/comments are welcome. Thanks.
  7. The black heading are far better than the white before, however I still am not a huge fan of the overall color scheme. It's too pastel, maybe that's the style you were going for and that's fine, just my opinion.
  8. I agree with the above comments. A tool I have found useful in the past for color scheme generation is http://www.wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html.
  9. Those colors really aren't going to contrast well if used together. A good tool for checking contrast is http://snook.ca/technical/colour_contrast/colour.html. Additionally, if you are looking into choosing a color scheme try http://www.wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html.
  10. How do you fix this?
  11. Hello once again, I think I fixed most of the above problems (Please check), except I still cannot block the cgi-sys url. Any idea how to do this as the folder does not show up in my ftp? Thankyou all for your help so far.
  12. Yes I could do that except the directory doesn't show up anywhere, at least that I can find.
  13. Thank You for your finds, I pry won't get around to fixing them until this weekend. Also about the zidub.com/cgi-sys/scgiwrap url, I contacted my host about this a while ago and they said they couldn't do anything about it. They don't even have it blocked on their webpage. How would I go about blocking this?
  14. Hello everyone, This is a project of mine that I have been working on the past couple months, basically it is a user generated content site, where users find articles/news/lyrics and submit them. The website will then convert this submission and make it viewable on your Zune or Ipod. We are currently just starting beta and would appreciate feedback and/or your help in spreading the word about the site. Thanks. www.zidub.com
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