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Danny Beckett

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About Danny Beckett

  • Birthday 01/15/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Liverpool, UK

Danny Beckett's Achievements


Newbie (1/5)



  1. Still, a pretty cool tool.
  2. You're welcome ;)
  3. Well what was the error?
  4. Try putting this into your stylesheet: [code]a:visited { text-decoration: none }[/code]
  5. That cannot be changed using HTML, it is built into Windows and is called AutoComplete.
  6. Are any errors or warnings returned by PHP?
  7. There is also [url=http://www.maxmind.com/app/php]GeoIP[/url] ;)
  8. Of course you will need to add the necessary code to your page. Add this between your <head> and </head> tags once you've completed the stage outlined in the post above me: [code]<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />[/code]
  9. Since it appears English is not your first language, i'll give you the direct link. You can download the installer for Windows [url=http://www.apachefriends.org/download.php?xampp-win32-1.5.5-installer.exe]here[/url].
  10. I am not going to bother giving you the links to each of the programs simply because if you do a Google search for each, it will be the top result. However, I will explain what each of them does. [list] [*]Apache serves all of your files so that they can be accessible from your intranet and the internet; [*]PHP parses your files so that .php files can be run; [*]Zend Optimizer makes your pages load quicker; [*]MySQL is a database tool so that you can store data within databases; [*]phpMyAdmin is a tool for you to graphically administer your databases without the need for any code. [/list] :)
  11. Presumably you're including the db.php file, simply use require_once("db.php"); instead of include("db.php"); and that should do it for you.
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