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Everything posted by Boo-urns

  1. Thanks guys! I was hoping there was a faster way around it, but sometimes shortcuts are dangerous! Thanks for the guidance!
  2. So if the user has 2 goals.... I need 2 rows for that user?
  3. Basically what i have is one table of goals (id, goalName, etc...) In the other table for the users I have (id, name, goal_ids) Where there can be multiple goal ids in the column. First question is that a good way to set it up. Second question is I have a form that you can search goals on, so I'm looking for a user with goal ids of 1 and 2. I've tried IN and it works great for searching for 1 id, but when i throw in another it WILL pull it, but it also pulls rows with just 1 of the ids as well. Any suggestions?! Thanks, Corey
  4. From what I understand. You have the ID value as your dropdown value, and you want to pull the data for the (number, day, status) which might not always correlate to the ID? Best bet would be to look into javascript.
  5. I'll give it a shot if i have a chance when i get home this evening.
  6. Thanks for the feedback, What would you suggest as a different color there? Perhaps a silver?
  7. I'm not solid on multidimensional arrays just to throw that out there. <?php $AuthorID[$x][0]= "$row->created_by"; Shouldn't that be the id, or what is created_by? Since you are matching it up here: <?php if ($AuthorID[$x][0] == "$row->id") Last thing I noticed is why is there an $x--; at the end? So if it runs the else statement $x will be the same number as before. I hope that helps you out!
  8. I am finally pretty pleased with my design. I will probably add more ajax to the site at a later time. Mainly for the portfolio section. http://www.burns-animations.com/ What do you guys think?
  9. Alrighty, I didn't rely on it anyway. Thanks for the info!
  10. Thanks a lot Crayon Violent it worked perfectly!
  11. Yea, I think that makes sense. Try something like this: Javascript: // SUBMITTING UPDATE $('#submitConfirm').click(function() { // if you need values from the form var val1 = $('#field1').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/includes/path-to-script", data: val1+"&nextVar="+'sending a string', cache: false, dataType: "json", success: function(data){ // all of the variables are from the json encode alert(data.response); } }); }); // END OF SUBMIT <?php // php script to return the json encoded variables. $val1 = $_POST['val1']; $str = $_POST['nextVar']; // do something $response = 'this is an fake example of your text.'; // return values $arr = array ('response'=>$response, 'error'=>$error, 'errorMsg'=>$errorMsg); // errors for displaying if there is an error echo json_encode($arr);
  12. hmm interesting. So is it best to have magic quotes off? It does look like it is on.
  13. Don't those regexes not replace as well?
  14. Tizag has some good php tutorials http://www.tizag.com/phpT/index.php
  15. I have a phone number setup like this (381) 323-4567 When I set it up to use on a page with a javascript function I need it setup like so 381 323 4567 I have no idea how to setup that regex. I've looked at some tutorials but still have had no luck. Thanks in advance for the help!
  16. Hi Adam, Hey Adam, I have a full time job and am freelancing part time. My full time job is web development as well, so i like to either apply for jobs that will be quick and brainless (easier coding anyway) Or bigger projects but let the client know it will take longer. 1 - best place to start, for me was i read tutorials and got a php book. I picked up learn php in 24 hours. (not possible clearly, but a book packed with good info) I'm sure there are better books out there as well. 2 - For doing some freelance, your proposals will most likely have to be cheaper at the start and always plan for about double the amount of hours, you plan it will take if you are doing something new (just for the learning curve) (I still don't follow my own advice on this sometimes :-/ ) 3 - I wouldn't try to get a lot of work freelancing part-time however it depends on your situation. Family, activites, etc. Or what I usually do is get a bigger job then take a break for a week or two from part time freelancing. I hope that is some insight let me know if you have more questions. -Corey
  17. I I really don't notice a difference in the page load times. Granted I'm starting the hash on login, and when i check the login after x minutes. I'm not checking it on every page refresh. With adding a salt to the hash, it is definitely near impossible to figure out the encryption method.
  18. d'oh stupid syntax error lol.
  19. Wouldn't using a IE6 png fix, fix the problem here? I forget which one I use as I'm at work, but just google "easy ie6 png fix" and try a few. I really don't recall which one i use when I google it but the one I've found to be the best is when you include a javascript file at the bottom of the page. Good luck!
  20. That is interesting. Have you checked what firebug is sending? This is what I use when i am displaying a "confirm form data" page. So maybe this will help. I use the php.js located here -> http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/javascript_equivalent_for_phps_stripslashes/ var desc = $('#desc').val(); desc = str_replace('\n', '<br />', desc);
  21. I have my data running through mysqli_real_escape_string before I send it to the database. However I notice when I look at the data in the database it appears to not be escaped. Does the mysqli class automatically escape data? As, I don't think my data is being escaped (when i set it up w/o the real_escape_string) but when I echo out the query it is. Does this version of PhpMyAdmin display data with stripslashes? Thanks!
  22. What I've been doing lately for logins is I have a separate table for logged in users (id (auto increment) | uniqueID | userID ) and create a unique id for them. Salt + username (or anything related to the user) and md5, sha1, strrev, uniqid any of them or a combination just to mix it up from a straight up md5. Then in their session, I create a variable for a current timestamp, and update the timestamp if they are active throughout the site. If the timestamp is over some time (5, 10 mins...) I check that with the cookie / database to make sure it is the same user. What do you guys think about that method? It is definitely a lot more secure then i used to use. Any suggestions about the method i use?
  23. Agreed I would ignore it, your page will still display properly.
  24. Database calls before, in the middle of, or when submitting data?
  25. Yea i believe the problem is what gnawz said. The characters aren't being displayed properly. Easy example is pasting text from Word into a textbox and submitting that will produce similar results.
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