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I am trying to come up with a good username for starcraft 2... maybe SCVofTruth ?
I make some changes based on your feedback. How does it look now?
I recently finished a rough draft of a professional site I would like to use for myself. However, before I start putting the link on business cards, etc, I wanted to get some community feedback first. You can login to the above site using the following:: username: guest | password: brutal I am going for a very simple, minimalistic design. Thanks in advance for your feedback! bt
I am thinking about loading an open source Electronic Medical Record (EMR) application on my LAMP. Wikipedia has a list of open source EMR projects at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open_source_healthcare_software#Electronic_health_or_medical_record And after looking through them, I am thinking about installing OpenEMR (see http://www.oemr.org/). However, before I do, I wanted to know if any of you had experience with OpenEMR. Would you recommend it? Or is there another open source EMR application you would recommend? Thanks in advance!
I have a personal website. Would it be safe to post my resume there? Would you recommend that? What precautions should I take? etc. Thanks in advance!
I want to create a forum on my website, and I want to know which of the various PHP/MySQL forum applications you all recommend. I am looking for something that is simple for users to interact with, and that is also easy to customize to the look I want. Thanks in advance!
Will Nero burn/clone a CD?
Thank you for your reply... Anyone else have any software suggestions?
I love Rainbow Six... as opposed to halo ODTS, which is horrible!
I have a DVD and I want to make an exact copy of it. My DVD drive will burn DVD's. How do I go about cloning the CD? Is there a specific type of software you would recommend? Thanks in advance!
I want to search approximately 20 different terms in google (and maybe a couple other search engines) and find out where the wikipedia page for each term ranks compared to other online resources. Of course, I realize that there may be regional variations in the results. Therefore, I want to know what the best way to evaluate a webpage's overall rank within different search engines? Thanks in advance!
Ok, I got it working. Thanks!! I have the following:: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="dojo.js"></script> <script> // This is JavaScript /** * Event handler for elements with class="has_other" * * @param Event */ function event_HasOther_onChange( e ) { // e.target should be the SELECT element // We need the associated input var n = e.target.nextSibling; while( n && !dojo.hasClass( n, "other_specifier" ) ) { n = n.nextSibling; } // n should be the INPUT element following the SELECT element if( e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].value == "other" ) { dojo.removeClass( n, "hidden" ); }else{ dojo.addClass( n, "hidden" ); } } dojo.addOnLoad( function() { // Attach event handlers dojo.query( ".has_other" ).forEach( function( n, i, all ) { dojo.connect( n, "change", "event_HasOther_onChange" ); } ); } ); </script> <style type="text/css"> /*input.other_specifier {*/ .hidden { display:none; } </style> </head> <body> <form id="frmExam" action="/exam.php" method="post"> <p> This is an examination of a(n) <select id="selTarget" name="selTarget"> <option value="child">child</option> <option value="adolescent">adolescent</option> <option value="adult">adult</option> </select> <select id="selGender" name="selGender"> <option value="male">male</option> <option value="female">female</option> </select> of <select class="has_other" id="selRace" name="selRace"> <option value="Caucasion">Caucasion</option> <option value="African American">African American</option> <option value="Asian American">Asian American</option> <option value="other">other</option> </select> <!-- assume class hidden means css: display: none; --> <!-- I had the class attribute listed twice, it should be --> <input class="hidden other_specifier" type="text" id="txtRace" name="txtRace" value="" size="10" /> descent. </p> <form> </body> </html> Now, what if I have multiple drop down menus with "other." Can I easily recycle the code so I can make input fields appear multiple times on the same page?
Thank you both so much for your replies. I have the following code, based on your example, but it does not seem to be working for me. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? I think it is a CSS issue, but I am not sure. <html> <head> <script> // This is JavaScript /** * Event handler for elements with class="has_other" * * @param Event */ function event_HasOther_onChange( e ) { // e.target should be the SELECT element // We need the associated input var n = e.target.nextSibling; while( n && !dojo.hasClass( n, "other_specifier" ) ) { n = n.nextSibling; } // n should be the INPUT element following the SELECT element if( e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].value == "other" ) { dojo.removeClass( n, "hidden" ); }else{ dojo.addClass( n, "hidden" ); } } dojo.addOnLoad( function() { // Attach event handlers dojo.query( ".has_other" ).forEach( function( n, i, all ) { dojo.connect( n, "change", "event_HasOther_onChange" ); } ); } ); </script> <style type="text/css"> input.other_specifier { display:none; } </style> </head> <body> <form id="frmExam" action="/exam.php" method="post"> <p> This is an examination of a(n) <select id="selTarget" name="selTarget"> <option value="child">child</option> <option value="adolescent">adolescent</option> <option value="adult">adult</option> </select> <select id="selGender" name="selGender"> <option value="male">male</option> <option value="female">female</option> </select> of <select class="has_other" id="selRace" name="selRace"> <option value="Caucasion">Caucasion</option> <option value="African American">African American</option> <option value="Asian American">Asian American</option> <option value="other">other</option> </select> <!-- assume class hidden means css: display: none; --> <input class="other_specifier" type="text" class="hidden" id="txtRace" name="txtRace" value="" size="10" /> descent. </p> <form> </body> </html>
My friend is currently using a word file with a bunch of blanks spots in it as a rough template for creating customized reports... yeah, pretty primitive. Within the file he has something like this: "This is an examination of a ______ (child/adolescent/adult) ______ (male/female) of ______ (Caucasian/African American/Asian American/other (if other, state what race)) race." Next to each of the blank spots, you can see there is a parenthetical with the potential options. Now, my friend has asked me if I can help him turn this into a more efficient online template with dropdown menus. Overall, I do not think this will be too hard, but I am not sure what to do with the "other" options. He has several blanks where, if he needs to select "other," he wants to be able to "free-text" in the content. How should I go about coding that? Do any of you have a better idea on how to make this word file an efficient template? Are there any already existing scripts/apps out there that address this type of project? Ok, thanks in advance!
I want to create a few online Jeopardy games on my own server, and was wondering if anyone knew of any quality Jeopardy scripts/apps? Thanks in advance.