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  1. I have php installed with Apache 2.2.x and when i test php scripts etc, i get the code rather then the running script, for example i went to test a phpbb forum and install it on the server and was met with the install.php script rather then the install page which i should of got. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.. Many thanks, Drace
  2. Im curious, i have httpd.conf file and a seperate file for the VH (httpd-vhosts) could this be the root of my problems or not??
  3. im a complete noob when it comes to apache, you said something about is it set up correctly to use VirtualHosts, how would i know if it was??? I apologise for my complete ignorance when it comes to this
  4. We changed the VH as we were missing the code at the top, however after putting the updated VH and restarting apache we still have the same problem, they all load the paranoiaonline.co.uk site, this is really annoying me at the moment, any suggestions?? Also, could this be because of the DocumentRoot in the httpd file being set too: DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/pwd" Although, I've changed this to each of the web site directories e.g. pwd to  cascade etc, and they all seem to be served with the paranoiaonline.co.uk web site, this is seriously messing me about at the mo, so any help is greatly appreciated folks Drace
  5. Added the slashes, but it didn't make any difference other, it still needed the "/cascade" on the end to go to the correct site, although one thing Cascade missed out was that, the document root in the httpd file is set to: DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/pwd/" should this be changed to any thing in particular?
  6. Right lets see if i can be a bit clearer than my last post was.. I have the virtual hosts and DocumentRoot set as suggested, and the paranoiaonline.co.uk site works fine, however when trying to get to the other sites hosted, for example, www.cascade-online.com, im served with the Paranoiaonline site, am i doing something wrong or is there something im missing???
  7. For some reason it works now,when i type www.paranoiaonline.co.uk, i get the correct index page, however, one step forward, two steps back!, when i type "www.gamingsearch.co.uk/cheats" i got a 404 error, and then when i try it without the "/cheats" on the end I'm served with the paranoiaonline.co.uk site...help????
  8. added the index page file types, but theres still the issue of the whole directory index, and I don't know about you but its doing my head in, but ah well, like i said ive done all that was suggested and will no avail, any other ideas?? ??? :-\ :'( Drace
  9. Also with the DirectoryIndex, I have this [code]DirectoryIndex index.html[/code] should i change it to this: [code]DirectoryIndex index.html .htm[/code] or something else?
  10. Ive changed the document root as you suggested and copied what you also suggested for the virtual hosts, however when i type just www.paranoiaonline.co.uk, I still get the directory listing for the server..and not the index page for www.paranoiaonline.co.uk which can be found at [url=http://www.paranoiaonline.co.uk/pwd]www.paranoiaonline.co.uk/pwd[/url]
  11. If I change the document root to what you suggested, and add the /pwd towards the end, would that mean I'd need more then one document root, in the httpd file?
  12. each particular site is the directory listing, for example, www.paranoiaonline.co.uk is the /pwd directory, www.cascade-online.com is the /cascade directory etc. So if i was to edit the httpd.config file and take out the document root and left it simply to the VH i should remove this problem? the reason why we want to host so many sites is because i do web design for a few friends etc... [code] DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs"[/code], so should i remove this from the httpd file then? and leave the VH as they are???
  13. I dont want to have multiple sites using one url, i want multiple sites hosted on this particular server, I'm trying to eradicate this index page which shows al ist of directories and my document root is set to htdocs in the httpd file, so any ndeas??
  14. I changed the ServerName directive to my url is this correct or am I totally screwing this up...? this is the code now: [code] <VirtualHost www.paranoiaonline.co.uk:80> DocumentRoot /Apache2.2/htdocs/pwd/ ServerName www.paranoiaonline.co.uk ServerAdmin ben_wake@hotmail.co.uk </VirtualHost> [/code] Any suggestions? however after changing this, I still get the same issue
  15. Hey Folks, I'm currently working in conjunction with Cascade on setting up a server using Apache 2.2.x, I have my virtual host set up like so: [code]<VirtualHost www.paranoiaonline.co.uk:80> DocumentRoot /Apache2.2/htdocs/pwd/ ServerName Paranoia Web Design ServerAdmin ben_wake@hotmail.co.uk </VirtualHost>[/code] However, when I type my url:[url=http://www.paranoiaonline.co.uk]www.paranoiaonline.co.uk[/url] I get the servers index page of all directories hosted on that server and not the index page in my document root. I've figured out that to get to my website I have to type this url [url=http://www.paranoiaonline.co.uk/pwd]www.paranoiaonline.co.uk/pwd[/url], I was wondering if there is a way round this, or am I going to have to post my url with "/pwd" at the end of it???? Also some people when trying to view my site and I know they have the correct url, well it works for me and several other people, they receive a 404 error saying the page cannot be found, is this linked with the same problem or is this something else? As you can tell I'm new to this.. Any help is greatly appreciated, Drace
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