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Posts posted by rcorlew

  1. i am not sure what you are wanting exactly because you are pretty vague on what you are asking but I will take a shot at helping/


    You need to know two things:


    1)You have to change the month and the year for the calendar before the query


    2)You have to make a make a way to select the change needed (the month and year)


    change the top code from


        $m = (!$m) ? date("m",mktime()) : "$m";
        $y = (!$y) ? date("Y",mktime()) : "$y";


    To this


    $y = isset($_GET['y]) ? $_GET['y'] : date('Y');
    $m = isset($_GET['m']) ? $_GET['m] : date('m');


    That is going to set up your sql query that will select the month and year from sql


    Next you need to create the link that will allow users to select the month year and later the event


    Change this 


    echo "<a href =calendar.php> Home </a>";


    to this


    echo "<a href=\"?y=$y&m=$m&day=\"> Home </a>";


    That should get you going in the right direction.

  2. I have a loop that I am trying to run through 12 times. It starts off just fine except that it runs through the loop for 1969 times.


    I have no idea what I am doing wrong as this very code works elsewhere but not for this.


    $year  = isset($_GET['year']) ? $_GET['year'] : date('Y'); 
    $month = isset($_GET['month']) ? $_GET['month'] : date('m');
      $first       = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year); // timestamp for first of the month 
      $offset      = date('w', $first); // what day of the week we start counting on 
      $daysInMonth = date('t', $first); 
      $monthName   = date('F', $first); 
       "<select name=\"month\" onChange=\"document.location.href=this.value\" class=\"topNavSelect\">
       $x = 1;
       $y = 12;
       			for( $i = $x; $i <= $y; $i++ ) {
    			$thisMonth = strtotime("$year-$month-01 $i month");
    			$nMax = date('t', $thisMonth);
    			$nDay = ($day > $nMax) ? $nMax : $day;
    		list($y, $m) = explode('-', date('Y-m', $thisMonth));
    				$thisMonth =  date('F', $thisMonth);
    				$showMonth = "?year=$y&month=$m&day=";
    				$myMonth = $thisMonth;
    				echo "<option value=\"$showMonth\">$myMonth $i $y</option>";
    echo "</select>";


    I am sure that it is something simple that I have overlooked.

  3. I am waiting on here to send over some better pics, I know that I cannot get it much better than what it is, I might just take some myself, and I am going to get a better picture of a house too, but it will take a day or so to get that done.


    I know that the header image is close, but needs a little tweaking, as for the sign, she fell in love with that, and so did her boss, which I am trying to talk into letting me put a search script on the company's server so I can do away with that stupid IFRAME, so I do not think I could get away with changing that.


    I appreciate the comments, I will keep working on it.

  4. I have been thinking of sharpening up the header a smidge, but I do not want the file size too big, any suggestions on  a ceiling for the size, or I suppose I could just slice it in two or something like that.


    The calendar will be linked up to an online booking app, it is already there, but there are no open dates right now, but when there are open days, you can select them to have a showing.


    I have been tossing around the idea of making the < h 4 > be a crimson color, since it appears on several different pages, and tossing a dashed border around the links on the navbar to make it say hey, I am a  navbar.


    I will work on those color additions tonight, hopefully I can get a "WOW" out of it.

  5. Set up a database with template name and all that in there, then when someone goes to site1.com, store that as a $_SESSION variable. You could also set up a directory tree and pass all the css and stuff off the DB before creating the HTML, thus the ability to host multiple sites on one server/account.

  6. I would probably drop the "tested under firefox and IE" and all that, just make sure it works for them.


    I like the layout, although the font-size is kinda big, but the overall impression is a nice layout which is easy to navigate. That is what most sites lack unfortunately, who wants to read 500 words to find a link to a page they are looking for, so I like the "one click" approach on sites.


    Overall good job (who would have thought blue and green could work together)

  7. We are going to replace the logo with some flash with action script. Right now it is just filling in the space until we can get the time to do it, which should be done in the next few days.


    I do not know why there is the white background when hovering over the image, I did not notice it on any browser but IE after you mentioned it, so I will make sure that is fixed when the new header is rolled out.

  8. Did all of the above, the spelling mistakes are just me being in a hurry, I have other projects waiting and need this done. I am go to be making a cms that spell checks, but until I get done with that, I have been hand coding using good 'ol notepad.


    I had forgotten to upload the new css theme and could not figure out why nobody like the font or line spacing, lol.


    Anyway, thanks for the input, I really do take it in and try to incorporate as much as possible.

  9. cooldude, you are absolutely right, it would only work with a fixed db system, which is how I used it.


    jonniejoejonson, you will have to write very good queries to avoid overhead if indeed there will be as many rows per query/request

  10. I have used this function to clean up weird filenames:


    function cleanPic($mypic) {
    $mypic = stripslashes($mypic);
    $code = array('<','>','/','=','\'','-','_');
    $ok = array('','','','','','','');
    $mypic = str_replace($code, $ok, $mypic);
    //	if(file_exists("users/$me/$mypic")) { $mypic = str_replace(".", "1.", $mypic); }
    return $mypic;


    That should get you going in the right direction

  11. Most if not all hosts have to have them enabled in order to allow users to work with their own files.






    should just show the page the same as any user sees it on the server.


    You may need to think of hotlinking though, most sites disable that themselves.


    I do not really know of any of the hosts I have used in the past to have disabled $FILES operations, users however can restrict it.

  12. I would have to say that the page loads ok, but a marquee is something most designers steer away from. It is preferred that yuo use a small animated gif if you feel the need to have moving text, and some browsers my reject the page all together due to security concerns with scripting.


    I would also probably leave off the "best viewed with" at the bottom, people have what they have, we should design to include as many people as we can.


    I do however like the color changing header image at the top, subtle and unexpected.


    I would say that it is a good start to keep working on for a little while.

  13. I would have to agree that centering vertically, or at least adding some padding up top would make it more familiar for users.


    As a user you browse the web you get used to designers doing something a certain way, but as a designer  you try to break out of the norm to stand out a little. Personally, I prefer about 10px padding at the top to break the page away from the "browser" environment, then you can have a little more freedom as the user is more open to new things when they don't see this as a web page.


    But that's my opinion, do with it what you will.

  14. Try something like this then to check if variables are empty:


    if(!empty($var1) && !empty($var2) && !empty($var3)) {
    //run code here
    else { 
    echo "Please check that are fields are filled out properly<br>
    <input type='text' name='var1' value='$value1'><br>
    <input type='text' name='var2' value='$var2'><br>";

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