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About supa5teph

  • Birthday 05/13/1981

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  1. Hello! I agree that your site is real clean. I'm a fan of clean. I also like how you don't use any harsh text and instead, you use grey. One suggestion I have though is to use different colors/style for your hyperlinks so they stand out amidst all the rest of the text... And although your quote graphics are very cute, in addition to that, it might be helpful to introduce some color into the quote. Maybe you could make the color match the quote graphics? Or use bold/different size... just something. For example, on the homepage, "Our main aim is to offer our customer a good quality service in website design and development." should stand out more than "Who are PODJA Web Solutions?" Consider moving the quoted statement to the top. Your header graphic is attractive, but "PODJA" is difficult to read due to lack of contrast on the black pencil (I think it's a pencil). Consider a heavier font in the graphic, or a different color. In terms of messaging, I would introduce teasers or snippets of your Special Offers on the homepage in a smaller column to the right. It'll get the users to click onto your other pages. People always love a good deal. Good luck!
  2. Hello... I took a quick look at the web site and here are some points I came up with, some are in line with other's comments: - Either the logo needs some work, or you might as well use plain Times New Roman Bold text and get better rankings in SEO. - The tagline could be plain text if you intend on keeping the same design - just style it with CSS. - I'd go with a different font and different alignment for the main section text. The large gaps between words do not work. - The scrolling information is quite distracting. Find a way to display this text without the jumpy animation. - Consider introducing a subtle background color to contrast your main content section. I hope this helps! Stephanie <a href="http://www.stephaniechu.com">www.stephaniechu.com</a>
  3. I agree with Axiss. The site looks clean - nice color choices. Looks like your standard search site which may be good for what you're going after. But the logo needs some heavy re-work. Perhaps something with the same feel and tone as the Firefox logo that's highlighted on the homepage. Stephanie <a href="http://www.stephaniechu.com">www.stephaniechu.com</a>
  4. Hello... I agree - the internal page need some sort of consistency in style with the homepage (or vice versa). Reverse text is difficult for some people to read, so I would stay away from orange text on black background. I'd recommend building a style guide first (colors, fonts, etc) and remember the rules of design... Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity... CRAP will get you anywhere. =) Also, if you'd like to increase your chances of being found on search engines, I'd recommend finding some way to use the keywords in your banner as plain text styled by CSS rather than on an image. Also, watch your anchor link targets... sometimes links open in a new window and sometimes they don't... My personal rule is that you should open a new window when you're leaving your own web site, or if you're opening a non-html document, like a PDF. I'm new around this forum, but I still hope this helps! Good luck! Stephanie <a href="http://www.stephaniechu.com">www.stephaniechu.com</a>
  5. I would use CSS. <pre> <td align="center" valign="top"><div style="font-size: 10px;"><?php echo $line['RankTitle'] ; ?></div></td> </pre> hope it works. ;)
  6. If all else fails, try the sIFR method. http://www.mikeindustries.com/sifr/ You can pretty much use ANY font you want, and 98% of people have Flash so it'll work.
  7. Hi there... this is my first call for help on a forum! i'm trying to use a flash based mp3 player. it's simple to use (wimpyplayer.com - the button). all you have to do is enter in the path name to the mp3 file. the problem i'm running into is that it doesn't play on IE6. firefox is fine. i did get the demo to work on IE6, but it only works with the extension ".mp3". it does not play with a mysql query, such as "audio.php?ID=40". so my question is... in the database table, i do store the file name of the audio file. how can i convert "audio.php?ID=40" into a direct URL, "audio.mp3"? please help!! any help would be appreciated at this point. Here is my snippet of code: [quote] $fileURL = rawurlencode('http://napi.net-flow.com/alanschwarz.com/pubs_display_story_object.php?ID=' . get_field("ID")); print "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\"http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,47,0\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\" id=\"wimpy_button_$count\" name=\"wimpy_button_$count\" >\n"; print "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"wimpy_button.swf?theFile=$fileURL&autoplay=no&loopMe=no\"/>\n"; print "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" />\n"; print "<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#FFFFFF\" />\n"; print "<embed src=\"wimpy_button.swf?theFile=$fileURL&autoplay=no&loopMe=no\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\" quality=\"high\" bgcolor=\"#6A7A95\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"  name=\"wimpy_button_$count\" /></object>\n"; [/quote] and the output is here: http://alanschwarz.net-flow.com/audio/index.html any help would be appreciated!
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