[code]value='\r\n'[/code] As mentioned before, this tag is invalid. Also, a \r\n in HTML is meaningless, it translates to a carriage return followed by a line feed (i.e. an overloaded windows new line). Replace \r\n with <?php echo "\r\n"; ?> to see how it works. If your SQL surrounds the value inserted with single quotes, try adding this line just before it, assuming $html is the content of the textarea tag within the $_POST array: [code]$html = str_replace("'","\\'",$html);[/code] This should effectively escape it. If you use double quotes: [code]$html = str_replace('"','\\"',$html);[/code] If you use that other quote symbol, the `, just make sure there aren't any in your textarea tag and ignore this.