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Everything posted by tresloukadu

  1. hey man :) have u ever tried do an Index ???
  2. Yeah man is not a bad idea... I have tried ur suggestion a couple of weeks ago... However my objective is to not depend of external solution... You know? Because after I want run my script in Linux and the Garmin software is only for windows plataform...  Not using external sofware is possible to keep my program more bug free and robust... ;) I'm very glad for ur post. c u.
  3. hello, flks! I have a doubt... Is possible use php to access usb port on windows? because I spent some hours in google and I had not found anything... just to "com" port... and I tried some functions in my code like: dio_open, fopen, fwrite .... but these function run ok only with "com" (rs232) port... But usb is impossible I get errors all the time.... I wanna access a usb port cause I have a garmin gps ... and I'm wondering catch the data send by gps with php...  to store in a db... :) will I need some dll to solve this problem??? I'm hoping for any suggestion...  :) seeYa!
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