I have a query issue that I can't figure out without doing it manually with for statements and multiple queries in PHP.
I have a "log" table that includes
index (PK), userid (FK), pointValue
1, user1, 10
2, user2, 4
3, user1, 10
I have a "hierarchy" table that includes
userid (PK), role, location, first, last
user9, leader, home, john, doe
user1, follower, home, john, hancock
user2, follower, away, steve, balmer
user4, leader, away, mark, cuban
I need to create a descending list of "leaders" with their first and last name and a sum of pointValues that match their location.
With the example above I would hope to end up with something like
John Doe 20
Mark Cuban 4
With PHP I could run a query for all of the leaders and their locations, then cycle through the array using the location value to create multiple queries to retrieve the sum of point values. Is there any way to do this with just 1 query?