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  1. I've done that before, I'm needing it to open a different window for each different dj. but only when their picture is displayed.
  2. Hey everyone. Is there a way to make an <a href> tag within my script for each of the dj's? I want it to where when the dj's picture is showing, you can click on their pic and it would pop up a small window and have all of their information. Here is my script: [code] <?php $Sigs=array('http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/wknd.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/bobsherismall.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/cjsmall.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/joesmall.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/lukesmall.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/ronniesmall.jpg'); $times = array(2,7,12,17,22); $time = date('H'); $day = date('D'); $w_days = array('Sun','Sat'); if (in_array($day,$w_days)) $i=0; else { $i = 0; while ($time >= $times[$i]) $i++; } echo '<img src="',$Sigs[$i],'" >'; ?> [/code] These are the links to the dj pictures: 'http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/wknd.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/bobsherismall.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/cjsmall.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/joesmall.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/lukesmall.jpg','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/ronniesmall.jpg' Thanks for your help!
  3. that seems like a lot to go through. I would have to set the wordpress cms up on my server, etc. Is there a PHP or something more simple?
  4. I would want it to update once a week, like on Sundays, and show that weeks games for the local high school that we carry sports for. Is that possible?
  5. Hey everybody, on this website: http://www.k103fm.com right in the middle of the page there is a box that displays the upcoming college basketball game.    Next Redhawk game:    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/24/2007  06:30 PM  Morehead State - Morehead, KY  Is this a PHP script or something else? If it's php, how would I re-create it for my site? Thanks!
  6. Thanks guys, I saved it as a .php file and it works great now. Thanks again!!!
  7. How would I insert the following script into a web page in a certain area? I have my page set up on tables and want the image on the left side of the page inside a table. Look here: http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/testpage.htm I turned the borders on so that you can see where things should be. Here is the script: [code] <?php $Sigs=array('http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/wknd.gif','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/dj1.gif','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/dj2.gif','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/dj3.gif','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/dj4.gif','http://www.sikestonfirstmedia.org/jocks/dj5.gif'); $times = array(0,5,9,14,19,24); $time = date('H'); $day = date('D'); $w_days = array('Sun','Sat'); if (in_array($day,$w_days)) $i=0; else { $i = 0; while ($time >= $times[$i]) $i++; } echo '<img src="',$Sigs[$i],'" >'; ?>[/code] Thanks for your help
  8. Me again, I used the script that was listed above and tested it on my server and it worked. Now, how to i access that script on my homepage? Is there some way to link to it? Like an <img src> tag? I want to put it in a specific spot on my page. Any advise?
  9. Anybody else able to help with this script? I am wanting to have a "ON AIR NOW" type thing for our radio station website. I want it to show each dj's picture. Here are some sample websites: http://www.k103fm.com http://www.magic1071.com http://www.z1077.com Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Thank you. Will this script work with my other script? Right now my images are stored in the folder specifically named "banners.jpg" on my server. I activate the php script with an <img src="banners.jpg"> tag. Is this how this script will work. I'm new to php so i'm sorry if i seem stupid. Thanks for all your help.
  11. Thanks. Is this a separate script or will this go along with the script that i posted? I am wanting to use this script as a NOW ON AIR script for our radio station website to show what dj is on the air at a certain time. Where do the picture names come in? Thanks again!!!
  12. I am looking to make this script show a specific picture at a specific time. Picture one would show from midnight - 5am, picture 2 would show from 5am - 9am, picture 3 would be from 9am-2pm, picture 4 from 2pm-7pm, and picture 5 would be from 7pm-midnight. These would be monday - friday. I just need one picture to show on the weekends (sat and sun) Anybody able to help me out?? I'd appreciate it!!!!!!! <?php // Forum signature rotator // Written by kmkz // Use it however you like, just tell people that I wrote it :) // As you can blatantly see I have too much time on my hands. Please don't make fun of me for it ;) // http://www.pointofexistence.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6092 // Read the signature data into the buffer, count the number of sigs, and save the current time $Sigs = file("banners.txt"); $NumSigs = count($Sigs); $Time = time(); // Loop through each image for($I = 0; $I < $NumSigs; $I++) { // If this is the random one we want... if($Time % $NumSigs == $I) { // Figure out it's file extension and send some anti-caching headers $Sigs[$I] = rtrim($Sigs[$I]); $FileExtension = explode(".", $Sigs[$I]); $FileExtension = count($FileExtension); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Expires: Tuesday, 1 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); switch($FileExtension) { case "jpg": $MIME = "image/jpeg"; break; case "jpeg": $MIME = "image/jpeg"; break; case "gif": $MIME = "image/gif"; break; case "bmp": $MIME = "image/bmp"; break; case "png": $MIME = "image/png"; break; case "tif": $MIME = "image/tiff"; break; case "tiff": $MIME = "image/tiff"; break; default: $MIME = ""; break; } // Send the final MIME header and print out the final image header("Content-Type: $MIME"); readfile($Sigs[$I]); } } ?>
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