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  1. Yeah, that's what i've been looking for, thanks destruction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================Topic Solved==================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. some firewall configurations prevent outgoing data such as what you get when you enter your user information into a http authentication box. I have the same problem at school, the firewall blocks the authentication stream. There are two work arounds that I have used... [list] [*]Have your network administrator add the websites address as authorised to send data in both ways [*]Use a html login form rather than a http authentication box [/list] Give that a try, it should work.
  3. I want to be able to parse a string like in IRC command style posts. eg... [code]/boot username message[/code] The only problem with using explode or split function deliminated by spaces is that the optional message at the end will also contain spaces in it. So is there a way to enter the sections into an array to split the command, the required variables, and the optional message at the end. It could be something like containing the message in inverted commas "" Thanks
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