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  1. Awesome guys!!! Thanks for all your help!
  2. Hi, I have been looking for a code that will display the number of minutes between two dates. I have a MySQLi database that has a field with as follows: `lastupdate` datetime NOT NULL, So I need to find the number of minutes only (not hours or days or seconds) and just minutes between that mysql "lastupdate" field which is a datetime. and a regular php time(). I can't seem to find a working solution. Any help will be appreciated. Manny
  3. Anyone with some sample code please?? Thanks !
  4. Is there a way to do this in the process? I don't want to delete the db and create a new one ... Thanks
  5. I haven't had much experience with php and mysql, so I am asking for help on how to do the following in php: I have 4 fields that I created : start_date varchar(30); comments varchar(200); notify_user varchar(5); birthdate varchar(20); Now SOME records have been filled with the correct values BUT some values in some records have now() as a value instead of the actual data, in this example start_date. I want to change only the values in start_date that have the now() value to an actual date like : 1985/12/30 Can anyone show me a good example script on how to do this ? Thanks in advance guys !
  6. Cool! Thanks for the reply ..later !
  7. Hi, I tried looking around but couldn't find a source on how to add days OR months to a date in the following format 2007/01/29 It would be nice if someone could post such a script that will display the future date depending the amount of months OR the number of days the user inputs. So if the user start date is 2007/01/31 and the user type 1 month the script will display 2007/02/01 to compensate for the leap years and months that are less then the one set. Anyone with such a script? Thank you in advance!
  8. Thanks! I was thinking of that too but I am trying to see how it would work by placing a POST and getting a variable from it too
  9. Darn, another language I need to learn Ohh Well... Thanks !
  10. I am getting an error that seems that these commands require a library Any other way of doing this without any need for external lib's ??? Thanks !!
  11. Thanks !!!! I am going to try it
  12. Could you enlight me in this topic (cURL) ( How to use it, etc.... examples ) Thanks for the quick reply
  13. Hi, does anyone know here an easy way to have a script make a "call home" to verify data on another server? I was thinking of using like a POST but the user needs to activate it, so I understand there is another way using fsockopen but don't understand it much. Anyone has a simlar idea? Source code examples would be appreciate it ! Thanks in advance guys !
  14. Thanks guys for all the replies. I will see if I can find something cheap :) ..Later !
  15. Hi, I was wondering if someone knows a way to run a php script everyday at midnight, automaticly, without the use of a cronos system since I don't think every host has that capability and if they do, it will be likely not free :( Thanks in advance guys !
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