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  1. thanks dgiberson and jesirose, got it
  2. still no luck, even with changing 0 to 1 i basically just want a list of all the sines of all the angles without having to write out the sin() function for each one... anyone else have any ideas? ???
  3. ugh... thanks but that didn't work for me for whatever reason its not looping through all of the degrees for the code you gave me it just said "-2.44921270764E-16" I'll keep playing around with it
  4. hey... im trying to make a loop using all of the degrees 0-360 and displaying with the Sine of each of those is EX) Angle Sin 0 0 1 .01745 2 .0349 etc etc ... this is what im doing and it is not working, can anyone help? <?php $sin=sin($i); $i=deg2rad($i); for($i=0; $i<=360; $i=$i+1) echo "$sin"; ?> thanks!
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