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About pkirsch

  • Birthday 03/22/1991

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    Boulder Colorado

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  1. Hello Everybody! I am wondering which i should Use! Tables, Div's or both? I am trying to follow the W3 Web Standards, and I don't know which are better? I have a friend that said div's load faster!? Div's are harder to use because you cant position them the same! Please let me know what You think! Thanks. Have a great day, pkirsch
  2. Thanks so much guys! Have a great day, pkirsch
  3. Yeah I have some great suggestions! How much money Do You want to spend? Two great books I Bought that helped Me a lot are: Core PHP Programming Third Edition - by Leon Atkinson - from Prentice Hall Beginning PHP5, Apache, MySQL Web Development -from Wrox Here's some Amazon Links: http://www.amazon.com/Core-Programming-Third-Leon-Atkinson/dp/0130463469/ref=sr_1_1/002-9801362-2682434?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1178133202&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Apache-MySQL-Development-Programmer/dp/0764579665/ref=sr_1_1/002-9801362-2682434?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1178133324&sr=1-1 I really Suggest these books! Hope This Helps, pkirsch
  4. Thanks A Lot for Your Time thorpe and paul2463, You have helped Me a lot! Have a great day, pkirsch
  5. Actually; yeah, Your right! i think I'll do that! :)Thank you very much for Your time, pkirsch
  6. Hi, I have a few questions regarding File Handling! If you use fopen to open a file, and the file doesn't exist, it will create it. Right? What happens if you never close a file using fclose and just leave it open?
  7. In this case would the .txt file be a "Blacklist" or a "Whitelist"? How do I tell the "IP Checker" script that a new IP is on every new line; and to check them all!? And actually I think i want to separate them with single quotation marks. Example: '' '' ''
  8. We'll I have one processor file that validated the forms and another that adds the info from the forms to a MySQL DB!
  9. No, I don't want the user to click, I want the processor1.php to send the info to processor2.php!
  10. Hello, I am making a PHP script that checks IP Addresses from a text file, and if an IP is listed, it will redirect the user. Problem is; I don't know how to check the file (probably using fread or fgets but please help Me on this.) The IP's are separated by putting them each on a new line! Thanks so much for Your Time, pkirsch
  11. Hello, I was wondering if (which it probably is) possible to pass info from a form, to a processing script, then to another processing script? I'm thinking it would be using $_POST, $_GET or $_REQUEST. If You Could Please let me know how to do this, that would be great. Thanks for Your time, pkirsch
  12. Thanks, Thats helpful to know!
  13. Hey, I never thought of doing that! Smart, smart, smart!
  14. Hello Everybody! I was wondering is any of you could enlighten Me on the subject of headers. My question is: Can You put PHP Comments before sending a header? Will it still work? Thanks, pkirsch
  15. Hey I Fixed My Problem!
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