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Posts posted by marcreidy

  1. G'Morning all,

    You're all just missing the point here.

    People search the web using web2.0. I'll bet you all do too (maybe on this crusade of yours).

    People understand web2.0 (and not Ajax)...and even if they don't it sounds better.

    If I say Ajax...well, that could mean the European football team or washing powder (I'm in europe and we have these things, trust me). (Funnily enough my code comments always mention ajax...not that any of you bothered to check).


    Me saying that my framework supports Web 2.0 (and I never said Web2.0 was a new Web mr stupid2.0) is a marketing spin. Did I invent the term?...no. Can I help remove its use? No...Would I if I could...h3ll no, why would I?

    People get excited when you say web 2.0 (though not all the excitment is positive...ie you guys).

    Thats the way the world is and you lot just need to get over it.

  2. lol. Web2.0/Ajax...like get over it, the world understands where I'm coming from...you do too but obviously I've hit a nerve. As my first abuser said...they are just buzz words.... and I've as much right to use them as anyone and will continue to spread the word....same same..(but different)...but still same same  ;D


  3. Web2.0 and ajax are interchanged so much these days they mean the same thing.

    This is a petty arguement that you are having with me here. Like the effort that went into your angry posts trying (unsuccessfully) to be funny is just pathetic.


    What are you guys the gurus/genious of anyway? Pompus spouting is all I'm reading.



  4. Well maybe if you had some manners  :o and took the time to look at the tutorial you might see how it is supported.

    I'll try simplify it for you though...Web 2.0 (as I would explain it) is the ability of web pages to get only the relevant content upon a page request and not re-render the whole page.

    My framework is designed to only retrieve and re-draw the changed components. So lets say you have a web page and on it you only change the contents of a div then only the div will be retrieved from the server and the browser will only re-draw the div. So simple I suspect you might even grasp it  :P

  5. Well maybe somewhat of an ad BUT...the framework that we have written is open source and it does support AJAX. This is explained in the tutorials for developing applications using the framework.

    I think thats a fair trade off for me posting something like this. Its not like I'm trying to sell you a rolex :)

  6. Hi, I have a framework that you might be interested in. Its at anywheretogether.com.

    We have a free (2 user license) web 2.0 file sharing application called Files Together (just released version 1.5).

    It is build on my framework (named sniPEAR) and this framework supports developing ajax applications.

    The site contains 2 tutorials on how to create an ajax application using the framework. Check it out under the "Developer" menu link.



    Marc Reidy

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