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  1. shivabharat, didn\'t echo anything. I placed the for loop outside of the while loop. from what little experience of PHP I have your code looked fairly foolproof so maybe something was wrong my end. anyway thanks for your help.
  2. actually this works: [php:1:747c443ec9]<?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) { $catname[] = $row[\"catname\"]; $dogname[] = $row[\"dogname\"]; $pigname[] = $row[\"pigname\"]; $horsename[] = $row[\"horsename\"]; } echo $catname[1]; echo $catname[2]; ?>[/php:1:747c443ec9] and thats really all I need. Thanks.
  3. actually I wrote my last post before I\'d had a chance to test it. It doesn\'t work! :oops: I\'ve had a good read of http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php but am a bit unsure of how to declare an array properly using the square brackets and filling the array with data from MySQL using the mysql_fetch_array function. does anyone have any ideas whats wrong with the last bit of code posted. I\'m sure my table is fine.
  4. shivabharat, Great stuff!. Many thanks. I suppose that was quite an easy one!
  5. I have this code to get the fields from a table for as long as there are rows in the table: [php:1:5f84876c54]<?php $SQL = \" SELECT * FROM $tablename \"; # execute SQL statement $retid = mysql_query($SQL, $cid); # check for errors if (!$retid) { echo(\"ERROR: \" . mysql_error() . \"n$SQLn\"); } else { # fill variables while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) { $catname = $row[\"catname\"]; $dogname = $row[\"dogname\"]; $pigname = $row[\"pigname\"]; $horsename = $row[\"horsename\"]; ?>[/php:1:5f84876c54] What I want to do is create and fill up different PHP variables for each row of my table. so I want to have a variable called $catname1 for the cat\'s name in the first row, but also to have a variable called $catname2 for the cat\'s name in the second row, and $catname3, $catname4 etc etc until there\'s no more rows. Any help greatly appreciated, I have vague ideas about using mysql_fetch_row() to get the row number and append this onto the variable name but am not really sure how.
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